Red Bull Mtyh True?


Jul 12, 2004
I heard that drinking red bull can make you last longer in bed. Is that true? I hold an aight time before cummin....and I stay hard after it but I just wanted to know if that red bull thing is tru? Alot of people tell me it works and that men dont cum as fast when they drink red bull. I wanna buy it and see if it works....

anyone can clearify this myth?
Never really heard of that myth...

There's nothing in Red Bull's ingredient list that could produce that effect so i would tend to think that the myth is bogus. I've drank Red Bull often and is doesn't really do much for me... it hasn't given me any increase in energy, it does for my wife though.
I get really hyper after drinking red bull. I've never tried it before having sex though. I've read of a few people dying after drinking red bull and then going to the gym after so I would be careful.
no it is not a matter of a fact, the more you drink the harder it is to get an errection. this is also true with energy pills ie. adderall, ritalin, speed.
I can't belive anybody likes red bull. The stuff tastes like crap and its so bad for you its not even right.
lol, i like it!! red bull an vodka! :). its actually quite strange you mention that, because my mate was saying the other day that pro plus (caffeine tablets) increase his stamina 5 fold! certain substances decrease blood flow to the penis (amphetamines - hence the name whiz dick!) but i had never experienced this with caffeine based products. maybe its decreased bloodflow ---> decreased sensitivity ---> prolonged stamina. just a thought...
this post originated 10 months ago lol.....
Doesn't Matter if it orginated 10 months ago its actually quite interesting. I will have to try it out sometime.
Guess I missed this when posted. As for the Red Bull, like sikdogg I can't see why it would be any benefit. Perhaps, the one that started this rumor is a large stockholder in the company. ;)
i just came across this thread. Kind of interesting. Back in 00' I was working like a madman and going to school part time (Devry drop-out:whoot!). I was a work out fiend at the time as well. I should also mention that I am an on again off again insomniac. I would go for weeks with less than a couple hours of sleep per night. I discovered red bull around this time and I loved it. I was taxing ass left and right and I would literally make a lot of the girls sore because I would go for so long and repeatedly through out the night. I always attributed this to my youth and high level of physical fitness at the time, but when I think about it I was drinking a ton of red bull. Maybe it was a combination of all these factors or maybe red bull did play a significant role. I think the fact that I was seeing several girls simultaneously was probably a factor too come to think of it. We are wired to fuck as many women as possible so an ass buffet just throws us into overdrive. I'm getting back into shape and giving the red bull another shot. Anyway my two shekels (sp?).
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