I have a few questions. What area(s) do the DLD Blasters target specifically? Do they target lig exhuastion or something like that? What should it feel like when executing them? Is it more stress on ligs like a tuggin sensation with any other regular stretch...?

Finally what exactly do you do in terms of erect stretches? Anyone? Like how do you go about it all? Do I grab the area below the head with an "ok" grip and pull the penis from there in any direction or do I pull up from the base? I'm just not getting a good picture of the proper/safe way to do erect stretches.

Thanks for any input.
iwant8inches said:
I have a few questions. What area(s) do the DLD Blasters target specifically? Do they target lig exhuastion or something like that? What should it feel like when executing them? Is it more stress on ligs like a tuggin sensation with any other regular stretch...?

If you are basing this question on the LOT theory then Blasters above your LOT will train your tunica and anything below your LOT will be wasted on LIG gains that have burnt out.

I think that the exercise may be a bit more basic then that and it infact trains both LIG and TUNICA as I feel strain in both areas during a session. I am also to paranoid to stop stretching at any angle for fear there may be gain there.

iwant8inches said:
Finally what exactly do you do in terms of erect stretches? Anyone? Like how do you go about it all? Do I grab the area below the head with an "ok" grip and pull the penis from there in any direction or do I pull up from the base? I'm just not getting a good picture of the proper/safe way to do erect stretches. .

Erect Stretches are very similar to most flaccid stretches and can be done at any angle that is comfortable with your erection angle. When I do them I basically stretch in the direction of my erection as my goal is to close gaps between my FSBL and EBP size.
Sweet I like that concept about the erect stretches.

About LOT. Loss of Tug from what I understand, but that is unfortunately where my knowledge of what it entails ends. What is the gist of it? Like how do you figure it out?