Felt like posting something so here we go....

I've been hanging for a while now with a vac-hanger and have loved it. I have started to get less grip with my hanger because I have been increasing hanging time, angles, and weight. I started to have a hard time getting sleeves so I decided to get a bib, which I kinda wanted to do anyways.

So I go the bib starter

I've had it now for a few days and am still trying to find the correct way to hang with it. I'm getting damn close now, but there is a learning curve that I'm climbing as smoothly as I can. Right now I hook it up to my dick and pull it manually with my hands. this is actually kinda cool. I can adjust the pressure and angles very easily. Hopefully soon I'll be able to put some weight on for a full 20 minutes and not have it turn my dick so purple and cold. I do have to say, I'm quite surprised at how loose you can have the bib and still have it hold weight. First time I put it on way way way to tight.

One other thing I'm running into with the bib is it seems like it really stretches the skin, as in like more then my dick. I'm trying to figure a way to really get the skin out of the bib and just stretch mostly dick, but its not working as great as I'm thinking I want it to.

So right now I'm having fun using them both for different kinds of hangs and just seeing what I can really do with them.
sceptre;293606 said:
Felt like posting something so here we go....

I've been hanging for a while now with a vac-hanger and have loved it. I have started to get less grip with my hanger because I have been increasing hanging time, angles, and weight. I started to have a hard time getting sleeves so I decided to get a bib, which I kinda wanted to do anyways.

So I go the bib starter

I've had it now for a few days and am still trying to find the correct way to hang with it. I'm getting damn close now, but there is a learning curve that I'm climbing as smoothly as I can. Right now I hook it up to my dick and pull it manually with my hands. this is actually kinda cool. I can adjust the pressure and angles very easily. Hopefully soon I'll be able to put some weight on for a full 20 minutes and not have it turn my dick so purple and cold. I do have to say, I'm quite surprised at how loose you can have the bib and still have it hold weight. First time I put it on way way way to tight.

One other thing I'm running into with the bib is it seems like it really stretches the skin, as in like more then my dick. I'm trying to figure a way to really get the skin out of the bib and just stretch mostly dick, but its not working as great as I'm thinking I want it to.

So right now I'm having fun using them both for different kinds of hangs and just seeing what I can really do with them.

maybe you could try posting on bibs forum http://bibhanger.com/forums/phpBB3/index.php and post picture of you wrapping and stuff and he will advice you what to do.
K- I am a hangin/bib expert, and I can say with time ur dick will not be discolored at all. It's weird, I have had a few occasions where mine got bad purple (once when I first started, another when I took a few weeks off). You wanna try and at least strap it on once a day and ur penis will go back to that nice pink or whatever in time, and it will get resistent to discoloration. I got a great tolerance going now. Also, ur right, it can be on loose and it will still hang a lot of weight very easily, *HOWEVER* I don't recommend this. You want the inner tissues pulled, having it on loose acts like a noose and doesn't benefit u even though u might think it would, or is more comfy. In time u'll get the hang of it. You want it tighter at top so teeth at top bolt (with wingunt) yeah, those teeth, are just about closed. Are you using the band he recommends? it's grey colored. Yeah, so do your wrapping, then strap that thing on behind your head or where ur head/helmet stops u want it behind, and again make sure the top (teeth) is closed, bottom two bolts should be tightened fastened securely where u feel them starting to screw less easily, not extremely tight but by no means loose.
I've been getting into hanging over the last 2 weeks. Earlier today I was trying some different things, since the hanger always seems to slip and build up blood in my head. I tried the starter with the gel only and no wrap, and it really seemed to work well. The downside is that it's pretty harsh on the skin. The hang itself seemed to be far more effective, though, for some reason.
Yeah, everyone is helping a lot, and I'm getting a better hang each time. I have a lot of free time to mess around with the bib so I think I'll have it pretty soon.

I have no idea what that gray color wrap is? are you talking about the band wrap that bib sells as an 5 dollar add on? Either way, I didn't get it and don't have it.

I have been playing around with the whole wrapping thing. I tried a sock first, then half a sock. I have some [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]ace bandage[/words] coming in the mail to try that soon. Right now I'm using my anti turtle sleeve I got from autoextender.com. I'd say this one might be a winner for my wrapping needs. Which I'm guessing are just confort during the hang and great skin after the hang. so far both of these aspects have been achieved by the anti turtle sleeve.
Use vaseline, lather it up where hanger goes on, I went through skin problems too. Bad. I go vaseline and 1% hydrocortisone combo, works like a charm. I do it before and after. Hanging is harsh on your tissue until it becomes conditioned, ur dick isn't used to it right off the bat. As I said before I was so scared/skeptical and right now I can basically hang anything off my unit with the Bib, no skin probloems whatsoever. Yeah, ur right, the Bib hang is more intense, as it does a better job of really grabbing the internal penis structures.
I guess I said that wrong... I'm not having any skin problems at all. Right now I'm hanging about 5-8 times a day with the bib and everything is fine with my skin. I've finally gotten the right fit of the bib to my dick. This did take a bit of time and fooling around but its now working well and I can move on.
TO: Alwaystrying: I have been using the bib hanger for 3 weeks now. I am trying to get the most comfortable and effective hang. I hang 13.2 lbs for 20min. I tried wrapping my dick with the gray wrap but after 20min. when I take it off it feels as though it has almost cemented onto my dick and kinda hurts pulling it off. So now I am just wrapping with a thin soft washcloth. Also, I am finding that the tighter the bib is the better. My girth flaccid is 5 inches and when I put the bib very tight (to where the teeth almost touch) I am pinching the top part of my penis skin. WHat do I do to prevent this?
Last night I stretched out my penis as much as I could while pulling back on the foreskin that is near the penis head and placed my cock in the bib. It felt great, like I could hang for more than just 20min. It actually did not hurt and felt good. Is this how you recommend placing your penis in the bib.
1. Stretch our your dick with one hand, pulling your extra foreskin back towards your base.
2. Place your wrapped dick in the bib.
3. Tighten top screw as much as is possible (my problem is always pinching my penis skin at the top of the bib while tightening it real tight)
4. Hang
I have only been doing this 3 weeks so if you have a better idea of how to hang with the bib effectively and comfortably, please tell me. Thanks
By the way, after I hang, my dick looks like it went through the meat grinder. Some puffy areas, some skinny areas, some veins bulging a bit. Is this Normal???
thickone1740;293902 said:
TO: Alwaystrying: I have been using the bib hanger for 3 weeks now. I am trying to get the most comfortable and effective hang. I hang 13.2 lbs for 20min. I tried wrapping my dick with the gray wrap but after 20min. when I take it off it feels as though it has almost cemented onto my dick and kinda hurts pulling it off. So now I am just wrapping with a thin soft washcloth. Also, I am finding that the tighter the bib is the better. My girth flaccid is 5 inches and when I put the bib very tight (to where the teeth almost touch) I am pinching the top part of my penis skin. WHat do I do to prevent this?
Last night I stretched out my penis as much as I could while pulling back on the foreskin that is near the penis head and placed my cock in the bib. It felt great, like I could hang for more than just 20min. It actually did not hurt and felt good. Is this how you recommend placing your penis in the bib.
1. Stretch our your dick with one hand, pulling your extra foreskin back towards your base.
2. Place your wrapped dick in the bib.
3. Tighten top screw as much as is possible (my problem is always pinching my penis skin at the top of the bib while tightening it real tight)
4. Hang
I have only been doing this 3 weeks so if you have a better idea of how to hang with the bib effectively and comfortably, please tell me. Thanks
By the way, after I hang, my dick looks like it went through the meat grinder. Some puffy areas, some skinny areas, some veins bulging a bit. Is this Normal???

Out of curiosity, which "vac hanger" were you using?
Thickone, yeah, you got going pretty good. One thing u want to make sure, and this depends on your girth, once you got the top part tight (teeth just about closed give or take, this is done to grip top chambers of penis more which is more desirable for growth) K, then you want to make sure the bottom two are fastened to a point where u feel a slight grip, I go til they start to screw less easy and go like one turn past that, but not too tight. Also, how much wrapping are you using? I can tell you that when I first started out I tried hangin without the grey theraband, and it sucked, it is key but know how when done differently it can be uncomfortable. With time I got the hang of it quite nicely though and I can hang for sometimes an hour myself. Mess with it, and you too will get it im sure.
alwaystrying;293925 said:
Thickone, yeah, you got going pretty good. One thing u want to make sure, and this depends on your girth, once you got the top part tight (teeth just about closed give or take, this is done to grip top chambers of penis more which is more desirable for growth) K, then you want to make sure the bottom two are fastened to a point where u feel a slight grip, I go til they start to screw less easy and go like one turn past that, but not too tight. Also, how much wrapping are you using? I can tell you that when I first started out I tried hangin without the grey theraband, and it sucked, it is key but know how when done differently it can be uncomfortable. With time I got the hang of it quite nicely though and I can hang for sometimes an hour myself. Mess with it, and you too will get it im sure.

You should not actually be adjusting the bottom wingnuts after you find your settings for the bottom inner adjustment nuts. The wingnuts on the bottom of the BIB hangers are for holding that side of the hanger to the inner adjustment nuts, not for adjusting the hanger tightness after putting it on. The only wingnut that should be getting adjusted after hanger placement is the top one. Just for clarification. Your post made it sound like you were adjusting all three. Made that all very clear in my Video Tutorial thread.
I'm using the blue sleeves and hanger from autoextender.com. I'm using the anti turtle sleeve toward the base and two blue sleeves on the hanger its self. This makes a really great seal for my dick, one that I can hang 18lbs for 20mins with no problems, other then massive fatigue in my dick!
I only wrap with a thin dry cotton wash (face) cloth. Nothing else. Like I said the gray theraband would stick to my dick like glue when I would end my hanging session. I guess that I could wrap the theraband OVER the thin wash cloth, but what's the point of wrapping anyway except for comfort?

By the way, I checked out autextender.com site and I am looking for a good stealth [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words]. Which product of do you recommend? What do you think of the vac-hanger instead of the bib?
Wrapping has different points to which hanger you are using from what I've experienced. When I hang with my Bib I wrap for comfort. when I hang with my vac hanger I hang for comfort and function. With this hanger the more wrap you use the easier it is for the hanger sleeves to grasp your dick and you can increase hanger weight or time or both. With the vac hanger you need to wrap with a sleeve type of material. I've tried with a sock, and it does help on a slim level. then it comes apart faster because the air can cut through the sock much faster and get into the vac hangers head.

I've never been able to do an [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] setup, when ever I try my dick goes purple and cold from trying to hang for so long. even when doing low weight, low pressure and everything, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I just don't care enough to figure it out. I like shorter sessions better anyhow. So I cant really recommend an [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] setup.

I love my auto [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] vac hanger. I think I might need new sleeves, but Its still working well and everything. The vac hanger is totally different from the bib, so it works for different setups. With the vac hanger I can hang with different levels of an erection. With a bib, I can never and dont ever hang with any level or erection. So my first hang of the day is normally with the vac hanger because of morning wood. The bib seems to be better at hanging at different angles like over your legs or over the shoulders. the vac hanger can do those but sometimes it can loose a seal doing those, which just means you have to take 10 seconds to reseal it, not a major issue but annoying. the bib i only do 20mins hangs, with the vac i've done 1 hour hangs. with the vac hanger I can do 18-20lbs for 20 mins, done 16lbs for an hour before. I haven't found my max yet with the bib, but as others have posted up to 30 some pound 20min hangs with ease.

I'd get the vac hanger first and then the bib, but thats because thats what I did and i'm use to it. In a few months I maybe staying only get a bib. we'll see