Got a favour to ask of those members who have been peing for a while,could you try this technique and give me your honest opinion,i don't no if its been done before ive never read anything,basically after my hanging session i do behind the balls jelqing i notice that you can grab hold of that area of your dick behind the balls going down to the ass and can really get a very intense stretch.
I will do my best to describe this,put your hand under your balls and grab the area of shaft that runs down to your ass your thumb goes around the top of your dick but right at the base,your using your whole hand,your balls will be on top of the knuckles,now you need to pull some of the base skin/scrotum back so that when you pull you are pulling the shaft and not the skin.
When your set try pulling straight up towards your chest,if the skin near the base pulls taut you need to pull some extra base skin back towards your ass to prevent this,when you get it right you should feel an intense pull on the shaft that runs down to the ass,also try doing it straight out and to the sides.
I no thats not the best discription but hopefully you get the idea,anyway could you try this and give honest feedback ive only been doing it for a week,i'd like to hear people opinion of whether it seems worthwhile,if you think its crap then please say so.
I will do my best to describe this,put your hand under your balls and grab the area of shaft that runs down to your ass your thumb goes around the top of your dick but right at the base,your using your whole hand,your balls will be on top of the knuckles,now you need to pull some of the base skin/scrotum back so that when you pull you are pulling the shaft and not the skin.
When your set try pulling straight up towards your chest,if the skin near the base pulls taut you need to pull some extra base skin back towards your ass to prevent this,when you get it right you should feel an intense pull on the shaft that runs down to the ass,also try doing it straight out and to the sides.
I no thats not the best discription but hopefully you get the idea,anyway could you try this and give honest feedback ive only been doing it for a week,i'd like to hear people opinion of whether it seems worthwhile,if you think its crap then please say so.