
Sep 15, 2013
We have heard about the deformation of tissues and cementing them. However I have heard once the tunica is stretched it's permanently stretched like a piece of leather so therefore is cementing required for the tunica?

Or is this just for the ligaments suspencery and fundiform ligaments?

I ask because I don't have a lot of time and hell I will just bundle and clamp in like 20 mins a day. Any input guys?

Btw this is my first post guys glad to have joined.

This is a question you will get 50 answers to. Personally, I think once you have stretched the penis permanently, it keeps most of the size. Some guys shoot for around 1/2" more length than their "goal size" in case of some slight size loss over time.
Thanks for the quick reply. Yeah I've been browsing this site for so long and I couldn't join or ask questions to which DLD has just cleared up for us guys with his 6 month clean up. I have have a lot of information, however it is nice to actually hear from vets like yourself.

Cheers bud and nice to be here finally lol
Thanks man. You seem pretty busy on here and very helpful. Read an article ages ago about your hardcore hanging that intrigued me. But hey I'm prob getting off topic with the tunica deformation question ha ha.
Ensure you exceed your length goal with an extra half inch in length to prepare you for any size loss when you quit doing PE.
IamSpartacus;766144 said:
Thanks for the quick reply. Yeah I've been browsing this site for so long and I couldn't join or ask questions to which DLD has just cleared up for us guys with his 6 month clean up. I have have a lot of information, however it is nice to actually hear from vets like yourself.

Cheers bud and nice to be here finally lol

I am so happy I can finally talk to all those who have been waiting six months. Absence makes the heart grow founder!
Cheers DLD and it certainly does!

Regarding the tunica deformation question, it was because I was reading a lot about your bundled theory and the tunica being the main limiting factor. If I remember correctly you invented it many years ago and using a wash cloth which gave you the idea.

Regarding the elasticity being roughly 5 percent once stretched it stays that way. But then again as others have said get to about 0.5 longer or thicker than your intended goal. I have heard of the septum being a big factor in length and it being the problem there. My main goal is length, however I just wanted to get every body's input on the matter especially yours. I have about 6 days where I can stretch using the LengthMaster for 6 hours or more a day and atm I am using bundled upward stretches using the rope of the LengthMaster around my neck with a towel while lying back watching the telly etc then do the odd __________ stretch which in my opinion is the most insane I have ever felt like I am pulling something out from the bulbous by my ass crack. As stillwantmore has said I would prob get 50 responses to this however with so much info I would love to hear everybody's input.

I am a tad insane with the hours I would put in if I could but the ultimate goal is 10 by 7. One day I will get there lol
I'm currently doing the __________ stretches with the LengthMaster for 90 days. I will be adding hanging to the routine. I will let you know how it goes.
Cool keep in touch it's the only stretch I really feel pulling something out. I noticed my scrotum on the underside by my BS stretched some skin even tho it all felt internal. Gains. Lol

- - - Updated - - -

Sorry my CS.
IamSpartacus;766229 said:
Cheers DLD and it certainly does!

Regarding the tunica deformation question, it was because I was reading a lot about your bundled theory and the tunica being the main limiting factor. If I remember correctly you invented it many years ago and using a wash cloth which gave you the idea.

Regarding the elasticity being roughly 5 percent once stretched it stays that way. But then again as others have said get to about 0.5 longer or thicker than your intended goal. I have heard of the septum being a big factor in length and it being the problem there. My main goal is length, however I just wanted to get every body's input on the matter especially yours. I have about 6 days where I can stretch using the LengthMaster for 6 hours or more a day and atm I am using bundled upward stretches using the rope of the LengthMaster around my neck with a towel while lying back watching the telly etc then do the odd __________ stretch which in my opinion is the most insane I have ever felt like I am pulling something out from the bulbous by my ass crack. As stillwantmore has said I would prob get 50 responses to this however with so much info I would love to hear everybody's input.

I am a tad insane with the hours I would put in if I could but the ultimate goal is 10 by 7. One day I will get there lol

Wow, you remember that? That was so many years ago. It was a towel that helped me invent Bundled Stretches :) Tunica deformation is now possible using the Bundled Exercises. I discovered later on that the Bundled Stretches were stretching the Tunica more than anything else as there would be an increase in length and girth after a session of Tunica work. Now it is a staple in the SRT routine and most men incorporate int in their own routines. It is the smartest way to train. Doing all of your stretching using the LengthMaster will double the speed of gains. Getting to 10 x 7 is very doable with a beast approach to SRT. Do the entire routine as written and you will make that 10 x 7 the fastest way possible.
Yes I remember I joined years ago prob round 10 but never posted till now. I read a lot of your posts from �other PE site� etc. Yes I wish I could do the SRT route but I'm afraid after this week it's just manuals. I can't have a LengthMaster at boot camp lol
IamSpartacus;766353 said:
Cool keep in touch it's the only stretch I really feel pulling something out. I noticed my scrotum on the underside by my BS stretched some skin even tho it all felt internal. Gains. Lol

- - - Updated - - -

Sorry my CS.

Downward bundled stretches are powerful too.
IamSpartacus;766392 said:
Yes I remember I joined years ago prob round 10 but never posted till now. I read a lot of your posts from �other PE site� etc. Yes I wish I could do the SRT route but I'm afraid after this week it's just manuals. I can't have a LengthMaster at boot camp lol

I got you! So you will need to prepare yourself with a super stealth workout. My �other PE site� posts are very old but very good. How long will you be at bootcamp?
Yeah pretty much manual bathroom breaks. Hard to keep a good erection for ballooning and ulis etc when in a moments notice someone comes in the cubicle next to you to have a crap ha ha
IamSpartacus;766578 said:
Yeah pretty much manual bathroom breaks. Hard to keep a good erection for ballooning and ulis etc when in a moments notice someone comes in the cubicle next to you to have a crap ha ha

lol, when I used to work a normal job I was caught plenty pot times sneaking in PE :) There is a thread that gives a very funny story about me and the hell I went through one day at work!

doublelongdaddy;766677 said:
lol, when I used to work a normal job I was caught plenty pot times sneaking in PE :) There is a thread that gives a very funny story about me and the hell I went through one day at work!


Just read through it seems you went through a lot I myself have a case of the old OCD and it is a burden at times esp when dealing with people.

I found it very inspirational good thread😀
Stalls in the bathroom at bootcamp? Must not be the Marines. We had a completely open bay with no privacy.
stillwantmore2;766792 said:
Stalls in the bathroom at bootcamp? Must not be the Marines. We had a completely open bay with no privacy.

Yeah at the start it was like that everyone showered together and slept in 30 man rooms etc. Let's just say I'm past that stage but further on in with a tad more privacy and rank but still not much at all. The heads will be the only place I will get peace to do anything really. I said bootcamp to give the impression of the forces but I am in longer than that. Thank god, I don't have to have my kit ironed to A4 page size perfection everyday with no creases folded 2 finger gap, boots polished to perfection and so on ha ha. I'm sure you know what I mean there.

Bit of a clean freak so I kinda got used to it but still a pain in ass with privacy. But who knows what another year will bring.
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