Jun 3, 2003
A Zen-like Penis Enlargement Session

We rush so much during the day, usually (for myself) Penis Enlargement can become something I have to do rather than want to do. The same applies to my exercise program, among other activities, where I can take a "want to" or "have to" attitude, the latter being the more popular. Now I can say it over and over but it never means anything until you experience it for yourself but inner-self is the difference between "have to" and "want to", and in many cases the difference between you getting the results you want or not.

How deep can Penis Enlargement really get? I mean this is exercise to make the penis larger, right? Not really:) Penis Enlargement is a large chunk of your day. For some of you guys Penis Enlargement can be as much as half your waking day. This is valuable time that needs to be maximized. Maximized not only physically but mentally. Imagine a business man hard at work designing websites. If he maximizes only the physical portion of his work and lacks in the mental piece chances are he will do shitty websites. Penis Enlargement is the same, as is much in life.

When I do my Penis Enlargement the physical portion is straight. I know what I am going to do. I know the best way to do it. I know exactly the pressure, stroke, count, right down to the timing. Many would believe I could do Penis Enlargement without even thinking about it, I mean I must have done it gazillions of times. So why do my own results vary so much, the physical parts are all in place? But this is simply not true.

When I step back from my Penis Enlargement and take a look at the big picture. Look at things like gains, when they happened, exercise I was doing, where I was in life mentally, socially, economically, my attitude at these times and do the same with periods of slow or no growth I can basically categorize my Penis Enlargement time-line into gaining times and no gaining times. During the gaining periods I know my focus was on point, I was mentally connected to my Penis Enlargement, I was able to see gains, feel them but above all measure them. When I wasn't gaining my mind was not in it but heres the thing.....I never changed the Penis Enlargement physically. Even during mentally absent periods of my Penis Enlargement time-line the physical side has consistently remained identical. [i.e., pressure, intensity, routines, reps, set etc.] I This proves, at least to me, that mind over body is the mecca not only in Penis Enlargement but in life.

more tomorrow:)
AWESOME!!, Yeah i think we need to focus more on the mind and body connecton. You should try and right more stuff like this. It really helps out!
What a great post! This my first time responding to any post on here, so this must have struck a cord. I agree with the mind connecting to the body, as well as other aspects of life. The mind drives us in everything we do as a person. Correct thoughts play a major role in setting ourselves up for success. So when you visualize things in the mind, it makes it that much easier to obtain your goals, whatever they might be.

Continue DLD with the inspiring posts!
I know this is an old post, but I just read it...damn DLD some real strong stuff here. Keep it up man I love this site.
There are some SERIOUS words of wisdom here! I have to visit this subforum more often :)
since we are in the Penis Enlargement rock garden, i want my cock to be a Penis Enlargement Soundgarden...."Rusty Cage" is about my erections hahahahahahah. no seriously man, good post DLD.
I've always treated my Penis Enlargement like my martial arts, and I feel that how it should aways be. Mind and body become one to achieve more, something greater. Just my take anyway. I agree DLD you should post more of this type of info.
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