Well after exercising two weeks, doing almost exclusively stretches, I gained 0.7 cm, which makes me a solid 7 incher (EL). Starting maximum length was 7 bpel (about what... 6.9 or 6.8 inches)... While I know that may not seem like much, it is a big revelation for me as I now can believe that Penis Enlargement works. I am 70% less of a skeptic :) . My apologies I frustrated someone with my first thread on this forum :p

Guys I was wondering, would doing solely stretches make me lose girth?
Good to hear about your progress and I don't know if you will lose girth when doing just stretches, but it would be a good idea to add some girth exercises to your plan. Haha make them feel it from the first inch to the last inch...
First off, congratulations on your gains! I agree with islandboy, it's a good idea to add some girth exercises to your plan.
higherone;409965 said:
First off, congratulations on your gains! I agree with islandboy, it's a good idea to add some girth exercises to your plan.

Even if you care little about girth it is smart to still do some girth work as it will lend to length gains and keep your penis in optimum health.
Thank you guys, and DLD.
Actually I do care about girth, but I am scared... Jelqing seems really harsh, so I'm sort of starting slowly... Building it up. I will start with 5 minutes every day at 50% erect... Do I make any sense?
If my goal was 300 total for that workout session I would do 100 jelqs then rest your arms for a few minutes get more lube ready do another 100, rest then lube and do your final 100. In time you would increase your total count to 400 then 500 and then 600. Instead of time use reps so you can monitor your progress cause your arms are going to get tired.
if you want to be cautious doing your girth routine and focus more on length while you get comfortable that is fine...i am now focusing more on length right now myself....but to try to maintain proportion it is good to do a bit of girth work..if you don't want to do the 300 jelqs...try to do 150.
yeah... it is also a matter of getting my hands used to the effort... hurts sometimes... I even thought of using my gym gloves to get a better grip for my stretches, but I won't out of respect to my gym mates, who use the same training machines at the gym haha.