Sleep Paralysis


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Super Moderator
Feb 25, 2013
I have suffered from sleep paralysis for many years but it started reducing since 2013. I however experienced another one last night and also had a dream in the process.

When I woke up, I couldn't move or open my mouth but I'm usually awake. Do you guys experience this some times?
I have never had that happen although I've heard of it before. Some medications can cause it or make it worse but I've never heard why it actually happens.

Have you talked to a doctor about it?
I have never had that happen but I would likely have to change my sheets if it did. Did it stop and start again recently?
In my country, most people if not everybody believes that sleep paralysis is a spiritual attack. It's very common here. When I googled it, I realized it's called sleep paralysis. In my country, a very large amount of people have/is currently experiencing it multiple times. I used to experience it almost everyday in the past but it stopped back in 2013 when I went to meet a spiritualist (herbalist). But it just occurred again about 4 nights ago. Though I have been told the reason why it occurred again but I want to know what the Western world think about it and that's why i created this thread.

I was told it has to do with attacks from Witches which I believe till this day. I might come off as stupid, foolish and ignorant to you all for saying this but IMO, sleep paralysis is a spiritual problem. I haven't been to a doctor but I have read so much about sleep paralysis demons on the internet.

I have met with about 4 different spiritualist (including white witches in my country and they all told me the same thing). Though I'm a Christian but I also practice the IFA religion (You can Google IFA Deity, it is worshipped even in the US by most musicians including 21savage Just to mention only one person).

I'm from a polygamous home of 11 wives and 57 children. When I was little, my dad used to accuse some of the wives and children of witchcraft. And all the places I've been to, I was told (even by the IFA deity) that sleep paralysis is a spiritual problem.
Well, I can see you all are taken aback by my post :cool:

I will have to delete the thread.
I'm not shocked by it. You're from a different country with a different culture.

Being Christian myself (was raised Catholic) I don't believe it's a spiritual problem, it's something in your brain. I don't know the cause but if it is extremely concerning to you find a doctor.

Talking to a spiritualist doesn't hurt at all. In fact sometimes belief can help cure. The mind is extremely powerful. Find what works for you to cure it. I'd still talk to a doctor though just to be safe.
No need to delete HG. Every culture is different and that is what makes the world an interesting place. I can't say with certainty that it is not a spiritual problem and I also understand why you would believe that it is as this is how you were raised. If I were in your shoes, I would do as much research and locate any information I could find on the subject.
cladre60;762295 said:
I'm not shocked by it. You're from a different country with a different culture.

Being Christian myself (was raised Catholic) I don't believe it's a spiritual problem, it's something in your brain. I don't know the cause but if it is extremely concerning to you find a doctor.

Talking to a spiritualist doesn't hurt at all. In fact sometimes belief can help cure. The mind is extremely powerful. Find what works for you to cure it. I'd still talk to a doctor though just to be safe.

I will make out time to see a doctor. Whenever I experience the sleep paralysis, it happens right after I had a bad dream. The moment I wake up from the dream, with my eyes open, sleep paralysis take over for about 30 seconds. In the past I used to struggle, trying to break free and end up exhausted once the 30 seconds elapse. Now I don't struggle with it anymore. I just stay still until it stop by itself.
Lookn4girth;762299 said:
No need to delete HG. Every culture is different and that is what makes the world an interesting place. I can't say with certainty that it is not a spiritual problem and I also understand why you would believe that it is as this is how you were raised. If I were in your shoes, I would do as much research and locate any information I could find on the subject.

I will also do more research on this. I created this thread to see if there is anyone that has experienced it
Yes, please don't delete the thread, maybe just ease up on your rhythm with bringing up older threads! ;) This being said with all the love.

Sleep paralysis has happened to very few times and those times it was my leg. In "my Western culture" viewpoint I just think I was sleeping in an odd position and that caused the blood vessel to "collapse" so to speak of.
As I just waited a while it went away. I don't recall bad dreams related to those happenings.

One thing about paralysis, cramps and such is that it is usually related to magnesium levels within your body. I used to get a lot more leg spasms and such when I wasn't taking some sort of magnesium supplement. Knocking on wood now, but for a longer time no spasms! And I'm happy, they hurt so damn much and make your muscles sore for the day.

It is fine to talk to spiritual guides I think. Cultures are different. Best place is where you can find peace and not cause harm to others. Just a viewpoint, nothing really serious! ;)
And cladre said well about the mind, our mind truly can be a very powerful tool in aiding ourselves and healing ourselves within!
arkailija;762402 said:
Yes, please don't delete the thread, maybe just ease up on your rhythm with bringing up older threads! ;) This being said with all the love.

Sleep paralysis has happened to very few times and those times it was my leg. In "my Western culture" viewpoint I just think I was sleeping in an odd position and that caused the blood vessel to "collapse" so to speak of.
As I just waited a while it went away. I don't recall bad dreams related to those happenings.

One thing about paralysis, cramps and such is that it is usually related to magnesium levels within your body. I used to get a lot more leg spasms and such when I wasn't taking some sort of magnesium supplement. Knocking on wood now, but for a longer time no spasms! And I'm happy, they hurt so damn much and make your muscles sore for the day.

It is fine to talk to spiritual guides I think. Cultures are different. Best place is where you can find peace and not cause harm to others. Just a viewpoint, nothing really serious! ;)
And cladre said well about the mind, our mind truly can be a very powerful tool in aiding ourselves and healing ourselves within!

You mean I should stop bumping other threads?
I used to have this issue and it is scary. The cause can be many things, but usually stress is a big factor. You can try to change up your sleep habits to be at a different time, sometimes this can change the way we are sleeping. You may want to consider a light sleeping aid like Benadryl or Valerian, both a quite good with sleep issues.
huge-girth;762427 said:
You mean I should stop bumping other threads?

With all love and respect, ease up it a bit at least. :) Some bumps are fine, but others are ancient history that feel oddly-placed for me at least.

Enough off-topic, I still advocate Magnesium as a supplement. Good mattress and pillow matter as well though.
arkailija;762500 said:
With all love and respect, ease up it a bit at least. :) Some bumps are fine, but others are ancient history that feel oddly-placed for me at least.

Enough off-topic, I still advocate Magnesium as a supplement. Good mattress and pillow matter as well though.

The reason for going back to those old threads is to bring back old members and also dig out information that are important for other members to see. The traffic is very important. I wish I can explain more but I have to stop here but I do hope you understand my duty as a mod.

I will do more research on the issue of sleep paralysis, thanks for your suggestion.
huge-girth;762512 said:
The reason for going back to those old threads is to bring back old members and also dig out information that are important for other members to see. The traffic is very important. I wish I can explain more but I have to stop here but I do hope you understand my duty as a mod.

I will do more research on the issue of sleep paralysis, thanks for your suggestion.

I send you a PM
huge-girth;762512 said:
The reason for going back to those old threads is to bring back old members and also dig out information that are important for other members to see. The traffic is very important. I wish I can explain more but I have to stop here but I do hope you understand my duty as a mod.

I will do more research on the issue of sleep paralysis, thanks for your suggestion.

Hopefully it does bring some people back and provide good PE info at the same time. There's a shit ton of old threads bumped though. I can't keep up with half them.
cladre60;762613 said:
Hopefully it does bring some people back and provide good PE info at the same time. There's a shit ton of old threads bumped though. I can't keep up with half them.

A few members actually came back
cladre60;762613 said:
Hopefully it does bring some people back and provide good PE info at the same time. There's a shit ton of old threads bumped though. I can't keep up with half them.

Yes indeed it has brought Brothers back. Good work Huge!
If it's bringing guys back that's awesome. I turned off email notifications for threads a while ago.
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