Well-known member
Embracing ''Discomfort'' The KEY To BIG Gains
I've been at this game of ours for over a decade now. I know, I come off as a bragart sometimes, or someone who seems full of himself. However, I feel I have a lot of experience and true, documented gains...unlike many so called ''gurus'', or ''leaders'' in the Penis Enlargement community. I also have witnessed my advice being useful to more men than I can count. I'm not here to ''stir the pot'' though, or to self idolize. My goal with this post is to hopefully provide at least one man with another golden nugget of information that can help him break through a barrier to yet another gain...or perhaps to reaching his FIRST gain. As I said above, I have personally helped more men than I can honestly count, and if I were being PAID for the help I have provided over the years, I would be a lot wealthier than I am now. I shit you not. With the direct coaching I have done behind the scenes via PM and even by PHONE, the product endorsements, the ''how to videos'', and so on. Ok, ok enough gloating.
To the meat and potatoes per se.
One of the main things I see men chase their proverbial tails over with Penis Enlargement is the subject of ''intensity''. How much is too much? How much is enough? How much is just right? Can I gain by just barely pulling on or squeezing my penis? Do I need to run a Mack truck over my penis to gain? These are just a FEW directly related questions I have seen pondered over during my time in this community. I personally believe the main thing holding most men back from the gains they desire really is, knowing how to embrace discomfort rather than avoid it. As humans, our natural instinct is to gravitate toward things that make us comfortable. With Penis Enlargement, one of the primary flaws is the lack of true quantitative-ness with regards to applied force. In laymans' terms, it's very difficult to actually measure how much force is being applied to the penis when we do Penis Enlargement. We can guestimate, but that does not get us very far. I think this is a good reason things like pumping and hanging weights have become popular in some circles. Unlike stretching with the hands, or squeezing for example, with hanging or pumping, we can say ''ahah! I'm applying ''X'' amount of resistance to my penis!'' The flaw with these methods though (hanging/pumping) is the low amount of pressure or resistance that is able to be applied. Hanging directs a low amount of pressure to a very small area of the penis. This makes a low amount of weight seem like a lot more than it actually is. The same can be said for pumping. I won't try to argue though with the theories and principles vs the potential merits of these methods. That would go beyond the purpose of this post.
To make big, and continued gains in Penis Enlargement we need to learn how to break past a mental barrier. The normal voice in your head that tells you to ''stop'' because you feel a little twinge or some discomfort. Knowing how to ignore that voice is the idea. At the same time, you need to understand when you DO need to back off.However, the 'back off' point is usually a lot farther away than you think. It does vary for most men, but the penis is capable of a lot more 'punisHydromaxent' than most of us tend to realize. I myself, have only within the last few months realized and begun to apply this concept. It's very simple in concept, but harder to actually apply.
My point is that you too can realize where this barrier is for YOU. It comes with time, and focus. I'm not advocating anything dangerous either. I've seen some men do some truly disturbing (to me anyway) things to their penises that have nothing to do with Penis Enlargement (involving vehicles, nails, razors, glass, high heels, etc). What you do with YOUR penis is of course up to you. I offer this post as what I hope to be a ray of light or a (as alcoholics call it) ''moment of clarity''.
Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for any actions you take as a direct or indirect result of your having read this post or ANY post of mine. - SWM
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