Orginal post I'm answering:
You are not allowed to move your pelvis forward AT ALL. Your body has to be COMPLETELY straight. Do not bend your back at all. Do not lean forward or backward at all. Shoulders straight up, like a military stance. Move your neck just enough to see the measurement on the ruler. It is very easy for guys to cheat. No cheating! Do a bpfsl mearement this way, and compare it to when seated, where your pelvis is at a different angle, allowing for a slightly deeper penetration.
IF you are getting the same measurement both ways, then I would have to assume that when you measure in the seated position, your pelvis is at the same angle as when standing straight.
For me, there is a 1/2 inch difference. I have done it many times.
Quote from the post above:
You are not allowed to move your pelvis forward AT ALL. Your body has to be COMPLETELY straight. Do not bend your back at all. Do not lean forward or backward at all. Shoulders straight up, like a military stance. Move your neck just enough to see the measurement on the ruler.
I did that. But I never measure BPFSL (Bone Pressed Flaccid Stretch Length), it may be a difference if you messure BPFSL.
-How hard do you stretch, isn't that a variable that can change your flaccid stretch length? I'm just asking, since I have never measured this.
Also are you doing reverse kegels, when you are measuring (are you sure that you are not doing that)? It may be a difference with these variables? I don't know, just trying to figure out why you see a difference in your messurments, standing versus. seated. A measuring technique should be bullet proof (not get diffrent values). You should not tilt your pelvis when you are measuring. Just keep a natural position on your body.
I only measure BPEL (Bone Pressed Erect Length) this is what is important to me. I have no use of my flaccid length when I have sex.
If you messuring BPEL from your pubic bone (Pubis) exactly here:
That is: You measure right above, and near the base of your penis.
The length of your penis will not change, it doesn't matter if you sit, lay down or standing. Your penis is fixed to your body and you can't change it's position in relation to the pubic bone (Pubis).
You always measuring with natural upright position (standing or seated).
If you would messure with a hyper-forward leaning position your BPEL value may get lower, but why would you messure like this? You would not even be able see the messurment/the ruler in this position. Your head would be at the same level as your penis.
If you messure your penis with a hyper-lening back position, your measured value would not change, and in this position you would not be able to see what you are measuring, you would not be able to see the ruler. Risk of falling backwards in this position.
I will try to messure BPFSL, right NOW to find out what is going on with that. I have tried it. And depending on how hard I stretch, I get different values. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I had a problem to stretch at maximum force and measuring at the same time.
I'm trying to hold in the top of my forskin, and stretch with one hand, but I can't do this with one hand. I can get to maximum stretching force, but I can't hold it there for long, to make a messurment.
Can you describe for me,
@Grandmaster how you are measuring? How do you stretch at maximum force, and measuring at the same time?