twofistd said:i just got some new sleeves with an order i placed last week. i got the version 2 constriction sleeves, and i got some blue sleeves for hanging. are the blue's the same as the green's? they look and feel a lot stronger than the old ones, although i haven't tried them out yet.
Reber187 said:ok...
to begin preceedings i shall comment on the V2 constriction sleeve. it is FUCKING SHIT!!! waste of money. constriction sleeves will never work as long as there is any form of slippage whatsoever.
the new, 3x less stretchable green sleeves... these are shit as well, but not quite as shit as the V2. i don't believe that they are any firmer at all.
to sum up - regression has well-nigh been acheived by MB.
hanging is beginning to piss me the fuck off!
keep pushing
jqsderrida said:Hmm... I just ordered two green sleeves too.... I'm looking for them to arrive today. Reber, don't get pissed, modify your vac-hanging as I have done; I've been experiencing wonderful progress. PM me if you have any concerns, for, I think we are both looking for ways to deal with our auto-extender vac-hangers.
Reber187 said:im back in the game!(no whooping!)
i know how you've been feeling of late... just sems like an unyeilding nusence. i'll post here coz its good for the board.
i've changed it up and im now hanging over the back of a chair... so im at about 10 o'clock. im having to recondition because of this frenulum nurosis lurking in the back of my head. ideally i think i would like to be hanging BTC again as i could feel the fatigue in my dick and partial fatigue in my ligs post set. although its markedly more comfortable reclined in my sofa chair hanging SO, and my LOT dropped from 9.30 to 8.
i've employed your dual sleeve approach for a set that im incidentally in the midst of, the slippage was minimal, however i could still feel the [words=]ace[/words] wrap inch forward when i was creating the vacuum, then when actually initialising this hang.
fuck knows how you're hanging 18lbs!? i can not fathome hanging that from the vacu-hanger, let alone with bearable discomfort.
i want to retain my hankering for hanging with a vacuum hanger, i just don't know if it's plausable with MonkeyBar's, especially if i want to be hanging around 15lbs.
i really do wish i was cut. many here think this chat is manic, but it would sincerely make my Penis Enlargement efforts at least 50% less difficult... im thinking about getting a 'german' circumcision at some point... but its just fanciful rumination.
keep pushing
Reber187 said:i just hung with about 8lbs in the solitary set i bashed out earlier. i will move back up to my 11lbs+ in a day or so.
i will try the "fuck the vacuum" approach tomorrow and report back. i thought this was essentially to do, but you seem to be doing just dandy.
do you still use the cotton wool ball when endeavouring with this new method?
20lbs, hey... you don't fuck around. i salute your efforts to hang heavy with the vacu-hanger, you should design a shit-hot one and sell it to me![]()
i would like to use the Bib to hang heavier weight, as the fatigue i got from 5lbs BTC far exceeds anything i've felt with the vacu... however, being uncut it would be a cunt to hang heavy and not grow a jumbo foreskin, or experience religious slippage and skin trauma.
keep pushing
Im concerned that doing this will damage the relatively fragile and expensive silicone sleeves.10inchadvantage said:Have any of you guys using the vacu hanger ever tried wrapping with electrical tape?
jqsderrida said:Im concerned that doing this will damage the relatively fragile and expensive silicone sleeves.
jqsderrida said:
10inchadvantage said:Have any of you guys using the vacu hanger ever tried wrapping with electrical tape?
Reber187 said:where exactly do you wrap the electrical tape?
keep pushing
jqsderrida said:Actually, Im now hanging 20 lbs, which, incidentally, Im right in the middle of. Additionally, Im not using the two sleeves method as, over a couple of uses, my second sleeve, which was somewhat degenerative to start with (I believe), broke. Consequently, "this is how I hang": First, I NEVER BOTHER WITH RELEASING AIR FROM THE VACUUM CYLINDER ANY LONGER. Im convinced this only compromises the initial hold. Try it and let me know what YOU think. Then I unfold the existing sleeve (which I have cut to about half length) and stretch it as far down my shaft I can manage to stretch it. Following that, I take two pieces of sock (which I have cut for clamping) and wrap both of them together over the part of my shaft covered with the sleeve (still the blue sleeve as my greens haven't yet arrived). Immediately following this I put on a cable clamp and click it ALL THE WAY DOWN. I hang consecutive 20 minute sets like this at 20lbs with MINIMAL fluid buildup. However, from what I have gathered on forums, its hard for you Brits to come by cable clamps, which have been, to me, what has enabled me to continue using monkeybar's product.
Reber187 said:i tried your 'fuck the vacuum' approach... never again for, Reber!! i had, after a 40min SO set, what looked like the birth of a blister on my glan, furthermore the crest of the tip was fucked big style. mother of Zeus only knows how you can manage to hang 20lbs and fend of the fluid nasties. i am green of your freakish-genetic-hanging-adeptness![]()
keep pushing
jqsderrida said:No, it doesn't cut, but rather impedes circulation, obviously. I hang for only 20 minute sets, so, I couldn't tell as to whether or not it would be possible, or even advisable to hang such long sets with wearing a cable clamp. Maybe try 10inchadvantage's suggestion of using elctrical tape, I mean, fuck, any sort of vice which may SUPPLEMENT the extant vacuum hold would allow you to hang both heavier weights and experience less fluid buildup. If none of these solutions are in fact solutions, then, perhaps you should try a Max-Vac? QUESTION: Why, though, do you think it is important to hang such long sets?
jqsderrida said:
jqsderrida said:No, it doesn't cut, but rather impedes circulation, obviously. I hang for only 20 minute sets, so, I couldn't tell as to whether or not it would be possible, or even advisable to hang such long sets with wearing a cable clamp. Maybe try 10inchadvantage's suggestion of using elctrical tape, I mean, fuck, any sort of vice which may SUPPLEMENT the extant vacuum hold would allow you to hang both heavier weights and experience less fluid buildup. If none of these solutions are in fact solutions, then, perhaps you should try a Max-Vac? QUESTION: Why, though, do you think it is important to hang such long sets?
True, though what is odd is that, with the green sleeves, I was quite incapable of hanging 20lbs; however, after removing the green sleeve and replacing it with a blue sleeve, I was able to hang 23lbs, comfortably, for 20 minutes. Go figure.airshy said:I am sorry to hear that - but you have figured a set up that has gotten you to 20 pounds plus with the blue sleeves and that is remarkable. I can only add 2-4 pounds with the green sleeves but find that enough to justify them.
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend