smileyguy said:
Point One, Relaxin, inhibits collagen synthesis and promotes break down.
lets think about that, it's going to stop new collagen(more penis) forming and promote collagen breakdown(less penis).
With collagen manipulation, i'm faily sure collagen link weakening is the way to go not collagen breakdown, Stagestop?
Point Two
5HTP is hypothesized to be metabolized and excreted before reaching the brain. Better off going with a SSRI if you want to stop ejaculating brother.
Just commentary, not solid advise, 5HTP may have benefit and so may Relaxin. Stagestop?
Oh Btw Stage this Rason from Thunders.
Hi Rason,
I think that you may not have the right idea on all of this. So let's go over what the goals are.
The tunica is a collagen sheath that is the strength and support member for the penile tissues. It is kind of analogous to the cords that give support to the a tire.
The collagen in the penis is under constant removal and replacement, as is almost all of our body.
The strength of the tunica is mostly attributable to the weaving of the various fibers together. I use that analogy of a sheet to demonstrate. The individual fibers that make up a sheet do not have much strength at all. If you were to pick one out of the sheet, it would weave back and forth in the wind. However, when woven together, there is directional stability so that even with a strong pull on one side or the other, the combined strength of the sheet resists the force applied.
In the penis, the fact that in an flacid state your penis is free to move easily is because there is no force against the tunica. However, when you are erect, you fill the penis with blood and that puts pressure on the tunica. That it resists that pressure is necessary to allow an erection. If it did not, your penis would swell like a balloon.
The chemical side of Penis Enlargement is most concerned with using whatever chemical means possible to cause the fibers of the penis to relax. Then stretching will put the fibers under mechanical tension, and hopefully, as the force that caused some of the strands of collagen to relax goes away, it will assume the new shape. This is called "tissue remodeling"
To go back to the sheet analogy. Imagine that you start to pull on individual fibers in the middle of the sheet. The more that you do that, the more susceptible that sheet is to being movable in the direction that you have pulled on the fibers. If you do that long enough, your formerly rectangular sheet can now assume different dimensions. That is the reason for trying relaxin. It seems to work rather well in vagina's and that is good as we all went down one once in our life. Hopefully it will do the same with a penis.
As to 5 HTP, I don't know where your got your hypothesis, but it is wrong. If 5 HTP was excreted before reaching the brain, we would all be dead long ago. The process of making 5 HTP into Serotonin is an enzyme reaction called "decarboxylation" (removing a carboxyl from the molecule) This is done with an enzyme (imagine "chemical scissors") The place of the reaction is mostly in the receptor, above the vesicle. And yes, you have them in your brain.
More to the point, and this is a big one for those that use antidepressants, is the comparison of what a SSRI is, and how it compares to taking 5 HTP.
And SSRI is an abbreviation for SELECTIVE SEROTONIN REUPTAKE INHIBITOR. The Selective part means that it works on the 5ht bc receptor, which works with mood in the brain. Serotonin is what the receptor uses as the neurotransmitter. Reuptake is a method of getting rid of Serotonin NOT MAKING IT. Inhibitor is what the function of the drug is.
OK, what I wrote assumes that the reader know a good deal about neurology, so let me see if I can make it easier.
Serotonin is a NEUROTRANSMITTER. We are not "hard wired" like a light bulb in your house is. In the house, you turn on the switch, and the light bulb comes on. In our body, the nerve sends a message to the brain, but it has to go through a receptor first. When the message gets to one side of the SYNAPSE (the space between one side of the receptor and the other) the body needs a NEUROTRANSMITTER, to transmit the signal across the synapse. Imagine that the neurotransmitter is a wheelbarrow, that moves electrons from one side to the other,and then puts them back into a wire (nerve) for transmission to the brain.
The critical thing in this reaction is the AMOUNT of the neurotransmitter AT THE SYNAPSE. If you do not have very many "wheelbarrows" (neurotransmitters and in this case the neurotransmitter is Serotonin) at the synapse, the message that the nerve was carrying is lost and the brain does not receive it.
Alternatively, having too much of the neurotransmitter is a problem as well. The body makes Serotonin continuously, and therefore it has to get rid of Serotonin continuously to have balance at the Synapse.
There are four ways that the body gets rid of Serotonin. They are first. DIFFUSION. What happens in this case is the Serotonin is in the synapse, and simply floats away. This reaction cannot be controlled.
The next way is with GLIAL CELLS. These cells are outside of the synapse and basically eat the Serotonin, thereby converting it into a different, non reactive product.
The next way is with MAO, or Monoamine Oxydase. This is an enzyme that has its own vesicle in the syapse, and when it connects with Serotonin (and any other mono amine) it converts it into another non reactive molecule.
The last way is with REUPTAKE. To understand Reuptake, you have to imagine a bellows that you would use to blow air into your fireplace. As you squeeze that bellows a big stream of air goes into the fireplace to help get a fire going. When you want more air, you open the bellows and air is sucked into the bellows.
In our use, when Serotonin is made, the enzyme reaction takes place above the vesicle (bellows) and is stored in the vesicle. When you need more Serotonin, the vesicle is squeezed, and out comes the Serotonin into the Synaptic cleft (where the wheelbarrows work to move the bits of electricity).
When there is no more messages to move, the vesicle opens causing the Serotonin to be sucked back into the vesicle. THIS IS "REUPTAKE."
When you take a SSRI, you are inhibiting the vesicle in its ability to suck back the Serotonin into the vesicle. This leave (hopefully) more Serotonin in the Synaptic cleft. And if the doctor thinks that you are low in Serotonin, hopefully this will allow you to have more Serotonin where it is needed.
So, what is wrong with this? Easy. NO SSRI MAKES ONE OUNCE OF SEROTONIN. The best that it can do is hopefully keep some Serotonin in the synaptic cleft. So what the doctor is trying to so is to keep more of your wheelbarrows where the work takes place. BUT, HE IS NOT MAKING ONE MORE WHEELBARROW AT ALL. That is the problem. ONLY 5 HTP can make more Serotonin. Nothing else can do it.
This is why SSRI's can do a little bit of good, but they don't do much of all if you have a serious Serotonin shortage.
Further, since SSRI's are SELECTIVE to the 5 ht b6 receptor and none of the other 30 Serotonin receptors, it does nothing for those reactions.
For someone wanting to raise Serotonin levels, they need to know that there are two conversion processes in the conversion of Tryptophan into Serotonin. They are "hydroxylation" (adding a hydroxyl to the molecule) and decarboxylation (removing a carboxyl from the molecule). Hyrdoxylation is the much more difficult reaction, and the one that regulations Serotonin production. Decarboxylation is a "non saturated enzyme reaction" in the Serotonin process. Basically that means that the liver is the regulator of Serotonin production, and that if you supplement with 5 HTP, you WILL increase Serotonin in your body, up to the limits imposed by the availability of the enzyme that causes decarobxylation.
So the bottom line is that the use of Relaxin on the penis is only theoretical as we have no human relaxin to use. The use of porcine relaxin may work, but there are a number of problems that have to be overcome to get it to do what is desired. Certainly if it can be obtained in a topical formulation we would be much happier.
And for those that want to increase their bodies Serotonin levels, 5HTP is the ONLY way that it can be done. SSRI's will only raise the serotonin levels at the synapse on the 5ht b6 receptors, and those work with the mood of the person.
Hope that helps.
Best of luck,