
Aug 1, 2006
I think I just had a huge realization.

I was with my girl tonight. Usually it takes me about 15 minutes to orgasm, and I prevent my ejaculation by kegeling hard at the point of no return. After this, it takes me another 20 minutes until I feel like I'm going to come again. And well, at this point, I just say fuck it and shoot my shit.

However tonight, I decided to try something else. Rather than getting to my first orgasm... What I did was keep total focus on my pelvic muscles (the PC muscle, my lower abs, generally the whole area). As the sex was feeling better and better, I noticed that they would feel tenser and tenser. So what I did is just concentrate on them and force this area to relax every time I felt it getting tense.

THe sensations were very strange. My PC muscle would feel it was going to go into an involuntary kegel, but I just relaxed it, and it stopped its contraction and it felt tingly.

We ended up having sex for over an hour. We were both exhausted so the next time I felt my muscles tightening up, I just let them get tense. Low and behold, I came like a minute after...

In 7 full streams!


I've always been a shooter. I've been doing kegels since I was 10 years old, without even knowing what they were for. I just thought it was funny to watch my penis bounce on my leg.

But this was insane. It was like a super soaker.

So, my theory is this. When you are aroused as in sex (or jerking off) your body produces spermatic fluid. However, it takes the contraction of the PC muscle in order to bring this fluid through your urethra and out your penis.

So... if you are exercising conscious control over these muscles as I was doing, the spermatic fluid is still being produced for as long as you're having sex, but since the PC muscle isn't contracting, the fluid is stagnant. This causes it to build up.

The longer you have sex, the more buildup, so that when you finally allow the muscles to contract, they have to carry all the spermatic fluid that has been built up.

These were the most forceful contractions of my life. It was like the Bellagio Fountain show, lol. My girl and I couldn't help but laugh.

I'm gonna try this technique again tomorrow night, but I really think this may be the best way of fucking as long as you want and shooting North-like loads.
Great post. I'm sure it was an experience you'll never forget. I just made my girl SQUIRT for the first time last night, and let me tell you, it was like a whole new game for me!
goldmember said:
Great post. I'm sure it was an experience you'll never forget. I just made my girl SQUIRT for the first time last night, and let me tell you, it was like a whole new game for me!

Come on GM spill the beans,give us some info. Did she get a sensation like she was going to urinate just before it happened?
prince Albert said:
Come on GM spill the beans,give us some info. Did she get a sensation like she was going to urinate just before it happened?
To be honest, we were both drunk, so I wasn't as observant as I would have been if I were sober.

I don't know if it's because my dick has grown, or whether she was just more turned on than usual. I definitely remember that she was on top, and usually she will climb off when it "becomes too much" for her. This time I told her to keep going and that extra time must have been what did it. She climbed off me real quick like she couldn't take it anymore and shot a good amount of clear liquid at me. It wasn't as much or as forceful as you see in the �naked people movies� movies, but much more than my load, I can tell you that much.
just made my girl SQUIRT for the first time last night

Nice! Not all of them seem to be able to do this. I've seen GF's go 20 or more orgasms per hour and never come close to gushing, I've seen them have stacked-up "waiting to land" orgasms over and over until they were too sore to continue and then fell asleep and never come close to gushing. (Gushing like - OMG! a rowboat would be nice!), and then others (very few) will pretty much gush on every orgasm, for the first several, and then they seem to run out of fluids. They will still get off, but just no spraying passed a point.

Gives new meaning to the phrase "wet spot". Have towels placed down beforehand, it can be a -lot- of fluid.

For anyone who gets a gusher ... , info articles state that it's oderless and colorless .... neither is completely true. If it gets on something important, be prepared to launder or scrub later ... when that wouldn't make the girl uptight and shy about doing it again. Its consistency is thicker than water, so while it will go straight into bedding (or car seats) it does seem to sit on top of good carpets.

... you -don't- want this on your car seats .... plan ahead, have nice thick towels .... but never make her feel weird about it.

The marvelous mavens of modern medicine seem to have 'discovered' this in 1980, which would mean they beat me by about one year. LMAO It's apparently a female prostatic analogue they've termed the 'skenes gland', and follows a random google result or two ....


If you were to refer to literature over the last 50 years you would be lead to believe that females have only been able to ejaculate since about 1980. Of course this is absurd, and just shows how 'the experts' can be wrong for decades on just about anything. Many knew the experts were wrong, but had little success in convincing anyone. Needless to say this lead to many problems, needless surgery (to fix the poor women who would ejaculate), expensive counselling (got to find out what happened when they were children to cause this 'problem'), and in some cases divorce. 'The G Spot' by Alice Kahn Ladas, Beverly Whipple, and John D. Perry, has dozens of letters from women who went though various personal tragedies because they would ejaculate during lovemaking. Doctors, gynaecologists, and psychiatrists invariably told them they were peeing and needed either surgery or psychotherapy.

Newsweek published an article entitled 'Just How the Sexes Differ' in May of 1981. One of the major difference was listed was that men ejaculate, but women do not. However, Aristotle wrote about female ejaculation, and Galen knew about it in the second century. The female prostate, which generates the fluid which is ejaculated, was described in some detail by De Graaf in his 'New Treatise Concerning the Generative Organs of Women'. (1) '... during the sexual act it discharges to lubricate the tract so copiously that it even flows outside the pudenda. This is the matter which may have been taken to be actual female semen.' He describes the fluid as 'rushing out' with 'impetus' and 'in one gush.' (2)

The medical community was finally awakened when Perry and Whipple showed a film of a female ejaculating to the meeting for the SSSS (Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, 1980). Martin Weisberg, M.D., a gynecologist at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia responded, 'Bull ... I spend half my waking hours examining, cutting apart, putting together, removing, or rearranging female reproductive organs. There is no female prostrate, and women don't ejaculate.'

Yet after seeing the film and witnessing the event in person he changed his tune: 'The vulva and vagina were normal with no abnormal masses or spots. The urethra was normal. Everything was normal. She then had her partner stimulate her by inserting two fingers into the vagina and stroking along the urethra lengthwise. To our amazement, the area began to swell. It eventually became a firm one by two cm oval area distinctly different from the rest of the vagina. In a few moments the subject seemed to perform a Valsalva maneuver (bearing down as if starting to defecate) and seconds later several cc's of milky fluid shot out the urethra. The material analysis described in the paper (Perry & Whipple's) is correct, its composition was closest to prostatic fluid'.

Fluid Characteristics

The ejaculate is very much like prostrate fluid. It is usually clear, or milky and as thin as water. It does not have the look, smell or taste of urine. It is almost odorless. The taste varies, depending on the time of the month and diet, and possibly other factors, such as amount of stimulation received prior to ejaculating or time since the last ejaculation. It can vary from an almost honey sweet, sour, bitter, or a combination of these tastes.

Even though it is ejaculated from the urethra, it is most definitely not urine. It is absolutely impossible to pee during a orgasm unless there is a weak pubococcygeus muscle. This is very important, and it is important for the female and her partner to both understand this. The pubococcygeus muscle contracts when terminating a stream of urine, and is the muscle which contracts during orgasm. This contraction helps prevent retrograde ejaculation (ejaculation back into the bladder), and of course prevents the bladder from draining during orgasm.

Problems Women have Ejaculating

I think there are two major problems women face that prevents them from the immensely enjoyable experience of ejaculation. They are the female's mental attitude, and their partners inability or unwillingness to spend the time and effort during lovemaking and to learn the necessary techniques. We will address both of these problems and the solutions here.

The ejaculation is done through the urethra. This is the same tube that is used for urination. It is located outside the vagina, between it and the clitoris. The fluid is water like, and non- lubricating. In no way does ejaculation improve the chances of conceiving, it offers no lubrication, and is dumped outside of the vagina. The only conceivable purpose of female ejaculation is for pleasure. And the pleasure is intense, in many cases far surpassing the best orgasm's. Often ejaculation takes place during both a clitoral and a vaginal orgasm (yes there are two type of orgasms, clitoral and vaginal, but often orgasm is a combination of the two), giving the female extreme pleasure, sort of a triple whammy. Sometimes after ejaculation the female will virtually pass out from the intense feelings.

It can be argued that since the only reason that females can and do ejaculate is for pleasure, then there should be no reason for them to not do so, and as often as they please. It is one of the safer sex acts, since in most cases it can be triggered with fingers alone. Ejaculating from intercourse is more difficult, especially when performed from the missionary position, but still possible.

Preparation Recommendations for the Woman's Partner

Wash hands well. Trim fingernails. Make sure that the thumb, and first two finger nails do not extend past the fingertips. Trimming them as far back as possible would be best. Make sure that there is no dirt or crud under the fingernails.

Place a towel on the bed. A surprising amount of fluid can be released during female ejaculation. Compared to a male it can be like a water cannon instead of a water pistol.

Have some K&Y Jelly handy. At some point additional lubrication may be necessary, even if she is having heavy orgasms and climaxes.

Set aside enough time. The first successful ejaculation may take from 10 minutes to over an hour.

It may be wise to exercise your hands, fingers, and arm for several days prior to this exercise. The motions necessary can become quite tiring after a while if you are not in good physical shape.

Before beginning the first time, discuss it. Let her know that you are striving to give her an ejaculation. That female ejaculation is perfectly normal, and a wonderful experience for both of you. Convince her that there is nothing to be embarrassed about or ashamed of. Explain that just prior to ejaculation, she most likely will feel like she is about to pee. This is a difficult point for many women, as they will immediately draw back. Convince her that it is normally impossible to pee during an orgasm, and that the feeling is simply the first sign she is about to ejaculate.

Since the movement of the fluid through the urethra will initially feel exactly like when she starts to pee, this is very important. The reflex to stop peeing will immediately abort the ejaculation, so she needs to be told to relax, and allow the fluid to pass. In other words when she feels like she is about to pee, she should go ahead and pee. Only it really won't be pee, it will be an ejaculation, and within a couple of seconds it will be very obvious to her that this is something quite different. Once she knows the feeling, she will be able to push it out once it starts, with astounding results. It is best for the partner to be sitting between her legs at this time, else she may overshoot the towel or even wet the far wall.

Once she has ejaculated, rejoice with her. Don't make fun, or a joke. If you do it may be the last time she will be able to ejaculate, at least in your presence. Unlike a man, this is not the end. You can continue, and she may well have multiple orgasms and ejaculations with further stimulation.

G-Spot Female Ejaculation

The G-Spot and female ejaculation have separately and together been areas of continuous, vociferous debate among sex researchers, doctors, sex educators and �naked people movies� stars. Skeptics insist that there is no such thing as a G-Spot, that women who squirt are just peeing while they're coming, and all this hoopla over G-Spot Female Ejaculation is nothing but a glorified golden shower.

Click on any one of these thumbnails to join us BACKSTAGE and see large-size
photos of real Female Ejaculation

But throughout history, scientists and philosophers, as well as average men and women, have reported experiencing the forceful release of fluids from the vagina in the midst of sexual climax. None other than that great Macedonian scientist-cum-philosopher, Aristotle, wrote about women's vaginal expulsions which did not have the appearance or aroma of urine and did not stain the sheets.

The first modern description of female ejaculation came from the Netherlands, which is not so surprising as the Dutch have long been open-minded about sex. In the 17th century, Dr. Regnier DeGraaf wrote about the urethra being pierced by large ducts through which fluids are discharged, "occasionally in large quantities."

In 1950, a German obstetrician, Dr. Ernest Grafenberg found a spot within the vagina which he immediately named after himself: the G-spot. He found that stimulation of the G-spot could lead to expulsion of fluid from the urethra. "Large quantities of a clear, transparent fluid expelled not from the vulva, but out of the urethra in gushes," gushed Dr. G.

See Dr. Suzy squirt using the Braun G-Spot Female Ejaculation technique

"At first, I thought that the bladder sphincter had become defective by the intensity of the orgasm. But," he continued, "the fluid was examined and it had no urinary character (rather it was) secretions of the intra-urethral glands correlated with the erotogenic zone along the urethra in the anterior vaginal wall." Sounds like squirting!

Still, the medical establisHydromaxent has long been extremely dubious about female ejaculation. Dr. Gary Schubach and others have conducted experiments with ejaculating women, showing that the expelled fluid is "deurinized" liquid from the bladder mixed with discharge from the Skene's gland, considered the female equivalent of the prostate.

... Well, ... learn something new everyday. :) .... the next bit is interesting, but I stick by my previous opinion ... Braun is -expressing- the skene contents manually. Not every girl can do that naturally on their own, the buildup isn't as large and/or they may have insufficient muscular structure around their G-spot/Skenes area compared to a natural squirter.

Axel "The G-Man" Braun

The most prominent, prolific, "hands-on" modern crusader for G-Spot Female Ejaculation is Axel "The G-Man" Braun, the handsome, nimble-fingered son of renowned Italian sex pioneer and filmmaker Lasse Braun. The elder Braun is the author of The Nectar of Aphrodite, a sort of G-Spot Female Ejaculation Manifesto based upon his personal research into the phenomenon with 130 different women. Braun the Younger takes his father's work into the next generation of ejaculation, using a simple fingering technique that really must be seen to be believed.

Axel boasts that he can "make any woman squirt." He almost lives up to his grandiose claim, having succeeded with 9 out of 12 of the women on whom he's tried his method at the Dr. Susan Block Institute. As for the other three: one was deadset against squirting at all, only trying it to prove him wrong; another was sick with a 102 degree fever (on another occasion, when she was well, she did squirt); and the third admitted that she was too worried about what her jealous boyfriend would think to relax and let anything happen. The other nine, myself among them, all squirted with Axel, even though they'd never squirted before.

The "Braun Method" is all in the finger action. It begins with the woman lying back, legs spread open, her partner (let's call him the "G-Man") at her right side, if he is right-handed. After some sort of foreplay (kissing, oral sex, nipple play, rubbing the clitoris and labia, whatever gets her wet), the G-Man inserts two fingers into her vagina. Axel uses his middle and ring fingers for this, though you might prefer to use your middle and forefingers. Slowly, the G-Man moves his two fingers around inside of her, continuing the foreplay--rubbing her clit, playing with her nipples, lightly spanking her butt, etc. With probing fingers, he locates her G-Spot, a slightly raised, spongy bump on the "roof" of the vaginal cave (in most women, it is just behind the clitoris). He then finds the center of this spot, pressing it gently but firmly. This pressure releases a warm flow of vaginal liquid, whereupon the G-Man begins vigorously "fingering" her, in and out of her vaginal opening, causing the rapid, orgasmic expulsion of fluid. That is, squirting.
"... you -don't- want this on your car seats"

Damn straight - it'll never come off
What u are talking is just about male multi-orgasm. The post was created 08-24-06. I just read it about 2 days ago, and i tryied it... One thing to say about that OMFG....
I am a a guy that cannot hold a long time the ejeculation, normaly less than 3 minutes, sometimes about 5 minutes. I tryied the day next i read that tread and it works in a inpressive way. I could stay more than 40 minutes masturbating myself, and i have done about 5 times that contration of the pc muscle.
The first time i was about to ejeculate (4 minutes latter), i done a strong force in the PC muscle for about 4/5 seconds, and after that i waited about 5 more seconds , and then.... start the masturbation :D (it is just needed to stop for 10 seconds before restart again :d), after another 5 minutes i had again to do the same PC contraction... (just 10 seconds until restart), and the 3º time (after 10 minutes), and so on....
This is the hope for precoce ejeculation :D
DLD u saved me :D ... it is a releaf now, i can stay for the time i want doing sex....

The Post that i am talking about is this :
I cant do a link here... if someone can... please do it for me... tks
Colnel Sanders said it best in Water Boy...
john_connor said:
What u are talking is just about male multi-orgasm. The post was created 08-24-06. I just read it about 2 days ago, and i tryied it... One thing to say about that OMFG....
I am a a guy that cannot hold a long time the ejeculation, normaly less than 3 minutes, sometimes about 5 minutes. I tryied the day next i read that tread and it works in a inpressive way. I could stay more than 40 minutes masturbating myself, and i have done about 5 times that contration of the pc muscle.
The first time i was about to ejeculate (4 minutes latter), i done a strong force in the PC muscle for about 4/5 seconds, and after that i waited about 5 more seconds , and then.... start the masturbation :D (it is just needed to stop for 10 seconds before restart again :d), after another 5 minutes i had again to do the same PC contraction... (just 10 seconds until restart), and the 3º time (after 10 minutes), and so on....
This is the hope for precoce ejeculation :D
DLD u saved me :D ... it is a releaf now, i can stay for the time i want doing sex....

The Post that i am talking about is this :
I cant do a link here... if someone can... please do it for me... tks
Yes, it is a good idea to have a lot of towels underneath you both. It can be a real soaker. The first time this happened, I thought she had pissed on it--but it's a different consistency.
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