Man,let me tell you the best confidence tip : Don't give a fuck ! My grampa is 93 yo,when he was young he used to fuck bitches all the time...i was talking to him and i asked him what's the secret..since he's average looking,average height,he wasn't nothing to attract women...he told me this " Son ,don't give a fuck...for every bitch saying " no " , there will be a bitch saying " yes " ...just be confident with you..go talk to her..if she's saying " no " , then that's her loss...move on..go to the next bitch..and so on
A lot of my female friends told me there is nothing more attractive in a guy than confidence..if your short , be confident..if you're ugly,be confident..etc..don't let them see you're affected by that
Penis size has nothing to do with confidence,that's all in your head..i've seen guys with micro-penises flirting like gods.I've already got a new girl since that talk with my grampa,i was in the club,i approached this girl...before,i wouldn't give myself a chance with this girl..but i was confident for some her we're dating