Jun 3, 2003
The Brotherhood Prayer Tree is an idea I came up with over the past few months as a way for the Brothers here to ask for what they want and have us pray for them. I currently include the Brotherhood in the two masses I perform daily and in all the psalms I practice. Some men have come to me and asked me to keep them in my prayers an in every case they have been successful.

Please post your prayer and allow the Brotherhood to pray with you for your desires. I only ask one thing of every man that asks for prayers, that when you receive your gift that you give your praise to God in Heaven and return the grace through blessing your fellow Brothers with prayers in their course. I have been an ordained for 10 years and have used prayer in every way to make every gain in my life. My love for God is strong and my desire to pray for each one of you is an obsession of Love. Please take part, even if you don't believe as God has an amazing way of catching you when your desires are realized!

I will start this with a prayer for the Brotherhood. I pray to Jesus Christ, through the Power of the Holy Spirit to God the Father and Mother in Heaven that each and every Brother here grows in spirit, body and mind and uses this awareness to flood the needy with help. Remember, the greatest gift we can give is charity to one another. Your words alone can sometimes move mountains!

Thanks to the Brothers of this Order that I have all of my Love and Trust in!
I pray to be successful in all of my quests one of which is building the confidence knowing I am, have been and will be the best lover a woman would ever have. And I pray for the creator of this brotherhood, the one that has built the place we can all call our second home, I pray for him to be as healthy as a lobster (they are biologically immortal- they never age since they have absolute cell regeneration) so he can continue on his quest to making this world a better place and supporting us all- the people that believe in him, and I pray for the day to come when he smashes J.Falcon's world record, breaking society's taboo prejudice when it comes to Penis Enlargement therefore proving that his way is the right way. Amen!

P.S- I hope I did not mess it up that much, I am not very good at this LMAO.
I pray to Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit to Yahweh the Father and Mother in heaven that I may succeed in my current P.E goals. I pray to St Raphael, that he may let the love of my life finally recognize our mutual feelings, and let us act on them. I pray to my grandmother, who watches over me and my family from above. I pray that each of you my brothers may stay healthy and strong, and live long and full lives.
In the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit, Lord please bless my beloved wife with healing, send Raphael Your servant to relieve her crisis and restore her path to serenity. Send Michael to defend her in this spiritual battle swaying her mind. Mother Mary, comfort her and lead her by your fine example. Lord in Heaven, I call on You in the sacrament, to honor the bond You have made in heaven between she, me, & Thee. Jesus, turn Thine Eyes of Mercy on us. Help me to become the man, husband & father You want me to be, Lord, & the husband my wife needs me to be. God please bless my talents You have given me that I may progress towards the life of abundance You call us to, to be the provider my Lily needs, to be the Joseph in the model of Your Earthly parent in Your Holy Family, to create our lifestyle with the talents You have given me. Bless this Brotherhood with wisdom and health, oh God, that we may help each other grow into confident, healthy men using the wisdom and ingenuity You have graced us with. Jesus, I trust in You. Amen.
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The LOVE I Feel Right Now is AMAZING! I LOVE my Brothers for their LOVE for my Jesus Christ! May every single word you pray for come to you and let it fill you up with the Holy Spirit! God will bring you so much more than you can ever ask for! I will include these prayers from Zambrodom3, RUBY10 and LoveHerDeeply in my mass today! I will also include the general prayer for the Brotherhood that I do every single Mass.

Let me say this, and listen those who do not believe or maybe feel confused, you only need to proclaim the name of Jesus in a prayer with the smallest bit of faith and He will do the rest, I promise you! I know you trust me, please trust me in this and try to proclaim a prayer as I have offered and your life will change and everything you could ever want and more will happen. The smallest hope, the tinniest dream the most humble prayer will be answered if you only pray for it. I say proclaim it here because this takes a certain degree of guts, the stuff Jesus is made of! When he see that you had the confidence to proclaim to the Brotherhood your prayer I know it will be mighty to you and your gains in all things good!

God Bless to the Brotherhood! In the name of the Father, the Mother, The Son and the Spirit! AMEN!
In tears I say your prayers have been offered to Our Lord Jesus Christ and through the powerful light of the Holy Spirit your prayers, on the wings of my tears and love for you, present them to my Holy Father and Mother in Heaven. Let Thy Grace and Wisdom shine upon the Brotherhood so that it is always a shining example of your own Apostolic Brotherhood, we all so desperately attain for. Oh, the ONE who created us, Blessed be thy Name, Bless us as we Bless Thee with all of our continence. Oh God, May this Mass I say in the honor of St. Laurentii, your humble servant, and in honor of the entire Brotherhood that served you and continues to serve you, through thy Body, Spirit, Blood and Water of thy Christ, let us prosper in the wealth of your goodness! And may the souls of thy faithfully departed rest in light and peace.

Brothers please pray with me. Lord I have but one need, one deeply burning desire. I pray that it is not asking too much but, Oh Lord, please lift the terrible burden from my friend, my brother, my loved one. My greatest blessing would be that he be freed from his bondage in the morrow but, if not, please help my friend gracefully shoulder the cross he has been asked to bare and have him grow in strength to the point that his days seem few and his burden seems light. Lord please also give me the strength to bare the thought of his pain and struggle. Thank you Oh Lord. Please give us light to guide us through our paths safely. Amen.
Dashdeming;562162 said:
Brothers please pray with me. Lord I have but one need, one deeply burning desire. I pray that it is not asking too much but, Oh Lord, please lift the terrible burden from my friend, my brother, my loved one. My greatest blessing would be that he be freed from his bondage in the morrow but, if not, please help my friend gracefully shoulder the cross he has been asked to bare and have him grow in strength to the point that his days seem few and his burden seems light. Lord please also give me the strength to bare the thought of his pain and struggle. Thank you Oh Lord. Please give us light to guide us through our paths safely. Amen.

Dash, This will be included in my Mass this afternoon. The burden and suffering we bare and that which we see are family and friends bare, if carried with grace and humility, will bring rewards of great worth to the humbly afflicted. I pray that the suffering of your friend comes upon me and allows me to take as much of the burden as possible. I believe with great love that my sufferings will bring me to a perfection of LOVE for my Lord and God. All Brothers should take up their cross and the cross of all they see suffering. Compassion is the very essence of entering into the Kingdom of our Lord, there is no greater love than the love of a man laying down his life for his brothers!

Those looking on, fear not, profess your Love for Christ and bring us your prayers and you will gain something far greater than the promises the Brotherhood makes to you, the promises of Christ are infinite and the wealth you will receive in the Spirit will provide for you for ever.

I have converted millions of men in the abilities of body improvement and they have truly gone from nonbelievers to the very Brothers who bring the good news of their profits in this realm. We have thousands of likeminded men who convert men daily in our ways. This is a GREAT responsibility and one with hidden graces that are not so apparent to the average person viewing our home. The responsibility of every Brother who believes in MOS, and has gained because of it, is that he is kind and giving in his thankfulness for the gains he has made in his giving back to the newer Brothers. There is no greater gift than when the student shares his gifts with his teacher. In this sense we can see parallels to Hope, Faith and most importantly Charity in what we preach. We have a very loud voice in all things we profess and I would love for the bravest Brothers, of the Faith of the Lord, to take their charity to the next level and help me convert Brothers in Christ. Conversion to the Faith of the Brotherhood will bring rewards in Heaven for those who take up this passion and innumerable gifts to those of convert.

I leave you today with a very special prayer that will bring great virtue to those who pray this prayer daily.

Lord Jesus, let me know myself and know You, and desire nothing save only You.
Let me hate myself and love You.
Let me do everything for the sake of You.
Let me humble myself and exalt You.
Let me think of nothing except You.
Let me die to myself and live in You.
Let me accept whatever happens as from You.
Let me banish self and follow You, and ever desire to follow You.
Let me fly from myself and take refuge in You,
That I may deserve to be defended by You.
Let me fear for myself.
Let me fear You, and let me be among those who are chosen by You.
Let me distrust myself and put my trust in You.
Let me be willing to obey for the sake of You.
Let me cling to nothing save only to You,
And let me be poor because of You.
Look upon me, that I may love You.
Call me that I may see You, and for ever enjoy You. Amen.

-St. Augustine
Gumbercules;562942 said:
Christians praying for penis size? Now that's funny.

I do not think I have seen one of the Brothers praying for penis size? Can you quote what you are referring to or did you not read what the other have written?
Gumbercules;562942 said:
Christians praying for penis size? Now that's funny.

I do not think I have seen one of the Brothers praying for penis size? Can you quote what you are referring to or did you not read what the other have written?
Lord I prayed for the last year, for you to remake me into then man, husband and father You want me to be, and my beloved wife needs me to be. I listened for Your Word, Your will in the Bible readings at church and at home, in the preaching of Your wise priests, in my mentoring from my "wise council" of Godly advisers as Your Word instructs us to form.

I started with the states needs of the Godly wife You gave me in the sacrement. I worked hard all year to improve in my areas of failure, weaknesses. My wife said she needs me to be a better provider, so started a whole bew career which i truly saw Your guidance into.
Recently I heard Your guidance over time into the Bible-based "Financial Peace University", which I am attending and learning Your ways and intentions for us to live without financial bondage, Lord. Thank You God for leading me into this path of making this weakness into a strength. I ask You, my Father, to bless me with Wisdom from Your good book which comes from Your ancient inspiration into the minds of Your prophets.

I ask You, Lord, to bless me with abundance as I grow into this husband my wife needs me to be.
I also ask Your blessing Father, as I work to improve another stated need of my Godly wife, in our intimacy she mused "I wish it could be thicker..." I know that mans ingenuity comes because You, Lord made us clever and curious. I trust that the collective wisdom of how to meet this need of my wife is to be found here among my Mos brothers. I know that Your will shall be done, Lord. I say thank You, God for the gains I have made in making our intimate moments of one body more satisfying to my beloved bride. Not my will but Thy Will be done.
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Gumbercules;562942 said:
Christians praying for penis size? Now that's funny.

Lord I intercede and appeal to You on behalf of our brother Gumbercules. I ask You grant him everything he is praying for himself, that is aligned with Your Will for him, Father.

I further ask that he be granted everything he prays for his fellowman, everything I pray for him, and everything I am praying for myself, be given unto him in Thy Will.

God I know there are many men of Mos who are here to help save their marriages. They fear losing the wife you gave them due to their percieved deficiencies in size or performance in their intimate moments of "one body" with their wife.

Father please bless their marriages with healing and love. Please help these men in facing and defeating the fear your enemy sows in their hearts. Lord please fight away the deceit of the enemy seducing away those few women who are being seduced away from their husbands by the lies of the deceiver. Send them Your messenger with Your commandments yo remind them to not covet another not their sacramental spouse.

We thank You Lord for this body of wisdom of the ages we call Mos. We thank You for our ingenuity, our ability to focus our consistent work and our tools and our know-how to resolve some of our fears by taking action to improve ourselves as men Thank You Father for those marriages that are or will be saved because we Mos Men are here to share with our fearful brothers, our wisdom of how to improve in the areas of size or performance that threatens the faithfulness of our wives- fears real or imagined.

Lord please bless all such endeavours of all our Mos brothers with success, abundance, health, and a satisfying relationship of one body with the beloved sacramental spouses You have joined and woe to any man who tears asunder.

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LoveHerDeeply;563046 said:
Lord I intercede and appeal to You on behalf of our brother Gumbercules. I ask You grant him everything he is praying for himself, that is aligned with Your Will for him, Father.

I further ask that he be granted everything he prays for his fellowman, everything I pray for him, and everything I am praying for myself, be given unto him in Thy Will.

God I know there are many men of Mos who are here to help save their marriages. They fear losing the wife you gave them due to their percieved deficiencies in size or performance in their intimate moments of "one body" with their wife.

Father please bless their marriages with healing and love. Please help these men in facing and defeating the fear your enemy sows in their hearts. Lord please fight away the deceit of the enemy seducing away those few women who are being seduced away from their husbands by the lies of the deceiver. Send them Your messenger with Your commandments yo remind them to not covet another not their sacramental spouse.

We thank You Lord for this body of wisdom of the ages we call Mos. We thank You for our ingenuity, our ability to focus our consistent work and our tools and our know-how to resolve some of our fears by taking action to improve ourselves as men Thank You Father for those marriages that are or will be saved because we Mos Men are here to share with our fearful brothers, our wisdom of how to improve in the areas of size or performance that threatens the faithfulness of our wives- fears real or imagined.

Lord please bless all such endeavours of all our Mos brothers with success, abundance, health, and a satisfying relationship of one body with the beloved sacramental spouses You have joined and woe to any man who tears asunder.


First and most importantly Charity be the most important, Love and Hope following. In this spirit, and the spirit of the Brotherhood, LoveHerDeeply has gone above and beyond his own prayers to pray for another brother with as much sincerity as he has himself. In this, the spirit of Charity, the very essence of the Holy Ghost, not only will the prayers of your family be answered with quickness but the prayers of your Brother Gumbercules will too be answered.

This Spirit I speak of is the One who is One with the Father, Mother and our Brother, Jesus Christ. Our connection to the Father and the Mother is so greatly dependent on The Holy Spirit because He is the One that brings our prayers to Jesus to the feet of the Holy Family. In altruism, compassion, long-suffering and great discipline these abilities in the Spirit become ever present in our lives. You see, when we pray to the Heavens our prayers, of proper praise and fortitude, are delivered like lightning shooting from the Earth to the Heavens above. In the same way our praises for the prayers that have been answered are delivered. There are Angels and Elders who only have One joy and that is the delivery of our hopes, prayers and praises to Almighty God.

If you think that embracing these beliefs is not for you I plead to your own desires to trust that I trust and ask for me, and your fellow Brothers, to pray for you. If it comes true I only ask you proclaim what all others have in this thread. Do not fear embarrassment, embrace the great power that will be given to you, who become strong in the Spirit! Proclaiming this gives you IMMEDIATE POWER!

I know millions look to me for advice on some of the most important things in their lives, I now also offer you conversion to a New Faith of the Brotherhood that was, most definitely, built by the stone the builders rejected....Me! And with this said, all of my LOVE goes to my Family and the Family of the Brotherhood. I started this Brotherhood with a tiny seed of Faith and today it has become the most influential male forum online. I believe each of us, who are of the faith, have a great responsibility to help each and every Brother understand what we understand so the full strength and power of the sweet justifications of Our Lord will be too, available to them!

In my masses over the past days all of the intension have been put forward in constant prayer and meditation, I hope my prayers have been accepted by Our Lord and your needs are answered with quickness! The Brotherhood is strong, let us make an influence unto the next generations, one of responsibility, truth, peace, labour, family and most importantly Our Holy Father, Blessed Mother, Sweet Loving Brother and the Spirit of Connection to all comfort, light and peace!

A prayer for the Brotherhood:

Oh God Who's mercies are endless and Who's Love in an infinite treasure, we render thanks to Thy most gracious Majesty for the gifts Thou has betowed upon us always imploring Thy mercy that as Thou grat the prayers of those who ask Thee, Thou will never forsake them but prepare them for their future reward, through Christ Our Lord AMEN
Thanks so much Mike.
What has happened to our Scottish brother weighs so heavy on my heart and soul. It is almost beyond words for me to express my loss. I can say though that I have never taken my friendship with Red for granted nor did I fail to appreciate his contributions to our family. I will rejoice the day that he is back with us and once again active on this forum. We just have to take a day at a time. One day at a time...

I feel relief knowing that you care so much Mike. It really matters brother. - Dash

doublelongdaddy;562351 said:
Dash, This will be included in my Mass this afternoon. The burden and suffering we bare and that which we see are family and friends bare, if carried with grace and humility, will bring rewards of great worth to the humbly afflicted. I pray that the suffering of your friend comes upon me and allows me to take as much of the burden as possible. I believe with great love that my sufferings will bring me to a perfection of LOVE for my Lord and God. All Brothers should take up their cross and the cross of all they see suffering. Compassion is the very essence of entering into the Kingdom of our Lord, there is no greater love than the love of a man laying down his life for his brothers!

Those looking on, fear not, profess your Love for Christ and bring us your prayers and you will gain something far greater than the promises the Brotherhood makes to you, the promises of Christ are infinite and the wealth you will receive in the Spirit will provide for you for ever.

I have converted millions of men in the abilities of body improvement and they have truly gone from nonbelievers to the very Brothers who bring the good news of their profits in this realm. We have thousands of likeminded men who convert men daily in our ways. This is a GREAT responsibility and one with hidden graces that are not so apparent to the average person viewing our home. The responsibility of every Brother who believes in MOS, and has gained because of it, is that he is kind and giving in his thankfulness for the gains he has made in his giving back to the newer Brothers. There is no greater gift than when the student shares his gifts with his teacher. In this sense we can see parallels to Hope, Faith and most importantly Charity in what we preach. We have a very loud voice in all things we profess and I would love for the bravest Brothers, of the Faith of the Lord, to take their charity to the next level and help me convert Brothers in Christ. Conversion to the Faith of the Brotherhood will bring rewards in Heaven for those who take up this passion and innumerable gifts to those of convert.

I leave you today with a very special prayer that will bring great virtue to those who pray this prayer daily.

Lord Jesus, let me know myself and know You, and desire nothing save only You.
Let me hate myself and love You.
Let me do everything for the sake of You.
Let me humble myself and exalt You.
Let me think of nothing except You.
Let me die to myself and live in You.
Let me accept whatever happens as from You.
Let me banish self and follow You, and ever desire to follow You.
Let me fly from myself and take refuge in You,
That I may deserve to be defended by You.
Let me fear for myself.
Let me fear You, and let me be among those who are chosen by You.
Let me distrust myself and put my trust in You.
Let me be willing to obey for the sake of You.
Let me cling to nothing save only to You,
And let me be poor because of You.
Look upon me, that I may love You.
Call me that I may see You, and for ever enjoy You. Amen.

-St. Augustine
Dashdeming;563518 said:
Thanks so much Mike.
What has happened to our Scottish brother weighs so heavy on my heart and soul. It is almost beyond words for me to express my loss. I can say though that I have never taken my friendship with Red for granted nor did I fail to appreciate his contributions to our family. I will rejoice the day that he is back with us and once again active on this forum. We just have to take a day at a time. One day at a time...

I feel relief knowing that you care so much Mike. It really matters brother. - Dash

There are many Brothers here Dash that are very strong, and you know who they are. With that said, there is not one among any of the Brotherhood with the strength and diligence as our dear Brother RedZulu! Many Evil men have come up against me, those who were strong and cunning with split tongues and poison in their hearts and words, and Red was always there immediately to chastise these deceitful wrecks! Like the 11 other, you know who are, I would trust my life with Red and I would give him anything his hearts should ever need. Red came here strong (albeit course in his ways) but strong. He only became greater from that point. He became a honorable delegate, a selfless giver, a pioneer of many of the practices so many men use, a beacon on great light to the entire Brotherhood, a deep believer in Christ and a man that will always be looked after by the Holy Spirit. Yes, he is up against intense adversity and the tribulations of his unfair reparations are great indeed but this is EXACTLY where Red will flourish and grow into a perfect example of the Brotherhood, even in the midst of undue punisHydromaxents. Red, with great grace, is carrying his cross and on every side of him are the Holy Angels of the Heavenly Family, each helping to lighten his sufferings. I know he feels this support about him and I know the Living Word is alive in him and will not let him even bruise his cheek!

Dash, and the whole Brotherhood, who has great compassion and LOVE for our lost Brother Red, in the toils of a world that the Brotherhood does not have control of, let us look at the next 7 years as a retreat of sorts in the Spirit of the Brotherhood, great sufferings from a Brother that will take that pain and create great wisdom, understanding and knowledge and bring it back with GLORY!

A prayer for RedZulu and all of Our Lost Brothers:

Oh Holy Family, the Singular GOD of Our Salvation, have mercy on Red and all of the lost Children of the Brotherhood. Allow your Holy Spirit to thrive in their beings and quicken their sufferings and bring them all safely home to the Brotherhood that so dearly loves and misses them. Oh Lord, You have seen fit to make the Brotherhood very powerful and safe in our beliefs, hopes and support for one another, in this same grace and mercy, pour your Holy Spirit upon all lost souls of the Faith and Bless them and keep them safe from all anxiety, harm or discouragement. I pray this through Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the Holy Father and Mother that with God, the Holy Spirit, is One God, for Ever and Ever

I had to reply to this post I don't post much but when I hear people speaking about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit it sparked me. I do have one prayer request not for me but for EVERY believer that He (God) will continue to bless, keep them, and continue to guide them through out their walk. Some people may look at this tread and think that it is stupid or crazy but it is the complete opposite it is showing that there is Life in Jesus Christ and He can save you if you only believe and allow him to transform and renew your mind. Always remember He will not put more on you than you can bare. DD keep doing what you are doing God is EVERYWHERE and by you starting this tread and MEN responding speaks volumes because we need more men in the body of Christ. My user name is bornnsuccess meaning I was born in success once I accepted Jesus and my life has changed for the better I am not the man I use to be. Do I mess up from time to time? Yes we all do but I know how to ask for forgiveness. I am overwhelmed with joy because of the stand that you and every man that reads and replies have made. REAL MEN LOVE GOD and if you are reading this and say that you are a real man and don't love Him well let me tell you He loves you and wants to establish a relationship with you it's not to late you still have time He renews His Grace and Mercy each day just to give us another chance to accept Him. Just try Him, believe in Him and establish a relationship with Him and watch your life change for the better. God bless the originator and responders of this tread in Jesus Name Amen!!!!!!!
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Amen brother. Amen.

doublelongdaddy;563615 said:
There are many Brothers here Dash that are very strong, and you know who they are. With that said, there is not one among any of the Brotherhood with the strength and diligence as our dear Brother RedZulu! Many Evil men have come up against me, those who were strong and cunning with split tongues and poison in their hearts and words, and Red was always there immediately to chastise these deceitful wrecks! Like the 11 other, you know who are, I would trust my life with Red and I would give him anything his hearts should ever need. Red came here strong (albeit course in his ways) but strong. He only became greater from that point. He became a honorable delegate, a selfless giver, a pioneer of many of the practices so many men use, a beacon on great light to the entire Brotherhood, a deep believer in Christ and a man that will always be looked after by the Holy Spirit. Yes, he is up against intense adversity and the tribulations of his unfair reparations are great indeed but this is EXACTLY where Red will flourish and grow into a perfect example of the Brotherhood, even in the midst of undue punisHydromaxents. Red, with great grace, is carrying his cross and on every side of him are the Holy Angels of the Heavenly Family, each helping to lighten his sufferings. I know he feels this support about him and I know the Living Word is alive in him and will not let him even bruise his cheek!

Dash, and the whole Brotherhood, who has great compassion and LOVE for our lost Brother Red, in the toils of a world that the Brotherhood does not have control of, let us look at the next 7 years as a retreat of sorts in the Spirit of the Brotherhood, great sufferings from a Brother that will take that pain and create great wisdom, understanding and knowledge and bring it back with GLORY!

A prayer for RedZulu and all of Our Lost Brothers:

Oh Holy Family, the Singular GOD of Our Salvation, have mercy on Red and all of the lost Children of the Brotherhood. Allow your Holy Spirit to thrive in their beings and quicken their sufferings and bring them all safely home to the Brotherhood that so dearly loves and misses them. Oh Lord, You have seen fit to make the Brotherhood very powerful and safe in our beliefs, hopes and support for one another, in this same grace and mercy, pour your Holy Spirit upon all lost souls of the Faith and Bless them and keep them safe from all anxiety, harm or discouragement. I pray this through Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the Holy Father and Mother that with God, the Holy Spirit, is One God, for Ever and Ever

I pray for those hurting, those with not enough to eat or drink, and those who are suffering physically, emotionally, or spiritually. I pray for everyone here, that they may know the love of God and be a light that shines before all. May we be the example of in giving that we receive.
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