If your having problems getting into an A-stretch, try this! Get a bar or a hoe handle, that is about 24" long. Set on the edge of your bed, put the bar or handle underneath your legs. Once this is done, pull your penis under the bar/handle with your right hand, at the same time grab the pipe with your left hand, and pull it toward your pubic bone area. Once this done your penis should be setting underneath the bar, and the bar pulled all the way against the base. Now the fun part!!!! Make sure you have plenty of baby powder on stretching hand & penis!Form an OK sign with your right hand and grab behind the glans, your thumb should be resting on top of the penis, if done properly! With the left hand, make a Spock hand sign from star trek. It should resemble a V. Place the left hand on the top part of the bar.You should be able to see the penis in the V in the left hand.2 fingers on the left of the penis, and 2 on the right! These will offer support for the bar and keep it pulled up near the base during the stretch!It will also ad leverage! Once you have set up the stretch, get a firm grip with the right hand, and hold the bar in place against the base, and start to lean back slowly!You can also push down on the bar while pulling the penis up. I do 20 sets of 10 seconds! If you do this before you try going into an A-stretch, you may be surprised at how much more length you will have before trying the A-stretch!You may even be able to get into the A- stretch after this! On it's own, it's a great stretch! One of my favs!!!
One other thing! Try to get a bar/handle that is roughly 1.250-1.500 in diameter, as this provides more of a leverage point!