I just wanted to post a few thoughts and conclusions I have come to after browsing this forum for quite some time:

1. Penis Enlargement is essentially a form of body modification. In the early phases I believe men see some quick gains, perhaps due to improved circulation, stretching of little used ligaments, and various new methods of conditioning on the penis. In the long run, however, serious gains will take perhaps hundreds of hours to achieve. You are stretching and reshaping tissue, hopefully causing cellular growth and expansion, this takes time and serious effort.

2. Based on this fact, there are no real quick fixes in the world of natural Penis Enlargement. Only consistent and careful workouts will produce results.

3. All men will likely gain in different ways and at different speeds, from different combinations of exercises. I am sure that DLD's program is the best guide out there with comprehensive information, but not everybody can expect the same results from doing the same thing, just as two people would not expect the same results from following an identical fitness routine.

4. All these exercises, despite the frequent arguments about who invented what, are essentially variations on the same basic ideas: stretching the penis, and moving or trapping blood in the shaft with manual force in order to create expansion. There are almost infinate variations on the ways you can approach this, but the same basic ideas are always at work.

5. There is no 'perfect' or best exercise. As stated above, different things will work for different people, the best anybody can do is work from a guideline and tailor a routine that produces results. This is what DLD specializes in. Don't leap for quick fixes and and throw everything ot the window because one post proclaims to have discovered the new best exercise. Feel free to experiment, but remember that this is all based on trial and error and highly subjective in nature. Stick with what works for you.

6. So far as all the talk of drugs, chemical enhancement, ect, I will just say that if there was a drug or formula that did somehow produce even fairly minimal gains in penis size and was also safe, it would be heavily marketed and already available. Big pharma companies would love nothing more than to be the lucky one who discovers such a drug, and you had better believe they are working on it. They pour almost all their resources into research and development, billions of dollars in the end. There are few ideas on this forum that probably haven't been explored a long time ago, and I would advise caution to anybody starting any kind of drug regimine based on hearsay from the internet. Your penis size will cease to be an issue when your health is affected.

I was compelled to list this rather simplistic explanation as it seems many people get lost in debating the minutia of advanced techniques and workouts, Penis Enlargement aids, various other things, and often lose sight of the underlying ideas here. I know that when I first started poking around here Penis Enlargement seemed far more complicated than it actually is. And a few other points . . .

1. The frequent debate over race and size, while interesting, is more or less unprovable, and mainly argued with anecdotal evidence in these forums. Honestly, nobody will ever know the truth, and in reality there probably is none. There will never be an a perfect, world-wide, 'across the board' penis size survey. DLD's posts on the matter are probably about as close to a fair and comprehensive look at things as you'll find on the internet.

2. This brings me to the average size in general. We have a rough idea, around 5.5" for length, a little under 5" for girth, that is about as good as it will get, and you can feel quite safe in measuring yourself against that standard. Keep in mind the average is the median, on average more men are likely to be that size than any other. Many will be above, many will be below.

3. There is no one set reason that drives men to pursue a bigger penis. Obviously it is important to some, and they are concerned enough to want to deal with it. I have seen a wide variety of reasons listed, nobody should be questioned as to why. Sexual, self-confidence, bad experiences, it's an individual thing. For some it seems to just be a hobby.

4. So far as the pictures and frequent complaints about faking, or picture morphing, who cares? The complaints about authenticity are ridiculous, and have little bearing on the individual. If you do happen to see a bigger penis, and this upsets you, then you may want to work on your general outlook. There are many very large men out there, many more average, and plenty smaller. Seeing one picture that appears large, or for some reason faked, ought not produce outrage or worry, don't let it. I believe that about 1 in 50 men have a size that most here would identify as 'big.' Thats not too shabby if you're average or small if you ask me. A woman with an average number of partners has not likely experienced a 'big' guy if this offers consolation to any. It has also been restated to death that women, from our estimation, don't have a very good concept of what constitutes big or average.

5. This is just a general thought, feel free to disregard it, but I would like to see a cleaner tone in the forum. A forum such as this is the domain of the members, but you all seem quite dedicated and at home here, so treat it as such. By cleaner tone I mean curbing the profanity in the main section, especially in thread titles. I'm no moral enforcer or am in any way against swearing, but it lends the forum a less professional feel. I have also recently seen some posts concerning remaining on topic and not posting needlessly, I also think this is a good idea.

Thanks! Sorry if that was dry, I'm a stickler for fundamentals.
I thought all of your points were pretty good except the one about "if there was a drug that could do that, it would already be on the market..." New drugs are invented or discovered every day, so what's to say that someone like Supra won't come up with the magic formula next week and become a zillionaire? Otherwise, I agree with pretty much everything you stated.
Actually, there is already a secret, magical pill available. It's called Enzyte, if you believe the hype in the commercials ;)

All great points made though! Also, considering that the average guy does not do any sort of Penis Enlargement, the average guys penis is not as healthy and/or is most likely suffering from poor blood circulation issues.
Imagine inventing a pill that actually grew your cock legitmately with no bullshit :D
What a change to the world it would make!
TheExecutioner said:
Imagine inventing a pill that actually grew your cock legitmately with no bullshit :D
What a change to the world it would make!

it would suck, all men would be equal, everyone would have a 10" dick!
Thank you for the nice comments guys. So far as the drug talk, yes it is true that much if it is probably harmless, I just lean towards error on the side of caution when my health - especially my sexual health - is involved. Here's a current headline from CNN that might be worth your time to browse over. I was making more of an indictment of the internet culture so far as pharmacuticals are concerned, where things are often not what they seem, and genuine science and research are rarely employed.

TheExecutioner said:
Imagine inventing a pill that actually grew your cock legitmately with no bullshit :D
What a change to the world it would make!
Some guys would take so many that women couldn't have sex with any of them, so they won't reproduce. Therefore, a smaller cock would be wanted. :s

kong1971 said:
I thought all of your points were pretty good except the one about "if there was a drug that could do that, it would already be on the market..." New drugs are invented or discovered every day, so what's to say that someone like Supra won't come up with the magic formula next week and become a zillionaire? Otherwise, I agree with pretty much everything you stated.

Were are those gawd damn needles!!!