
May 7, 2011
Hey MOS crew! I just thought of a fun little game we could play.

The game is about looking at your current stats and trading some of your length for girth, or girth for length. So basically, you are constructing your desired penis within the realm of your current size. It's just a sili little game but I have often thought about it, because I would trade some of my length to add to my girth. Man I wish I could do that.

I'll start so you get the idea.

I am 8X5. I would trade 1" of length and add it to my girth, thus making me 7X6. I would then continue with my girth routine until I was 6.5" in girth and hopefully by then my length would have grown back to 8". girth workout has given me more length that girth.

Feel free to join in!
kitfisto;495846 said:
Hey MOS crew! I just thought of a fun little game we could play.

The game is about looking at your current stats and trading some of your length for girth, or girth for length. So basically, you are constructing your desired penis within the realm of your current size. It's just a sili little game but I have often thought about it, because I would trade some of my length to add to my girth. Man I wish I could do that.

I'll start so you get the idea.

I am 8X5. I would trade 1" of length and add it to my girth, thus making me 7X6. I would then continue with my girth routine until I was 6.5" in girth and hopefully by then my length would have grown back to 8". girth workout has given me more length that girth.

Feel free to join in!

What is your girth workout?

I'm 6.9x5.85. I'd trade the .85 girth to length, making me 7.75x5. Then I would continue working length and girth. I want 8.5-9x7
^ My girth workout is 20 jelqs then 1 SSJ. Repeat that about 6 or more times. Then its 40 to 60 minutes of solid clamping. It used to be more jelq dominated but not anymore. I think the jelqs help stretch my penis.
I will give 2" in length and an inch of girth for $475,000:) That would be about the cost of a Porsche GT:) The GT would automatically give me back the inches I lost:)
doublelongdaddy;496169 said:
I will give 2" in length and an inch of girth for $475,000:) That would be about the cost of a Porsche GT:) The GT would automatically give me back the inches I lost:)

Wow price really went up, before you were saying you'd give an inch for 15grand. Come on man, we're still in a big recession
hepcat;496266 said:
Does that mean you wish you stopped at 8" x 6" or are you just really into cars, or both?

I know the power of pe and the power of a porsche, if I gave up 2" for the GT than I would just have to gain it back:)

On an off note, My Range Rover blew up today...two land rovers down in one week!
hepcat;496406 said:
True you could always gain it back if the scenario of the post could really happen in reality. More importantly are you okay? How the fuck did your Range Rover blow up? Were you in it when it happened? What happened to the first Range Rover? My guess is that you accidentally hit the gas pedal with your dick.:)

My Land Rover Defender was vandalized last week and someone put a brick through all the windows and dented up the body pretty good. It is now off to be restored. The Range Rover was my back up vehicle and had been sitting for some time. I got it going last week and yesterday the main radiator hose blew up, and I mean BLEW UP! Loudest bang I have heard in a long time. It looks like it is the thermostat but of course this was after replacing everything else first.. . Land Rovers are a labor of love, anyone who has one can relate. If you want one buy two so you have a spare. In my case, I need a third:)
doublelongdaddy;496535 said:
the main radiator hose blew up, and I mean BLEW UP! Loudest bang I have heard in a long time.

Have you ever heard an intercooler hose blow up hitting 2.7bar of boost pressure. That will shit you up for days :)
Iwillbe9;496542 said:
Have you ever heard an intercooler hose blow up hitting 2.7bar of boost pressure. That will shit you up for days :)

Never heard that but I will tell you this much, if we had opened the hood a minute sooner things would have turned out pretty bad. I was able to get it fixed so I am happy to have a truck back. The other truck will not be done for some time.
Hey MOS crew! I just thought of a fun little game we could play.

The game is about looking at your current stats and trading some of your length for girth, or girth for length. So basically, you are constructing your desired penis within the realm of your current size. It's just a sili little game but I have often thought about it, because I would trade some of my length to add to my girth. Man I wish I could do that.

I'll start so you get the idea.

I am 8X5. I would trade 1" of length and add it to my girth, thus making me 7X6. I would then continue with my girth routine until I was 6.5" in girth and hopefully by then my length would have grown back to 8". girth workout has given me more length that girth.

Feel free to join in!

I won't trade any for anything. I will keep working on my girth until it gets to 7 inches mid shaft.
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