
Jul 20, 2003
I have been moderately stretching and jelqing. But yesterday and Saturday I did some very intense jelqs and yesterday some intense stretching, 3 separate times at about 45 minutes each.

During sleep last night and upon waking this morning I did not get my usual "wood".

My penis has felt a bit retracted and tight today. Has this happened to anyone else? Yesterday morning and most of the day, my penis felt more elastic and hung better.

I think I am taking a couple days rest.

Take a couple of days off if you feel you need to. You could just scale back the intensity a little bit. Just take your time, and assess the situation and do what's best for you. I took some time off, and it was the best thing in the world for me and my best really just do what you have to, but keep gaining. HOLLA
I think the shrinking effect is somewhat common. Just rest until you notice that you are hanging low again. That is what I do. Usually takes a day or two to get plumped back up again when it happens.
Man this happens to me, after a good workout I will initially be either longer or more pumped, but eventually I will shrink up like I've been damaged. I think its part of the breaking down the tissues and letting them heal cycle. Happens to all Penis Enlargementers and is actually a good thing.
I am so glad this is being brought up. The past few days I have had this post-workout shrinkage and it was driving me crazy. I am taking a break today since I have had crazy lig soreness for a while.

Best regards~AcesHigh
I took Monday off, and today much better. Its hanging more and I awoke to my usual "morning wood" + a lot of unexpected wood during work - back to normal. I am going to do one more day and then jump back in to a good stretch and jelqing session. I think one more day will be good - no sense in getting back in too quickly.
I have been at it for two days, and this is what I notice:

After stretching, at first, I am much better off than when I started. But then I shrink way up, which I've been told is called "turtling." This happened to me before I started Penis Enlargement, but I never knew when it would happen. Now it happens everyday about fifteen minutes after my stretch.

After jelqing, however, I'm fine. In fact, I normally feel good and look much better than when I started without any turtling at all. So the turtling just happens after the stretch. Now I'm getting one of those stretchers by Vimax, so I'm hoping that will help. But I am wondering why something that's supposed to make me longer (the stretching) makes me shrink up.
Shrinkage happens! I like to look at it this way, If you pull and stretch on your penis it kind of deserves to retreat in fear for a little while.:D It will come back out and the gains you make will be relative to the shrinkage you may experience. Penis Enlargement is not a gentle application to the penis, it is aggressive and it will cause some retraction, even resistance, the point is it works. Try not to look too much at the initial events, keep your eye on the future expectancies.

I remember when I was first starting Penis Enlargement, one night, after stretching my penis shrunk became thin and hard. I was scared out of my mind and I thought I fucked something up big time. Years later, I realize it was only part of the process.
::breathes sigh of relief::: Good I needed to read this,after a 45 minute stretching session my dick looks thinner and i slightly shorter than normal. Good to know that this is normal,so i wont be worrying about any post work out shinkage. All is well.
some times after a week of strait duel stretching sessions the head of my penis shrinkss a little and my dick feels rubbery and i just realized the head of my penis feels like its numb is all this normal and will the numbness fade away.
Shrinkage happens! I like to look at it this way, If you pull and stretch on your penis it kind of deserves to retreat in fear for a little while.LOL It will come back out and the gains you make will be relative to the shrinkage you may experience. Penis Enlargement is not a gentle application to the penis, it is aggressive and it will cause some retraction, even resistance, the point is it works. Try not to look too much at the initial events, keep your eye on the future expectancies.

I remember when I was first starting Penis Enlargement, one night, after stretching my penis shrunk became thin and hard. I was scared out of my mind and I thought I fucked something up big time. Years later, I realize it was only part of the process.
Hey DLD I know this is an old thread but this is happening to me too , I started hanging like a month ago but on a low weight more time ratio but felt like my flaccid is shorter which I believe is called retraction? Should I take a break?
Hey DLD I know this is an old thread but this is happening to me too , I started hanging like a month ago but on a low weight more time ratio but felt like my flaccid is shorter which I believe is called retraction? Should I take a break?
Okay I'm not DLD.

I can answer if you want my answer.
Retraction can be a sign of overworking the tissue. You usually see this when the relaxed flaccid hang is not as low as it used to be, after like 1 day of not doing any penis enlargement. Start by taking 3 days rest, and see if you can get back the regular flaccid hang.

You can take rest to recover. MOS-RED | NIR INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY FOR ERECTION QUALITY also helps. But during rest keep your penis elongated with: Penis Elongation Wrap or a sleeve.

When I myself had these rests I was longer at the end of that rest. Depending of what you are doing you may need more or less rest then 3 days. It's important to not stress about it when you decide to take some rest.

Hope this helps.
Okay I'm not DLD.

I can answer if you want my answer.
Retraction can be a sign of overworking the tissue. You usually see this when the relaxed flaccid hang is not as low as it used to be, after like 1 day of not doing any penis enlargement. Start by taking 3 days rest, and see if you can get back the regular flaccid hang.

You can take rest to recover. MOS RED also helps. But during rest keep your penis elongated with: Penis Elongation Wrap or a sleeve.

When I myself had these rests I was longer at the end of that rest. Depending of what you are doing you may need more or less rest then 3 days. It's important to not stress about it when you decide to take some rest.

Hope this helps.
I endorse

but felt like my flaccid is shorter which I believe is called retraction? Should I take a break?

I would be worried if your tunica did NOT retract somewhat after doing length work. The fact that it is doing that means you are on the right track. It means that you have successfully created micro damage in the tunica, which is precisely what you want if you are serious about gaining length. Great job!

Retraction will keep happening throughout your PE career, especially after an intense workout where you have created a good deal of micro damage. Retraction, swelling, whatever you want to call it, is the body's natural defense mechanism, so do not be afraid of it, or think that it will hinder gains. Quite the opposite.

When you hang the next day, all of those fibers in the tunica that underwent deformation will be the first ones in line to be challenged, or "pulled out." That is why the tissues can be very sore the next day, especially after an intense workout the previous day. But then, as you keep stretching, they eventually give in and the stretch becomes comfortable again. As you keep doing this over and over, you will get longer.

So do not fear retraction. It is your body's natural response and is a GOOD thing. The most important thing to remember in PE is to remain consistent. If you take days off and allow your tissues to fully heal after a good workout, then you might as well stop doing PE altogether. There is absolutely nothing more counterproductive in the realm of PE than allowing your tissues to fully heal. You need to attack the target tissues every day, to reopen the fibers from previous work, and then proceed to deform more tissue from there. That is the only way to do this correctly.
The truth is that intense stretching (hard stretching) will promote faster gains with the right programming.
What programming? Do you mean going hard one day followed by three days of doing nothing?
What programming? Do you mean going hard one day followed by three days of doing nothing?
With programming I'm referring to how you structure everything, that is: Every detail of your program, from stretching techniques, how many bundles, intensity (stretching force), length of stretch (time) and more...

I did 3 days on 1 day off with LengthMaster 3 - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging with full SRT healing, and I gained a lot of length, so post #15 you wrote are very true, according to my personal experience.
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