Don't waste time with l-arginine. That's throwing money down the toilet, either through pissing or shitting. Go with l-citrulline or l-citrulline malate. L-arginine is processed in the liver through a different process. You will waste more than you will use, through the breakdown and absorption passing through the intestinal tract and liver, where it is processed. L-citrulline in either form is not limited to this process. It is broken down in the kidneys into nitric oxide and forms of l-arginine almost immediately. Plenty of studies to prove this fact. The process of using L-citrulline lasts far longer in the body than l-arginine, while essentially negating l-arginine, seeing as it turns into a form of it anyways when broken down. You can also take both together, which contradicts itself, but studies show it's potent as well. Given an option, l-citrulline dl-malate is far superior of the two. Proper diet, exercise and supplements will definitely show you a different world. I haven't worked out in 3 weeks due to scheduling but I still take my supps. I'll be starting again soon and I know I haven't lost much if any strength. The way veins pop when using the right supps is sick. Even resting my veins are very visible. Drink lots of water as well. That definitely helps. Pissing a lot, but it helps. Google both forms for studies and learning new things. I've found many new things that way. Love it.
Forgot, green tea is excellent to take for many health reasons, especially keeping fat from storing itself.