I have been doing erect squeezes lately. Pretty good temp. gains. They last a whole day. I was wondering. Are these initial gains all fluid build up? Just like when you pump. Long term are erect squeezes a good workout for authentic girth gains? Appreciate your help. I'll be searching. This is my first post on THIS username btw.
Also my "erect squeezes" I make an OK around the base squeeze the head for 10-20sec and then push more blood in and keep doing that for about a minute or two.
Welcome :)

Immediate gains are temporary. If you want to maximize your long term actual gains, you should do your squeezes with about a 75% erection. That way, your tissues are more flexible (better stretch and expansion) and it's safer too.
sounds great. i am doing squeezes and also "dld blaster" i think thats what it is. the "slinky" motion excercise. once in a while i'll clamp, but that is very rare. are those two excercises in conjunction with standard stretches and dry jelq adequate enough to produce good results in one years time?
It may. The important thing is to keep track of what you're doing. When, for whatever reason, an exercise stops giving you results, it's time to move on to another one. You may just need to rotate it out with another exercise for awhile to avoid an extended plateau.