Brothers I'm sorry for my absence. I need your prayers now more than ever. Please brothers pray for me and ask the Lord to have mercy on me and bring me to a better place where I can take my responsibilities in the Brotherhood to the level they deserve in your name.

Please Jesus, My Sweet Brother, pray for me. Please my beloved Brothers pray for me so I can be here for you.
Lord,You, who are almighty and whose power and might is beyond anything there was, is and will ever be, please, help our good friend and dear brother and guide him through his hardships. He who has devoted his life to make us, your children, not only better men, but better people truly deserves your guidance and fatherly support. I pray for him to be successful in each and every path of his life. I pray for him to be healthy happy and I pray for him to continue to get better and better version of himself every morning. Make him stronger than yesterday and not as strong as he will be tomorrow. Amen!
Lord we ask that you hold our brother Mike close to your sacred heart. Make him into the man, father, brother and leader You wish him to be, Father. Jesus turn your eyes of mercy towards him.
Mother Mary, standing near the throne of Heaven, mediatrix of all graces, we ask you yo pray for us. Intercede on behalf of our brother Mike who clearly loves and honors you. Turn to your Holy son Jesus, who would deny you nothing, and ask for Mike to be blessed and strengthened in his good work on behalf of mens health and relationships, building their confidence and ability to share their one body connection with the spouse that God ordained and sends to them, to share a small measure of Gods vast love between them. Help Mike focus his time, talent and treasure on that mission, that purpose God has for him to become the best version of himself which only God knows. Gods Will not ours be done.
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But not but 2, two it is!

Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity:

Like the precious ointment on the head, that ran down upon the beard, the beard of Aaron, which ran down to the skirt of his garment: as the dew of Hermon, which descendeth upon mount Sion.

For there the Lord hath commanded blessing, and life for evermore shall be!

Thanks for your prayers they have strengthened me!
This body.
This body holding me.
Be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal
All this pain is an illusion.
BornInFigi;564585 said:
This body.
This body holding me.
Be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal
All this pain is an illusion.

All this pain is perfection! Through the pain and suffering are we perfected in Christ. Remember Brothers, when we attune our own sufferings to that of Christ we are rewarded by his loving arms, which will carry even the smallest soul into his ecstasy. I have been in tribulations over so much of this mission I have taken upon myself, but God, my God has been there to holm me and my Holy Mother has soothed my soul. My dearly beloved Brotherhood has shown me new life and new dedication to the Eternal Word! This is the biggest dedication I have ever made to God and the Brotherhood and when this 30,000 square foot home is ready it will stand as a testament to God and how He has influenced us into becoming speakers of the word, the ones chosen to bring forth the true secrets of manhood and how powerful we are in Christ as men! Even though I come before my Lord's Alter with every sin a man could have, just my knowledge of his forgiveness, through the sacraments, I am renewed and made white like snow!

This really helped me to understand the duality of our sinful nature. There were twin boys of 5 years of age, that decided to cut flowers from the garden with which they were forbidden by their Father. When the Father returned home from his day at work he saw the garden and rushed in to see what happened. One of the girls ran up and jumped into her Fathers arm and told him what she had did, while the other girl ran off and hid. The Fathers Joy was found in both daughters as in their sinful nature one not only ran into the Fathers arms but also one hid in the shame of the sin. How perfect is this to Christ? He knows both sides of ourselves and He is able to Love us for this sinfulness. As a matter of fact, when we sin and seek forgiveness Christ's Heart is actually consoled! Yes, I said that right, we can console the Heart of Jesus!

When we feel like the world is come up against us and there is no one, not even one that could understand, know God is there always waiting to help us become greater! With one arm we offer up our sins as with the other we hold the hand of our Eternal Brother! Sweet is the justifications in Christ, such perfect justice in the co-eternal Word to the Son of God, Our Holy Mother! So much mercy and consolation with the Holy Spirit and His powerful influence on our ways in confidence and love. A Father, who is all forgiving and all accepting even to sending his Son to die for the sins of Adam, so that we could share in the inheritance of this New Holy Covenant.

This new building that the Brotherhood has purchased is our first step in bringing the Brotherhood to the Streets. Even though I am struggling and stressing, I know the prayers of the Brotherhood are helping me. I feel renewed and able now to continue. I will bring video and pictures during this entire journey! The Brotherhood is becoming very strong in the Faith an this is why the land is coming to us! We will use this building to teach a new way, a way the Brotherhood learned and mastered. Even as I type this my heart races for the excitement of knowing this Missionary is built not by me, but by the Grace of God!
Thanks for your confidence Slim...
Today the word came to me with sarrow typified by an ecstacy that truly paled my sadness. I thought about how my tribulations were great and how far from where I want to be I am. I thought on my past and thought perhaps I may have not been the best man in the world, or perhaps I would change things somehow to correct so much regret, but in my pity, I began to understand more clearly, more intimately. The Spirit, so strong in his ways, swept me, and I suddenly had the understanding I needed.

If even one thing were different in my past I would not be who I am today. With quickness I realised the blessings of my sarrows and attuned them to that of my Lord and his sarrows. So quickly I relaxed in his consolation and heard such soothing words.....EVERYTHING IS Penis EnlargementRFECT and in all my frailty I realized perfection is in the moment and God was right there with me. From here, with great confidence and understanding my creation elevated and I knew, somehow, in my smallness, I was consoling my Brother Jesus as he consoled me.

There is no better correction than that in the flames of our Lord's Heart! Even with every sin at my lips and ever present before my God, He gently took my hand and gave me His Forgiveness. Is there any better gift. Like kindling for the fire, my sarrows burned instantly in the powerful flames of his Sacred Heart.

Allow Jesus to become your Brother and Friend....he has done so much for me and I pray you too find His generous, loving arms and allow him to gently guide to becoming the best man you can be.
from today's sermon from mass of St. Thomas

How to live a joyful, trustful, accepting Life.

Living a joyful, trustful, accepting Life Is not as ccomplicated as one would expect. One simply offers himself to God with confidence and then accepts everything, with praise and thanksgiving, seeing all things as coming from God, our loving Father. This way of trust and acceptance means that we strive to let nothing disturb us and further, we strive to continually praise and thank God for everything. That's easy when good things come our way (by good thing I mean what makes it easy to get praise and thanks to God) we strive to praise and thank God for them. For instance, on any given day we may praise and thank God for a good meal with family and friends, beautiful music or a wonderful scene of nature.... then when God sends (or permits) those things that often make it difficult to praise and thank Him, crosses of sorts, we strive to praise and thank him for them also because it is much harder to offer praise and thanks for the crosses in our lives than it is to praise and give thanks for the good things in our lives.
Slim, is this a mirror you are putting forth for your own failures? Do you need God so much that you are so nasty in your comments? Who failed you? Become honest with us and we can help you but if you are here to cause evil then you will be ejected....the brotherhood is for men of change.

And to answer your question, Yes, I do feel terrible for much of my past, this is why I am here, to change that and to gain forgiveness for my errors. If this is not understandable by you, Slim...move on, there are plenty of negative forums you can be member to.
I have no idea if it's because of hatred or the fact that you do not believe just like us, but why are you so offensive to us? This is a thread created with the good willnes to help everyone here. If this is something you do not believe in, then just do not post and ignore this thread, but if it's just hate- I do not want to sound like I am one of the wisest people here, but if you keep acting like that you will never achieve inner peace. And believe me, once you feel it you will realize that it is one of the best feeling you could ever feel. I pray for you to find that inner peace and go on. I pray for you and for everyone, I pray for all the hate around the world to disapear and to have a world of joy and happiness. I wish you all the best my friend, dear slim! Zam :)
Zambrodom3;564793 said:
I have no idea if it's because of hatred or the fact that you do not believe just like us, but why are you so offensive to us? This is a thread created with the good willnes to help everyone here. If this is something you do not believe in, then just do not post and ignore this thread, but if it's just hate- I do not want to sound like I am one of the wisest people here, but if you keep acting like that you will never achieve inner peace. And believe me, once you feel it you will realize that it is one of the best feeling you could ever feel. I pray for you to find that inner peace and go on. I pray for you and for everyone, I pray for all the hate around the world to disapear and to have a world of joy and happiness. I wish you all the best my friend, dear slim! Zam :)

Whilst the wicked man is proud, the poor is set on fire: * they are caught in the counsels which they devise.
9:24 For the sinner is praised in the desires of his soul: * and the unjust man is blessed.
9:25 The sinner hath provoked the Lord, * according to the multitude of his wrath he will not seek him.
9:26 God is not before his eyes: * his ways are filthy at all times.
9:27 Thy judgments are removed from his sight: * he shall rule over all his enemies.
9:28 For he hath said in his heart: * I shall not be moved from generation to generation, and shall be without evil.
9:29 His mouth is full of cursing, and of bitterness, and of deceit: * under his tongue are labour and sorrow.
9:30 He sitteth in ambush with the rich, in private places, * that he may kill the innocent.
9:31 His eyes are upon the poor man: * he lieth in wait, in secret, like a lion in his den.
9:32 He lieth in ambush, that he may catch the poor man: * so catch the poor, whilst he draweth him to him.
9:32 In his net he will bring him down, * he will crouch and fall, when he shall have power over the poor.
9:32 For he hath said in his heart: God hath forgotten, * he hath turned away his face, not to see to the end.

When I read this it makes me feel so much sadness for people like Slim. I prayed for him today that whatever possesses him to be so evil leaves him and he is able to start loving himself and stop attacking innocent people.
A prayer for the start of what looks to be a BIG day! I hope and pray all my fellow Brothers prosper in todays new day, full of potential.

Now in the sun’s new dawning ray,
Lowly of heart, our God we pray
That he from harm may keep us free
In all the deeds this day shall see.

May fear of him our tongues restrain,
Lest strife unguarded speech should stain:
His favouring care our guardian be,
Lest our eyes feed on vanity.

May every heart be pure from sin
And folly find no place therein:
Scant need of food, excess denied,
Wear down in us the body’s pride.

That when the light of day is gone,
And night in course shall follow on.
We, free from cares the world affords,
May chant the praise that is our Lord’s.

All love to Father, Mother be,
All praise, Eternal Son, to thee:
All glory, as is ever meet,
To God the holy Paraclete.

Today was a fantastic day! The Lord was strong in his will and the workers who came were worthy if their pay! We have 5 floors and the tip floor demolition is completed! One day per floor so we are going to be way ahead of schedule by a month! I thank the Holy Family for the jewel we are uncovering! So far we have exposed 15 foot cealing where the missionary will be located. We start on the lower floors tomorrow! Ahhhhh...pretty soon we will finally have a place to call home.
doublelongdaddy;564934 said:
Today was a fantastic day! The Lord was strong in his will and the workers who came were worthy if their pay! We have 5 floors and the tip floor demolition is completed! One day per floor so we are going to be way ahead of schedule by a month! I thank the Holy Family for the jewel we are uncovering! So far we have exposed 15 foot cealing where the missionary will be located. We start on the lower floors tomorrow! Ahhhhh...pretty soon we will finally have a place to call home.

God is good and blesses those things with bring goodness to the world!
So true Higherone....I think when the brothers start seeing pictures of progress there will be more support and excitement. ..keep praying men, the dream is happening
No, I will continue to pray for people like you who hasve no God. I truly feel so sorry for you and where you will end up. I pray that Jesus comes to you and let you know who he is before you go to into the pit.

and for your information if you followed what I was doing in life you would know that every single penny made from matters of size to the mission and to help the homeless, suffering and sick. I live on a $10 a day allowance. I live in a 40 square foot area. Everything I have and every bit of money I make I give to this mission . So please before you try to cast judgement on me, I Know Who I am.
slim222;565202 said:
What a bunch of crap! You care about one thing - the amount of money you can make of a bunch of teens, who watch way too much �naked people movies� and think they need to make their cock bigger to be a real man.

I wish the best for you. You don't need this pretend guy in the sky. Just listen to what your mind tells you about the person you are at the end of the day.

Silver isn't what you predicted. Pray about that! :)

Who are you to judge?
I guess people that hate will be people that hate. It is funny how they could have greatly improved their lifes by trying to do si instead of being pesimistic and hating on everyone like that. Something I want to add is that DLD not only deserves all the money he get, he deserves much much more. It is priceless to change someone's life, to give him support and to guide him through hardships. It is priceless to sacrifice so much for the community mattersofsize is today, because it is a place we can all (well having you in mind.. most of us) call our second home. A place where we get to be better versions of us, and get/give the support everyone needs. The information and the time dedicated for MOS cost much more than what DLD gets. Plus, the forum is free and everyone (even people with financial problems) can be a member and improve. I pray the world has less people like you and the ones that are- to just realize that they can change their life dramatically instead of just hating around. All the best!
Seigneur donne moi la force de faire face aux épreuves de la vie et de tenir solide comme la maison batie sur la pierre. ref.Matthieu 7.24
Pray for those who have listened ... heard... but havnt moved yet.
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