To anyone that I was a mentor for


Jun 3, 2003
You can hit me back here. Let me know your new name and we can continue.
HI DLD! You were my mentor at the "OTHER PLACE" . If it's any help my LOT is about 9 o'clock. Since our last talk I've been pumping and instead of jelqing in between pump sessions I've been doing manual stretches. I'm only after lenght as my wife says I have enough girth already!

Originally posted by Maal
HI DLD! You were my mentor at the "OTHER PLACE" . If it's any help my LOT is about 9 o'clock. Since our last talk I've been pumping and instead of jelqing in between pump sessions I've been doing manual stretches. I'm only after lenght as my wife says I have enough girth already!


Hey Maal! So good to hear from you. Happy birthday by the way, well last week. Send me your entire routine again and I will continue where I left off.


Are all your mentorees over here now?

If any have not come over I can take over for you at �other PE site�. More than likely, they have registered here, but I will offer just in case. I would not like to have anyone in 'the cold' so to speak.

I'm here. DLD, you gave me great encouragement and a well needed push at times. Thanks man, you're awesome.............
and needless to say so is your beautiful woman Jen.......
Yo, I just want to say that I have not forgotten you guys I am just very busy. My time should clear up today and we can get beck to work.
DLD, if you have the time to take on one more, PLEASE help me out. I am pretty new. Currently, I'm 5.25ebp x 4.25.

my routine:
2 on 1 off
15 min. manual stretch
15 min. wet jelq
15 min. pump (starting with erection)
about 300 kegels everyday.

Also, I take Viacyn; multi-vitamins; smoke and drink about 4 sodas per day.

this is my third week in pe. I know it will take awhile and I am very patient. Allready, I have noticed that my cock looks a little thicker than before I started. My goal is 7-8ebp x 5.5.
Anything you could do for me would be a big help! As for all of you guys, this gives me hope! Thanx a ton.

DLD should i include lazy ass stretches into my daily routine? Just wanted to know if it helped with length gains.
longTom said:
What he said.
(That hurt to admit any thing soups said is right LOL)

Oh Ill Show you right!:D

Ring of Power "Brainwashing Effect" -----> Supra is always Right!
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