Kind of funny, I can't believe you guys are just discovering the wonders of escorts. Well I just discovered it myself a few years ago, before that I never did anything like that and never thought I would. But when I hit my late twenties and early thirties it got to the point where dating wasn't worth it anymore. Waste of time and waste of money, going through rejection after rejection.

I have a feeling this discovery is happening all over the country and these "stuck up bitches" guys have been wasting their dinner money on are in for a surprise in another couple years. I predict the end of relationships and more women being forced into the escort business to pay the bills.

You may want to check out Asian Massage Parlors, typically runs about 170 for full service and you get an asian girl to wash your entire body first and give you a legit massage before fucking you. The biggest plus of this is the girls are usually very sweet natured compared to American women and fun to play with. Usually a little cheaper, depends on area.
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Just a friendly word of caution. Be careful about those girls on backpage, some of them are coppers.

You will probably want to join a review site and only use girls that are reviewed and have a good rating. If you want to use BP ask girls if they are reviewed anywhere, this will keep you from getting ripped off or worse.

Also don't invite to your place, bad idea. Either go to their place (safe if reviewed) or use motel.
Don't you guys have brothels in your area? I recently just found out about Escorts too and reading these posts I am exactly the same. I was starting to get depressed with Rejections so gave it a try. I have now been 5 times. 3 Full services and 2 Massages.
That would be great if their were, the closest thing we have in MD are the massage parlors.

In Prague there is one called big sister that is mostly free except they film you with the girls for their live feeds.
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