discolor/beauty HELP - Discoloration Problem - BEFORE AND AFTER PICS

The middle of my penis has had some pretty severe discoloration. Is there any way to reverse this? ?:( It has only happened in the last few weeks, in which time I've been clamping pretty heavily.

Sorry that both of my pics are "action" shots - I don't seem to take pics unless there is a girl involved. Also, the only after picture I have is with a condom on, but you can still get the idea. Its much darker without the condom.

I have been Penis Enlargement'ing for about a year, and I've made pretty good gains. But the discoloration is really ugly.. Anyone have experience with this?? Any help appreciated.
Might post/move this to the general Penis Enlargement and/or Boo Boo's and Bandaids section for more advice. This section is kinda more for the one handing navigating so I doubt many will have their hands on their keyboards ;)
Yes, I think there is a few threads on this, search the forum for K Cream, you should get a few threads on how to help discoloration. By the way, nice action shots, care to post some more in the sexy jen forum? :) I'd love to see some, looks like you are getting down with some hot chicks..
This isnt in the wrong section.
As its showing a sexual act I moved it from the boo boo section and into here, SEXUAL material stays IN HERE.
I think it looks like its been overpumped, however you dont say that ones been used, yet it looks like one.
The penis looks less swollen in the BJ shot, than the penatration shot, even the veins are hidden there from the 1st.
Either you have pumped, had a side effect from some Penis Enlargement exercise or the penis has some sort of circualtion probz.
I'm not sure if I posted in the wrong section or what, but thanks for the responses..

She is a half filipino, half chinese I think.. not really sure.

Redzulu - I have never pumped, just clamped a lot, probably 30+ min, 4-5 days a week. It never felt like too much time, so I just kept it on. Maybe thats why the discoloration came about so quickly (?)

BeBobBox - I've gained about 1/4" to my erect length, and 1/8" to my erect girth in about 6 months, although I haven't been doing it too regularly. I live in the LA area..
I have the same problem of discoloration. I also was using the clamp and doing compression squeezes. It's hard to believe that more people don't have this problem, i'm sure I'm not squeezing harder then most.