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As soon as we meet a person we make judgements about them. Just by looking we can guess their age or status, and by the expression on their face or the tone of their voice we can tell immediately if they are happy, angry or sad and respond accordingly.

Not everyone has this natural ability. People with Asperger syndrome find it more difficult to read the signals which most of us take for granted. As a result they find it more difficult to communicate and interact with others. This leaflet explains the characteristics of Asperger syndrome and what can be done to help those affected.

Asperger syndrome is a form of autism, a condition that affects the way a person communicates and relates to others. A number of traits of autism are common to Asperger syndrome including:
difficulty in communicating
difficulty in social relationships
a lack of imagination and creative play
However, people with Asperger syndrome usually have fewer problems with language than those with autism, often speaking fluently, though their words can sometimes sound formal or stilted. People with Asperger syndrome do not usually have the accompanying learning disabilities associated with autism; in fact, people with Asperger syndrome are often of average or above average intelligence

Because of this many children with Asperger syndrome enter mainstream school and, with the right support and encouragement, can make good progress and go on to further education and employment.

Key characteristics

Asperger syndrome shares many of the same characteristics as autism. The key characteristics are:

Difficulty with social relationships
Unlike the person with 'classic' autism, who often appears withdrawn and uninterested in the world around them, many people with Asperger syndrome want to be sociable and enjoy human contact. They do still find it hard to understand non-verbal signals, including facial expressions, which makes it more difficult for them to form and maintain social relationships with people unaware of their needs.

Difficulty with communication
People with Asperger syndrome may speak fluently but they may not take much notice of the reaction of the people listening to them; they may talk on and on regardless of the listener's interest or they may appear insensitive to their feelings.

Despite having good language skills, people with Asperger syndrome may sound over-precise or over-literal - jokes can cause problems as can exaggerated language, turns of phrase and metaphors. A person with Asperger syndrome may be confused or frightened by a statement like 'she bit my head off'. In order to help a person with Asperger syndrome to understand you, keep your sentences short - be clear and concise.

Lack of imagination
While they often excel at learning facts and figures, people with Asperger syndrome find it hard to think in abstract ways. This can cause problems for children in school where they may have difficulty with certain subjects such as literature or religious studies.

Special interests
People with Asperger syndrome often develop an almost obsessive interest in a hobby or collecting. Usually their interest involves arranging or memorising facts about a special subject, such as train timetables, Derby winners or the dimensions of cathedrals.

I remember Samuel reciting the distances of all the planets from the sun to a baffled classmate in the playground when he was five. Since then he has had many obsessions, which he loves to talk about at length! Some of his more recent interests, such as the Top 40 chart and collecting trading cards, have helped him develop social skills, as he has been able to share them with others.

Sue Robinson, a parent

With encouragement interests can be developed so that people with Asperger syndrome go on to study or work in their favourite subjects.

Love of routines
People with Asperger syndrome often find change upsetting. Young children may impose their routines, such as insisting on always walking the same route to school. At school, they may get upset by sudden changes, such as an alteration to the timetable. People with Asperger syndrome often prefer to order their day according to a set pattern. If they work set hours then any unexpected delay, such as a traffic hold-up, or a late train, can make them anxious or upset.

Simon's employers used to send him out on errands, delivering urgent letters to City firms. Simon enjoyed these duties and performed them punctually but he got extremely upset if delays on the bus or Underground interfered with his schedule.

Anton Barber, a parent

These are the main features of the condition, but because every person is an individual, these characteristics will vary greatly and some may be demonstrated more strongly than others.

What causes Asperger syndrome?

The causes of autism and Asperger syndrome are still being investigated. Many experts believe that the pattern of behaviour from which Asperger syndrome is diagnosed may not result from a single cause. There is strong evidence to suggest that Asperger syndrome can be caused by a variety of physical factors, all of which affect brain development - it is not due to emotional deprivation or the way a person has been brought up.

Is there a cure?

Asperger syndrome is a developmental condition affecting the way the brain processes information and there is no 'cure'; children with Asperger syndrome become adults with Asperger syndrome. Much can be achieved to make life less challenging with appropriate education and support.

With time and patience people with Asperger syndrome can be taught to develop the basic skills needed for everyday life, such as how to communicate appropriately with people.

The importance of early diagnosis

Because the condition of people with Asperger syndrome is not as marked as those with autism, they may not be diagnosed for a long time. This can mean that their particular needs may go unrecognised and parents may blame themselves, or worse still blame their child for their unusual behaviour.

We were lucky to have a relatively early diagnosis for Samuel. As a result, he has had the necessary support and understanding to be able to attend mainstream primary and secondary school. The staff at his secondary school were given a training session on Asperger syndrome before he started. Of course, there are sometimes problems but he is never just treated as a 'difficult' child, which could easily be the case if his condition were not understood.

Sue Robinson, a parent

What does the future hold?

At present, there are few facilities specifically for children with Asperger syndrome. Some children are in mainstream schools where their progress depends on the support and encouragement of parents, carers and teachers. Some children with Asperger syndrome go to specialist schools for children with autism or learning disabilities.

Because their disability is often less obvious than that of someone with autism, a person with Asperger syndrome is, in a sense, more vulnerable. They can, sadly, be an easy target for teasing or bullying at school.

As they get older, they may realise that they are different from other people and feel isolated and depressed. People with Asperger syndrome often want to be sociable and are upset by the fact that they find it hard to make friends.

But the future for people with Asperger syndrome does not have to be bleak. Adults with Asperger syndrome can and do go on to live fulfilling lives, to further education and employment and to develop friendships.

In the workplace, people with Asperger syndrome can offer a great deal - punctuality, reliability and dedication - though informed and understanding employers and colleagues are essential.

Mental health and Asperger syndrome


People with autism or Asperger syndrome are particularly vulnerable to mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, especially in late adolescence and early adult life (Tantam & Prestwood, 1999). Ghaziuddin et al (1998) found that 65 per cent of their sample of patients with Asperger syndrome presented with symptoms of psychiatric disorder. However, as mentioned by Howlin (1997), "the inability of people with autism to communicate feelings of disturbance, anxiety or distress can also mean that it is often very difficult to diagnose depressive or anxiety states, particularly for clinicians who have little knowledge or understanding of developmental disorders". Similarly, because of their impairment in non-verbal expression, they may not appear to be depressed (Tantam, 1991). This can mean that it is not until the illness is well developed that it is recognised, with possible consequences such as total withdrawal; increased obsessional behaviour; refusal to leave the home, go to work or college etc; and threatened, attempted or actual suicide. Aggression, paranoia or alcoholism may also occur.

In treating mental illness in the patient with autism or Asperger syndrome, it is important that the psychiatrist or other health professional has knowledge of the individual with autism being assessed. As Howlin (1997) says, "it is crucial that the physician involved is fully informed about the individuals usual style of communication, both verbal and non-verbal". In particular it is recommended, if possible, that they speak to the parents or carers to ensure that the information received is reliable, eg any recent changes from the normal pattern of behaviour, whilst at the same time respecting the right of the person with autism to be treated as an individual. Wing (1996) asserts that psychiatrists should be aware of autistic spectrum disorders as they appear in adolescents and adults, especially those who are more able, if diagnostic errors are to be avoided. Attwood (1998) also stresses the importance of the psychiatrist being knowledgeable in Asperger syndrome. Tantam and Prestwood (1999), however, state that treatments for anxiety and depression that are also effective for people without autism are effective for people with autism. They go on to say that practitioners and psychiatrists with no special knowledge of autism or Asperger syndrome can be of considerable assistance in treating these conditions. Typically, however, it is of great advantage if the psychiatrist has experience of autism/Asperger syndrome.

This factsheet will concentrate on mental health in people with high-functioning autism or Asperger syndrome although references will be made to autism per se where appropriate. Emphasis will be on depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder, but it is important to realise that people with Asperger syndrome also experience other problems, such as impulsive behaviour and mood swings. To date there has been little research in this area but, as Carpenter (2001) has found, these can sometimes be incapacitating. Treatment can include conventional mood stabilising drugs, but helping the person to improve their self-awareness is also important.


Depression is common in individuals with Asperger syndrome with about 1 in 15 people with Asperger syndrome experiencing such symptoms (Tantam, 1991). People with Asperger syndrome leaving home and going to college frequently report feelings of depression as demonstrated by the personal accounts that can be found at

As one young person says, "I also had to deal with anger, frustration, and depression that I had been keeping inside since high school". A study by Kim et al (2000) also found depression to be more common in children aged 10-12 years with high-functioning autism/Asperger syndrome than in the general population of children of the same age.

Depression in people with Asperger syndrome may be related to a growing awareness of their disability or a sense of being different from their peer group and/or an inability to form relationships or take part in social activities successfully. Personal accounts by young people with Asperger syndrome frequently refer to attempts to make friends but "I just did not know the rules of what you were or were not supposed to do"

Indeed, some people have even been accused of harassment in their attempts to socialise, something that can only add to their depression and anxiety; "I also did not know how to approach girls and ask them to go out with me. I would just walk up and talk to them, whether they wanted to talk to me or not. Some accused me of harassment, but I thought that was the way everybody did that."

The difficulties people with Asperger syndrome have with personal space can compound this sort of problem. For example, they may stand too close or too far from the person to whom they are speaking.

Other precipitating factors are also seen in many people without autism who are depressed and include loneliness, bereavement or other form of loss, sexual frustration, a constant feeling of failure, extreme anxiety levels etc.

Childhood experiences such as bullying or abuse may also result in depression, as can a history of misdiagnosis. Another possibility is that the person is biologically predisposed to depression (Attwood, 1998). However, there are, of course, many other factors that may trigger the depression and this list should not be taken as exhaustive.

Tantam and Prestwood (1999) describe the depression of someone with Asperger syndrome as taking the same form as in people without the condition, although the content of the illness may be different. For example, the depression might show itself through an individuals particular preoccupations and obsessions and care must be taken to ensure that the depression is not diagnosed as schizophrenia or some other psychotic disorder or just put down to autism. It is important to assess the individuals depression in the context of their autism, ie their social disabilities, and any gradual or sudden changes in behaviour, sleep patterns, anger or withdrawal should always be taken seriously.

Symptoms of depression can be psychological (poor concentration/memory, thoughts of death or suicide, tearfulness); physical (slowing down or agitation, tiredness/lack of energy, sleep problems, disturbed appetite (weight loss or gain)); or affects of mood and motivation (eg low mood, loss of interest or pleasure, hopelessness, helplessness, worthlessness, withdrawal or bizarre beliefs etc.) People with depression can also experience periods of mania.

Lainhart and Folstein (1994) cite three approaches that need to be made in diagnosing depression in a person with autism. The first concerns a deterioration in cognition, language, behaviour or activity. The complaint is rarely couched in terms of mood. Secondly, it is important to take the patients history to establish their baseline, patterns of activity and interests. It is this pattern with which the presenting patterns can be compared. Thirdly, an attempt should be made to assess the patients mental state, both directly and through the parent or carer, if present. Examples would include reports of crying, difficulties in separating from their parent/carer for an interview, increased/decreased activity, agitation or aggression. There may be evidence of new or increased self-injury or worsening autistic features, such as increased proportion of echolalia or the reappearance of hand-flapping.

Attwood (1998) also refers to the inability that some people with Asperger syndrome have in expressing appropriate and subtle emotions. They may, for example, laugh or giggle in circumstances where other people would show embarrassment, discomfort, pain or sadness. He stresses that this unusual reaction, for example after a bereavement, does not mean the person is being callous or is mentally ill. They need understanding and tolerance of their idiosyncratic way of expressing their grief.

In treating depression, medications used in general practice may be prescribed (Carpenter, 1999). It is important to realise, however, that such agents do not make an impact on the primary social impairments that underlie autism. See Gringras (2000) for a discussion on the use of psychopharmacological prescribing for children with autism or Santosh and Baird (1999) for a analysis of psychopharmacotherapy in children and adults with intellectual disability (including autism). As with any treatment for depression, adjustments may have to be made to find the appropriate drug and dosage for that particular person. Side effects should also be monitored and effort made to ensure the benefits of the treatment outweigh the penalties (Carpenter, 1999). It is also important to identify the cause for the depression and this may involve counselling (see below), social skills training, or meeting up with people with similar interests and values.


Anxiety is a common problem in people with autism and Asperger syndrome. Grandin (2000) writes that, at puberty, fear was her main emotion. Any change in her school schedule caused intense anxiety and the fear of a panic attack. Anxiety attacks started shortly after her first menstrual period. Muris et al (1998) found that 84.1% of children with pervasive developmental disorder met the full criteria of at least one anxiety disorder (phobia, panic disorder, separation anxiety disorder, avoidant disorder, overanxious disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder). This does not necessarily go away as the child grows older. Attwood (1998) states that many young adults with Asperger syndrome report intense feelings of anxiety, an anxiety that may reach a level where treatment is required. For some people, it is the treatment of their anxiety disorder that leads to a diagnosis of Asperger syndrome.

People with Asperger syndrome are particularly prone to anxiety disorders as a consequence of the social demands made upon them. As Attwood (1998) explains, any social contact can generate anxiety as to how to start, maintain and end the activity and conversation. Changes to daily routine can exacerbate the anxiety, as can certain sensory experiences.

One way of coping with their anxiety levels is for persons with Asperger syndrome to retreat into their particular interest. Their level of preoccupation can be used a measure of their degree of anxiety. The more anxious the person, the more intense the interest (Attwood, 1998). Anxiety can also increase the rigidity in thought processes and insistence upon routines. Thus, the more anxious the person, the greater the expression of Asperger syndrome. When happy and relaxed, it may not be anything like as apparent.

One potentially good way of managing anxiety is to use behavioural techniques. For children, this may involve teachers or parents looking out for recognised symptoms, such as rocking or hand-flapping, as an indication that the child is anxious. Adults and older children can be taught to recognise these symptoms themselves, although some might need prompting. Specific events may also be known to trigger anxiety eg a stranger entering the room. When certain events (internal or external) are recognised as a sign of imminent or increasing anxiety, action can be taken for example, relaxation, distraction or physical activity.

The choice of relaxation method depends very much on the individual and many of the relaxation products available commercially can be adapted for use for people with autism/Asperger syndrome. Young children may respond to watching their favourite video. Older children and adults may prefer to listen to calming music. There is much music on the market, both from specialist outfits and regular music stores, that is written specifically to bring about a feeling of tranquillity. It is important the person does not have social demands, however slight, made upon them if they are to benefit. It is also important that they have access to a quiet room. Other techniques include massage (this should be administered carefully to avoid sensory defensiveness), aromatherapy, deep breathing and using positive thoughts. Howlin (1997) suggests the use of photographs, postcards or pictures of a pleasant or familiar scene. These need to be small enough to be carried about and should be laminated in order to protect them. Howlin also stresses the need to practice whichever method of relaxation is chosen at frequent and regular intervals in order for it to be of any practical use when anxieties actually arise.

An alternative option, particularly if the person is very agitated, is to undertake a physical activity (Attwood, 1998). Activities may include using the swing or trampoline, going for a long walk perhaps with the dog, or doing physical chores around the home.

Drug treatment may be effective for anxiety. Individuals may respond to buspirone, propranilol or clonazepam (Santosh and Baird, 1999) although Carpenter (2001) finds St. Johns Wort, benzodiazepines and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) antidepressants to be more effective. As with all drug treatments it may take time to find the correct drug and dosage for any particular person. Such treatment must only be conducted through a qualified medical practitioner.

Whatever method is chosen to reduce anxiety, it is crucial to identify the cause of the anxiety. This should be done by careful monitoring of the precedents to an increase in anxiety and the source of the anxiety tackled.

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is described as a condition characterised by recurring, obsessive thoughts (obsessions) or compulsive actions (compulsions) (Thomsen, 1999). Thomsen goes on to say that obsessive thoughts are ideas, pictures of thoughts or impulses, which repeatedly enter the mind, whereas compulsive actions and rituals are behaviours which are repeated over and over again.

Baron-Cohen (1989) argues that the stereotypic obsessive action seen in children with autism differs from the child with OCD. As Thomsen (1999) explains, the child with autism does not have the ability to put things into perspective. Although terminology implies that certain behaviours in autism are similar to those seen in OCD, these behaviours fail to meet the definition of either obsessions or compulsions. They are not invasive, undesired or annoying, a prerequisite for a diagnosis of OCD. The reason for this is that people with (severe) autism are unable to contemplate or talk about their own mental states. However, OCD does appear often to coincide with Asperger syndrome, although there is very little literature examining the relationship between the two (Thomsen, 1999).

Szatmari et al (1989) studied a group of 24 children. He discovered that 8% of the children with Asperger syndrome and 10% of the children with high-functioning autism were diagnosed with OCD. This compared to 5 per cent of the control group of children without autism but with social problems. Thomsen el at (1994) found that in the children he studied, the OCD continued into adulthood.

People with Asperger syndrome can sometimes respond to conventional behavioural treatment to help reduce the symptoms of OCD. However, as with anyone, this will only be effective if the person wants to stop their obsessions. An alternative is use medication to reduce the anxiety around the obsessions, thus enabling the person to tolerate the frustration of not carrying out their obsession (Carpenter, 2001).


There is no evidence that people with autistic conditions are any more likely than anyone else to develop schizophrenia (Wing, 1996).

It is also important to realise that people have been diagnosed as having schizophrenia when, in fact, they have Asperger syndrome. This is because their odd behaviour or speech pattern, or the persons strange accounts or interpretations of life, are seen as a sign of mental illness, such as schizophrenia. Obsessional thoughts can become quite bizarre during mood swings and these can be seen as evidence of schizophrenia rather than the mood disorder that actually are. However, should someone with Asperger syndrome experience hallucinations or delusions that they find distressing, conventional antipsychotic medications can be prescribed. However, it is recommended that only the newer atypical antipsychotics are used, as people with Asperger syndrome often have mild movement disorders (Carpenter, 2001). Cognitive behaviour therapy and other psychological management methods may be effective.

Psychological treatments

A primary psychological treatment for mood disorders is cognitive behavioural therapy as it is effective in changing the way a person thinks and responds to feelings such as anxiety, sadness and anger, addressing any deficits and distortions in thinking (Attwood, 1999). Hare and Paine (1997) list ways in which the therapy can be adapted for use with people with Asperger syndrome: having a clear structure eg protocols of turn-taking; adapting the length of sessions therapy might have to be very brief eg 10-15 minutes long; the therapy must be non-interpretative; the therapy must not be anxiety provoking as any arousal of emotion during therapy may be very counterproductive; group therapy should not be used. It is also important that the therapist has a working knowledge and understanding of Asperger syndrome in a counselling setting ie the difficulty people have dealing things emotionally, finding it best to deal with things intellectually. The therapist and client can work towards explicit operational goals, the focus being on concrete and specific symptoms. Attwood (1999) gives a succinct overview of the components of the counselling process. Hare and Paine (1997) stress that such therapy is not a treatment or even an amelioration of the characteristics of Asperger syndrome itself. It merely opens the psychotherapeutic door for people with such a diagnosis.


Catatonia is a complex disorder covering a range of abnormalities of posture, movement, speech and behaviour associated with over- as well as under-activity (Rogers, 1992; Bush et al, 1996; LisHydromaxan, 1998).

There is increasing research and clinical evidence that some individuals with autism spectrum disorders, including Asperger syndrome, develop a complication characterised by catatonic and Parkinsonian features (Wing and Shah, 2000; Shah and Wing, 2001; Realmuto and August, 1991).

In individuals with autistic spectrum disorders, catatonia is shown by the onset of any of the following features:

increased slowness affecting movements and/or verbal responses;
difficulty in initiating completing and inhibiting actions;
increased reliance on physical or verbal prompting by others;
increased passivity and apparent lack of motivation.
Other manifestations and associated behaviours include Parkinsonian features including freezing, excitement and agitation, and a marked increase in repetitive and ritualistic behaviour.

Behavioural and functional deterioration in adolescence is common among individuals with autistic spectrum disorders (Gillberg and Steffenburg, 1987). When there is deterioration or an onset of new behaviours, it is important to consider the possibility of catatonia as an underlying cause. Early recognition of problems and accurate diagnosis are important as it is easiest to manage and reverse the condition in the early stages. The condition of catatonia is distressing for the individual concerned and likely to exacerbate the difficulties with voluntary movement and cause additional behavioural disturbances.

There is little information on the cause or effective treatment of catatonia. In a study of referrals to Elliot House who had autistic spectrum disorders, it was found that 17% of all those aged 15 and over, when seen, had catatonic and Parkinsonian features of sufficient degree to severely limit their mobility, use of speech and carrying out daily activities. It was more common in those with mild or severe learning disabilities (mental retardation), but did occur in some who were high functioning. The development of catatonia, in some cases, seemed to relate to stresses arising from inappropriate environments and methods of care and management. The majority of the cases had also been on various psychotropic drugs.

There is very little evidence about effective treatment and management of catatonia. No medical treatment was found to help those seen at Elliot House (Wing and Shah, 2000). There are isolated reports of individuals treated with anti-depressive medication and electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) (Realmuto and August, 1991; Zaw et al, 1999).

Given the scarcity of information in the literature and possible adverse side effects of medical treatments, it is important to recognise and diagnose catatonia as early as possible and apply environmental, cognitive and behavioural methods of the management of symptoms and underlying causes. Detailed psychological assessment of the individuals, their environment, lifestyle, circumstances, pattern of deterioration and catatonia are needed to design an individual programme of management. General management methods on which to base an individual treatment programme are discussed in Shah and Wing (2001).


People with Asperger syndrome can experience a variety of mental heath problems, notably anxiety and depression, but also impulsiveness and mood swings. They may be misdiagnosed as having a psychotic disorder and it is therefore important psychiatrists treating them are knowledgeable about autism and Asperger syndrome. Conventional drug treatment can be used to treat depression, anxiety and other disorders. Behavioural treatments and therapies can also be effective. However, any treatment must be careful tailored to suit an individual and overseen by a qualified practitioner. However, any psychotropic medicine should be used with extreme caution and strictly monitored with people with autism due to their susceptibility to movement disorders, including catatonia.


Attwood T. (1998) Aspergers syndrome: a guide for parents and professionals. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Attwood T. (1999) Modifications to cognitive behaviour therapy to accommodate the unusual cognitive profile of people with Aspergers syndrome. Paper presented at autism99 internet conference ( Available from the NAS Information Centre, £2

Baron-Cohen S. (1989 ) Do autistic children have obsessions and compulsions? British Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 28 (99), 193-200. Available from the NAS Information Centre, £2

Bush G. et al (1996) Catatonia. I. Rating scale and standardising examination. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, Vol. 93 , pp. 129-136

Carpenter P. (1999) The use of medication to treat mental illness in adults with autism spectrum disorders . Paper presented at autism99 internet conference ( Available from the NAS Information Centre, £2

Carpenter P. (2001) Personal correspondence.

Ghaziuddin E., Weidmer-Mikhail E. and Ghaziuddin N. (1998) Comorbidity of Asperger syndrome: a preliminary report. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research Vol. 42 (4), pp. 279-283. Available from the NAS Information Centre, £2

Gillberg C. and Steffenburg S. (1987) Outcome and prognostic factors in infantile autism and similar conditions: a population based study of 46 cases followed through puberty. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol. 17 (2), pp. 273-287. Available from the NAS Information Centre, £2

Hare D.J. and Paine C. (1997) Developing cognitive behavioural treatments for people with Aspergers syndrome. Clinical Psychology Forum, no. 110, pp. 5-8. Available from the NAS Information Centre, £2

Howlin P. (1997) Autism: preparing for adulthood. London: Routledge. Available from the NAS Publications Department

Kim J. et al (2000) The prevalence of anxiety and mood problems amongst children with autism and Asperger syndrome. Autism, Vol. 4(2), pp. 117-132.

Available from the NAS Information Centre, £2

Lainhart J.E. and Folstein S.E. (1994) Affective disorders in people with autism: a review of published cases. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol. 24 (5), pp. 587-601. Available from the NAS Information Centre, £2

LisHydromaxan W. A. (1998) Organic psychiatry: the psychological consequences of cerebral disorder pp. 349-356. Oxford: Blackwell.

Muris P. et al (1998) Comorbid anxiety symptoms in children with pervasive developmental disorders. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, Vol. 12 (4), pp. 387-393. Available from the NAS Information Centre, £2

Realmuto G. and August G. (1991) Catatonia in autistic disorder; a sign of comorbidity or variable expressions? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol. 21 (4), pp. 517-528. Available from the NAS Information Centre, £2

Rogers D. (1992) Motor disorder in psychiatry: towards a neurological psychiatry. Chichester: Wiley.

Santosh P.J. and Baird G. (1999) Psychopharmacotherapy in children and adults with intellectual disability. The Lancet, Vol 354 , July 17, pp.233-242. Available from the NAS Information Centre, £2

Shah A. and Wing L. (2001) Understanding and managing catatonia in autism. A clinical perspective. To be published.

Szatmari P., Bartoluci G. and Bremner R. (1989) Aspergers syndrome and autism: comparison of early history and outcome. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Vol. 31 , pp. 709-720. Available from the NAS Information Centre, £2

Tantam D. (1991) Asperger syndrome in adulthood . In U. Frith (ed.) Autism and Asperger Syndrome, pp. 147-183 Cambridge University Press. Available from the NAS Information Centre, £2

Tantam D. and Prestwood S. (1999) A mind of one's own: a guide to the special difficulties and needs of the more able person with autism or Asperger syndrome. 3 rded. London: National Autistic Society. Available from the NAS Publications Department

Thomsen P.H. (1994) Obsessive-compulsive disorder in children and adolescents. A 6-22 year follow-up study. Clinical descriptions of the course and continuity of obsessive-compulsive symptomatology. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Vol. 3, pp. 82-86.

Thomsen P.H. (1999) From thoughts to obsessions: obsessive compulsive disorder in children and adolescents. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Wing L. (1996) The autistic spectrum: a guide for parents and professionals. London: Constable. Available from the NAS Publications Department

Wing L. and Shah A. (2000) Catatonia in autistic spectrum disorders. British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 176 , pp. 357-362. Available from the NAS Information Centre, £2

Zaw F. K. et al (1999) Catatonia, autism and ECT. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Vol. 41, pp. 843-845. Available from the NAS Information Centre, £2

I will finally add that I also suffer from Asperger's syndrome and its a terrible thing to have and certainly has held me back in some situations in life but now I'm getting a better control over it by myself with a small help from drugs but mainly by myself. I dont think it can be beaten fully as it'll always be with me but I wont sink in this life, I will swim.
Incredible information Red, thanks for taking the time and having the courage to post this. We have made such strides in our physical world I truly hope we can do the same with the mind.
No problem. The mind is the most unknown part of the human existance and its also the most powerful tool we have ... mental health issues such as Aspergers alter the mind in different ways, but they are ways to manage it.
RED, this is one of the most interesting posts I have ever read in this forum.
I have a son with Asperger's and this post just taught me too many things, and will help me comprehend my 9 yr old boy .
Red, I am amazed that u have Asperger´s, that gives me hope my son one day will live a "normal" or almost normal life,specially when I am gone .
Thanks man .
Yeah. REALLY GLAD its helped you.

People with Aspergers can live normal lives but you must FIGHT it.
I'm actually STILL in the developing stages of gathering information for a book about living with Aspergers syndrome and that they is LIGHT at the end of the tunnell, belive me .... at the moment I'm chasing a hot older woman and I would never have dreamed of this years back because I just wouldnt be able to do it, my AS would hold me back ... now not many of anything holds me back.

The Syndrome goes to the back of the mind in time, you cope with it ... it does surface sometimes but you find ways to deal with it. I've never actually fully controlled it all the time, but its much better than it was.

If you need any advice or help into this than please do fire away here or PM me.
My parents and Uncle believe that i have this syndrome and having reasearched it and read this post, i believe i have it.

While i do not find it hard to form social relationships, i do find it hard to keep them although i would not say that i am withdrawn although i do seem unintrested.

I definetely have communication problems, while i speak fluently, i do tend to go on and on regardless of whether people are interested or not, this is a particular problem when people want a simple yes, or no answer as i tend to overcomplicate the answer and do sound over literal.

As for the lack of imagination, i never really had a problem with religious sciences or literature and would say that i have a active imagination although i am not creative, i also learn facts and figures well, i am able to quote the GDP figures for ten different countries from 1994 to 2005, i am not very creative however i am slightly obbsesive in that i am obssessed with the weather and have been from a very young age although my obsession with economics and Penis Enlargement is slowly taking over now.

Because of Aspergers syndrome, it does make me apear weird to people and i am unable to judge facial expressions, i am lucky enougth not to be depressed and am if anything a optimist however i do not feel a wide range of emotions and appear emotionless to other people (excelent for [words=!!!]poker[/words]), i am very inteligent and am expecting three B grade AS levels before going into banking next year, i also have a IQ of 131.
Yeah the BIGGEST fuck with Aspergers is the apparent lack of emotion, this is with me mainly in the face and I can appear uninterested but everyone always says I look very laid back and confident when at times I aint but that part of AS makes me look cool calm and collected but its a disadvantage when pulling woman and flirting as you 'The AS sufferer' must work harder than normal to enable yourself to react better to those things.

People with AS dont like much eye contact anyways, but I have made myself get 'normal' in that dept and I have no worries with that now.

The other biggest disadvantage for me with AS is sending correct body language, as at times I have odd postures and I'm luckily aware of these as bad sufferers wouldnt know.

I also dont get other people body language signals very well ... I often need help with that, still to this day at age 22 but I'm working on it.

Language is another area I need to work on. My speech is fine but at times I need to alter the tone and speed more to sound more interesting.

Also people with AS can be repetitive with their words, some have noticed that here and made remarks in the past over silly arguments.

A MASSIVE advantage for us with AS is we see things VERY different to others see the world. We see OUTSIDE THE BOX and are very good at solving problems and now the military in the UK is actually thinking of having more people with AS in its ranks, however I cant site any sources as this is word of mouth from my brother but he assures me its from the top.

We sometimes have very strange ideas .... who cares.

Just because you have AS doesnt mean you cant live a normal life. I'm lucky really to be blessed with very good looks so I suppose I blend in better.
Makes it easier.

I'm also on medication. Cipralex has helped my condition as it combats the anxiety and also Dothiepin ''Dosulepin'' relaxes my muslces. I take both, one is a SSRI anti-depressant and the other a tri-cylic anti-depressant.

I'm going to soon try and get off both tablets or have a word with the Doctor about it all.
I'm more confident than ever, and getting more and more so eachday.

YOU CAN FIGHT Aspergers and live a normal life ... I DO.

Soon I'm getting a BLOG started on Aspergers Syndrome, which will be for supporting sufferers or any freinds and family who live or know AS sufferers.

I'll also have lots of info' about AS and I'm still adding to my notes for my future book on my life and succesful fight with Aspergers .... keep your eyes open.

Also did you know that only ONE in TEN Asperger's sufferers work? its true and came from a poll done here in the UK.

So in 100 only 10 can cope with working life.
REDZULU2003 said:
I'm more confident than ever, and getting more and more so eachday.

YOU CAN FIGHT Aspergers and live a normal life ... I DO.

Soon I'm getting a BLOG started on Aspergers Syndrome, which will be for supporting sufferers or any freinds and family who live or know AS sufferers.

I'll also have lots of info' about AS and I'm still adding to my notes for my future book on my life and succesful fight with Aspergers .... keep your eyes open.

Also did you know that only ONE in TEN Asperger's sufferers work? its true and came from a poll done here in the UK.

So in 100 only 10 can cope with working life.

Red are u going out with Lacuna Coil.
Great information in the first post!

I have Asperger's Syndrome and I was FIGHTING it most of my live until at 35 I was burned out from the fight.
Personally I would say looking back that ACCEPTING it, realizing the advantages and activly minimizing the disadvantages by finding workarounds and/or training of certain social attitudes (like looking people in the eyes) is a better way then fighting oneself.

I know exactly what you mean. I can look anyone in the eyes and battled and won that fight years ago. When I say FIGHT IT I mean that, you cant allow AS to dictate and rule your life. You must dig deep and with time you will push the condition to the back of your mind and you will become more relaxed and the negative aspects become less and less but I do not think they will ever go away 100% as you cant cure it.

Also the drug Phenibut helps me a great deal and I would reccommend that to any AS sufferer but not on a daily basis as it builds tolerance.

Search the forums here, I got a thread going on it.

Some interesting stories here.

It seems that it has affected me in differrent ways to you all, most likely through my experiences as it has caused me to be a bit self centred and have a different moral code to many other people.

One advantage of my selfcentredness is that i always focus on the advantages as i see no point in dwelling on the negatives.
I have a friend with this syndrome! It can be very difficult for me to hang out with him. He is stuck in the kid world which goes along with some certain symptoms. He also is love shy! I feel sorry because it will be very hard for him to find someone. This is amazing stuff! Thanks for the post!
Yep ... its a shiet thing to have. I cant wait to finish my book and will get a site made I PROMISE to help others. IT CAN BE BEATEN trust me ... I have done so well in my job dealing with people and can take anyshit from anyone and it wont bother me, AS sufferer's dont have to take shit .... life is a bitch, we all know this but WHY should we take it? I aint ... I want a life and will have one, the AS to me is just something I have .. it WILL NEVER hold me back because I wont let it .... it depends on how strong you are and how much you want a normal life, some AS sufferer's will be content in their own world and wont listen to any of this and its not changeing to adjust to others ... its living a normal fulfilling life.

I can flirt and date girls easy ... onetime it was VERY HARD because I found it hard to read body language [part of AS] but now with learning it I'm fine and I do think we AS can be better lovers than most ... cant speak for everyone with it but I myself get to the point of obsession about getting my partner to orgasm before me, always have done and I make love for a woman for hours until she cums and than I will ... I'm very passionate and intense .. the AS to me helps me perfect it as we are perfectionists.

Did you also know Gary Numan the singer has mild AS just like myself?
Been officially diagnosed with AS about 6 years ago.
I wouldn't wanted to believe at first, but I felt that I was different. Haha, nobody wants to know that there not "normal". I didn't fit in, didn't have many friends. Had two gf's that also both lied and backstabbed me. Got very selective with people. A real friend of my had the same, too bad she moved to Germany now :(.
People are sometimes hard to read for me. I fail in communication, can't pick up signals or start a chat easy. Anxiety and insecurity issues. I'm always try to be open, loyal, clear, honest; but I guess is just doesn't work. Also a bit lonely, but I don't "give in" to that feeling. I'm too technical/theoretical on life.
Casual things/subject don't interest me, I only have specific interests. I tend to toss away all things in live and only live for my areas of interest. Have routines for the days in my head. Have my own view about things, own sense of justice and honour.
I haven't got learning problems, a positive thing from AS. I always push myself, try to be perfect. However, I easily feel down or depressed from some drawbacks (don't know if that it proper english). Which ruins my entire mindset/life at the moment. For me Depression+AS= lethal. I fall inside a hole and almost can't climb back.
Things are slowly getting better, but still a victim of my own mind.
I'm glad to be finally in contact with another 'Aspie' like myself. I understand what you write but believe me it gets much better. With AS as you clearly define, we like to strive for perfection or at least 'upgrade' ourselves, so we are learning new things all the time which is how I have survived if you will. I have updated my communication skills IMMENSELY ... when I was 14 I never looked at anyone in the eye and hid in a large coat ... who would have thought that years later I would be on the road for one day recruitment into the NHS as a paramedic or similar roles!

Cognitive behaviour therapy also helped me, to understand how and why emotions occur with me and to control them. If you need further help on that I'll get something down on here soon. I'm also qualified in Anger management and in the months ahead will be starting another course that gets me higher in that field. Has also helped me with the frustration issues.

The depression and anxiety are the killers for me. The anxiety has held me back from many things and the depression makes me feel like shit but thankfully touch wood both have been stable. I think as well many people have those issues anyhow, its just with AS we have problems controlling, interpreting them and managing them.

I'm also on medication, 75mg Venlafaxine in extended release form. Was 150mg and now I'm dropping down because it interferes with the pace of thoughts but is a cracking tablet when your really in a hole. I had it after a breakdown a few years back. Going to nail it to 35mg and than leave it be for several months before discontinuation.

Something else I've come to realise is its others who have the problems and not me. I have been alienated in the past and verbally abused, mentally abused because of my differences but now I think ''You either like me or you don't''. I have my goals set and I will reach them, another plus with AS is we do not get distracted easily from our obligations and tasks .... so many positives, more so I feel than negatives.
I wrote some info about a similar topic you started called "BI POLAR sufferers chime in". Idk if you got it I hope you read it though and maybe it could help at least with the edge of that depression.
I read about the SAM-E but allot of this is down to evaluating ones thoughts and changing attitudes & beliefs. Drugs, hormones and whatever else will/can help but we must help ourselves to reap the benefits.
Very true. Looks like you are already feeling much better and are definitely on the right track. Be proud of yourself: what you said is really deep. Someone not in-tune with their emotion would not be able to grasp that.
This place is really MUCH MORE than a site for getting a bigger pecker. Its an emotional outlet and its what I like to get across. I could have joined a AS support forums and I imagine that many good ones are across cyberspace, but this is the one place and has helped me out allot. I haven't been in contact with another AS via cyberspace and only once or twice in real life .. a patient who I was looking after and someone from therapy.
Thanks for the reply guys.
I would be nice to get some more information from someone with AS.

I only talk about AS with specific people. Most of them will spread that you are "crazy", behind your back. People are simple minded and don't accept the fact that humans are different. Then again, what is normal? What most people are? Normal is not absolute and changes with time.
Like you said Red, I don't change myself for others anymore. I'm one person, the most important thing is that I'm true to myself and to my principles.

I am also trying to use AS as a weapon to reach my goals.
Being in the beta field, I pep-talk myself with the fact that a lot of successful people had/have AS!
When we manage to successfully control ourselves; we are steaming, we are unbeatable. Yet, we pay a high price for this "ability".

I'm generally against medication that is used for mental health disorders. I believe that mental issues are solved by power of the mind.
I know what you mean Red. I tried going to other forums for "relationships", "video games", AND "weed" but I dont ever read over there because everything is already here. Theres MOS and then theres Nothing.
Asperger's syndrome is a condition common in young children who experience impaired social interactions and develop limited repetitive patterns of behavior. It is considered that some genetic factors may be a cause for the occurrence of asperger's syndrome in an individual. They also show deficiencies in social skills
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