Ive noticed I rarely get the full 100% erections unless I take a viagra, also I havent had morning wood in ages. Also alot of times I will get soft after I penetrate. I want to get back to how I was when I was 16 yrs old. I am now 28. Has anyone had a similar issue and completely fixed it?
Erection quality has to do with many things. First, weak pelvic floor muscles can cause weak erections, practicing lots of Kegels and assisted Kegels will help build the strength of these muscles and allow for much stronger erection. Overstimulation, as indicated above, is also a culprit of poor erection quality when abused. Too much of anything will end up being a deficit. Depression and other emotional factors can also point towards poor eq, searching deep in yourself for what is truly bothering you and attacking it with tenacity to correct it will serve you with better erections. Sometimes anxiety can cause poor eq too, this agains is something you will need to approach with cognitive methods. Another reason EQ can be low is fatigue, tiredness or any kind of exhaustion. This happens when we overtrain, ejaculate too much or purposely cause it through DLD Blasters or the Like.
First thing to do is make sure you are as absolutely healthy as you can be. Cardio, muscle building, flexibility, good diet and proper hydration are all key components of health. And erection quality and duration are very good indicators of overall health.

Kegels and edging worked wonders for me. Plus leaving your penis alone when not engaged in either Penis Enlargement or sex will help give your libido a boost.

bigtyivier;559475 said:
Ive noticed I rarely get the full 100% erections unless I take a viagra, also I havent had morning wood in ages. Also alot of times I will get soft after I penetrate. I want to get back to how I was when I was 16 yrs old. I am now 28. Has anyone had a similar issue and completely fixed it?
1. Kegels and Reverse Kegels. Doing about 500 a day will boost your erection quality beyond imagination, and only takes about five minutes.
2. Cardio. The better cardiovascular shape you're in the better erections you will get.
3. Girth work. In my experience girth work generally helps my erection quality as much as or maybe even more than kegels. Girth work also helps my erection quality beyond the temporary gains I get; it even helps the next day even if I don't do girth. Length work generally hurts my erection quality (although only temporarily).
4. Stop masturbating or ejaculating more than a few times a week if that is something you do. When I only ejaculate only once or twice every week, I get amazing erections all the time. The only issue with not cumming enough is I tend to cum very quickly during sex because of the build up.
Ive noticed I rarely get the full 100% erections unless I take a viagra, also I havent had morning wood in ages. Also alot of times I will get soft after I penetrate. I want to get back to how I was when I was 16 yrs old. I am now 28. Has anyone had a similar issue and completely fixed it?

I do get this problem some times and for me, it is caused by daily masturbation. I'm a horny goat.