It might be just me, but every single newbie, or whoever posts their starting girth, its always either at 5 inches or above. I see VERY few people with a starting girth of under 5. How can this be the average, if on this site, 8 out of 10 people start at 5 inches of girth or more.

Am i nuts, or what ?
If by average you mean the size most people are, then yes it probably is.

If by average you mean the median, or size in the middle between largest and smallest, no that's probably something else.

I think average would mean the first way I stated. It is only my opinion that 5" girth is average in that sense, the actual fact may be higher or lower. The second way I stated... is not what I consider average.
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Look at it from outside the box, smallguy. The average girth stat may not be wrong at all. The fact is that most guys who do natural Penis Enlargement are 5 inches in girth or more. Could it be that 5 inches girth skews their perception of their penis? I know mine looks smaller to me (and many others) because of its girth. To me, it looks short and stumpy, and so I think I need to make it bigger, although I am in the top 70% in length statistically and top 90% in girth. Less girth makes a penis look longer, so the guy with the narrow cock doesn't feel he needs to enlarge because it LOOKS long!
Yeah, cuz Im not even 5 girth, and Im almost 7 length (Measured last night: FUCK YEAH!!!)

And along with my short starture.....MY cock looks about 9 inches in the mirror
Same here bro. I think another part of it is Im sure there tons of guys starting below 5 inch girth, they are just too embarassed to say it.
stuff it right on the head here. By average, I'm definitely referring to median. The # of guys over 5 as compared to under 5. It seems that there's more guys over 5 than under. The mean might be 5, but the # of guys over 5 is probably larger than that of under 5.
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Though it's probably not a huge factor on a site such as this, there is always the classic BS factor as well. There are probably just as many people that spot themselves a quarter inch each way as there are totally honest individuals. Girth is rather easy to fake with measurement picks as well, being that girth is very hard to visually estimate and one could easily manipulate a tape ruler, if they were so inclined. I believe somebody once mentioned the possibilty that a lot of men like to list their base girth as their official girth, similar to stating a bone-pressed length as their official length without indicating as much.
It also depends where u measure it... If I measured my girth from the base It would be like 5.5... but to me that is not my girthh because its such a small portion of my penis. the rest of my shaft is more like 4.5-4.8.... ---

- I bet there are around the same tall and skinny guys like myself as the short and plump guys. SO I would say 5 would probably be the average

but alot of ppl on this site come here purely for lengthening so it might seem that everyone's starting girht was bigger than 5----
Yes, it does depend on where you measure. I've seen some guys state their girth as 5.5" or even 6", only to admit later that they were talking about their base girth. My base girth is easily 6.2", yet my midshaft is a skimpy 5.3", and I state the latter whenever the topic comes up.

It's all smoke and mirrors for the most part (that most guys would have over 5" starting midshaft girth, that is).
In the very start I had a mid-shaft girth of 4.25"; I'm now up to 4.6". It pisses me off to think I have to work my way up to be average girth. I cannot wait until I have 5" of girth yet I see all these guys coming here with 5" and over like its nothing.
I think both median and mean average are probably under 5." The mode might be 5 or more, I'm not sure.

My girth is pretty uniform at somewhere between 5.13 and 5.25, but I just realized that under my head the girth is a little under 5." My head looks pretty big compared to my shaft so I always thought that the head was much bigger, but actually my shaft slightly tapers until just under the head then flares out.

I also just realized that my girth and probably my length actually gets much bigger "in the moment" than I have ever measured. I was masturbating,edging style and I thought was engorged to the max, so I measured and just got my normal measurement. First off it deflated a little while I was measuring.

But then AFTER I ejaculated I thought my cock looked much bigger. So I decided to measure it then. It has already started going limp and lost probably an inch in length. Well my girth was 5.5"! So either my dick actually gets bigger after I ejaculate or it gets that much bigger at the moment right before and during.
GhosT_DoGG said:
I was 5.2" when i started when it went down to 4.75" and up again... To much jelqing in the start aint good.

How's that possible? You sure it wasn't simply a case of weaker erections when measuring again? I just find it a little hard to believe someone could lose that much girth, even if he focused exclusively on stretching/hanging.
Also, was it midshaft or base girth?
I may be bias, due to my starting girth, but I think average girth is sub-five. I think this for a couple reasons, one being my extensive sexual history and the other being my previous porno addiction (did I say previous:D) I have been in a few situations, pre-pe, where I have seen men in erect state and in most cases their penis looked strangely like mine...length, width, girth, etc. I only remember one time I was having sex with these two, beautiful, plump, rock and roll, chicks:) that the other guy helping me do the deed was noticeably bigger (with my current size experience I would say he was 8x6)

In pornography I was always comparing myself to the adult entertainment stars and, again, my girth looked remarkably similar. There were obvious exceptions but the average looking guys always looked rather average. My starting Girth was just under 5" (about 4.75")
Shafty said:
How's that possible? You sure it wasn't simply a case of weaker erections when measuring again? I just find it a little hard to believe someone could lose that much girth, even if he focused exclusively on stretching/hanging.
Also, was it midshaft or base girth?
It was when i first started with Penis Enlargement.
Took [words=]Penis Enlargement pills[/words] for month...
Have no idea why, the erections was the same. But the girth just jumped off because of to much jelquing. Thought it was funny, and didnt care much about that. Took some while and i got the girth back.
It was midgirth btw.

Now my girth varies like a mofo, but its all good doe.
GhosT_DoGG said:
It was when i first started with Penis Enlargement.
Took [words=]Penis Enlargement pills[/words] for month...
Have no idea why, the erections was the same. But the girth just jumped off because of to much jelquing. Thought it was funny, and didnt care much about that. Took some while and i got the girth back.
It was midgirth btw.

Now my girth varies like a mofo, but its all good doe.

That is pretty bizarre, but I'll take your word for it. :D
Shit, I couldn't bare to lose a tenth of an inch of my girth... I'd stop any and all length exercises at once if I started to notice that happening. :O
Your shaft girth will always be a bit bigger right before you reach a 100% erection. I don't know why. When your dick becomes completely hard, and "locks up", the shaft girth does decrease slightly. My girth always looks thicker when I have a semi-erection.
Godsize said:
Your shaft girth will always be a bit bigger right before you reach a 100% erection. I don't know why. When your dick becomes completely hard, and "locks up", the shaft girth does decrease slightly. My girth always looks thicker when I have a semi-erection.

This might be because almost all of the blood that goes in, is in it. And the length isnt all there yet, so it expands the girth momentarily. Until the muscles tighten up all the way to give you your full length.