I don't wanna be a hater and shit,but never talk PE with your doctor..doctors have no idea about PE..90 % ...they have no clue what they're talking about .
Just want to +1 this ^^ with an example ...
If someone has too little (ie -- Not Enough) stomach acid their stomach, their esophageal sphincter, between the stomach and the esophagus/throat, won't sense enough acidity and it won't close itself. This lets a little bit of (very weak) stomach acid into the esophagus and causes some burning sensation. Additionally, having too little stomach acid means that not only is it impossible to correctly digest your food .. but also that you can't dissolve and absorb important enzyme minerals like Zinc and Selenium, which is going to cause another 300 problems, .. one of which is often Depression.
An Allopathic Doctor's 'solution' for you having too little stomach acid? ... Anti-Acid Tablets to
Reduce Your Stomach Acid.
Fckng Fcktards.
you were
that bad at
your job, would you still
have it?
How to actually fix it? Have some sea salt and some water 30 minutes before you eat, and keep on doing that. To your stomach that's the raw materials for Gastric Acid (Hydrogen Chloride/Hydrochloric Acid). Enough acidity triggers the esophageal sphincter (and correctly processes your food). Solved.
Of course then you won't get auto-immune diseases from undigested proteins entering your system, and depression from lack of essential minerals, and then get to go Back to the Doctor to pay them Again to 'solve' those additional issues as well as they solved the first one, but simple cheap actual cures don't tend to make you a paying patient for life. That's its biggest drawback to the medical-industrial system. Why cure someone once, when you can drag them along for decades instead?
Another? They measure the 'dangerous' cholesterol fats in your system, see that they're 'too high' and put you on Statin drugs, etc, to 'control' your cholesterol.
But Cholesterol isn't some random bad fat. It's a hormone, Chole--Sterol, which .. paired (hopefully) with the equally important magnesium, is present in Every Fcking Cell .. of Every Fcking Thing .. (Mammal, Bird, Fish, Tree, Grass, Worm, Insect, Bacteria, Fungus, etc) .. On The Entire Fcking Planet. It's What Life Fcking IS.
Hmm ... let's take a drug to fck with it.. ( instead of vitamins to protect it and incoming new essential fats to reconstitute it ... )
Quickest effect from this? (Besides being a little more dead every day?) Satin drugs directly fck with your brain's Glial cells ... so your brain can't detox itself, and then you start to get Dementia as your brain dies in a toxic metabolic soup. Just Awesome.
I could do this all day.
If you break a bone, or get shot, .. go to an allopathic doctor .. they're ok at that stuff, but Molecular Biology ... you know, .. LIFE, ... if you can find one who
isn't a fcking moron, it's by sheer force of odds. Somehow
that guy escaped from the matrix.