
Dec 2, 2010
6'5 345lbs thats me ! . My goal is basically to be Alil Less that 300lbs to be healthy and not completely change my appearance (been big my whole life) and build Muscle . I go to the gym now and basically looking for something in a phase by phase type because i know i will have to change up my routine but dont know how . Right now im counting calories and having two protien shakes a day to get my protein.
My eating habbits isnt anything serious and i dont want it to be but here it is .

-Two Home Made Turkey Sandwiches
-Large Chicken Breast Salad

Side Note:
-In Between meals Fruit ( Apples,Grapes,Bananas, All fruit Smoothie Drink)
-Protien Shake Before And After Workout( 3 Scoops Of Whey Isolates, 72g Protien per Shake)

My Workout thats what i need help with right now, so far this is what i do.
-Walk to the gym 7 Blocks away from my house
-20-25 Minutes Elliptical
-Mon,Wed,Fri i will single out a Muscle group with the exercises i like (Arms,shoulders,chest)
-Tue,Thur freestyle . Whatever i feel like doing after cardio.

None of this is probably professional but im not trying to get no bodybuilding body but a few tips from you guys so i can keep making improvement in my body would be great that. Suggestions will be nice.
Its a shame, but body building is naturally harder to do the heavier you are, because your body is in fat store mode when your a large guy. Believe me, i've been at both end of the scales!

If I were you I'd lay off of weight training for muscle building until you reach your goal. Many people say that increased muscle mass burns off more calories, but thats only feasible for people who are already average weight. The truth is, its a hell of a lot easier to lose weight through cardio work.

Your diet seems fine, I don't know what your drinking but try and keep away from alcohol, stimulants like coffee and tea and any other fruit drinks. You should drink at least 1 litre of water for every 80lbs of body mass you have a day, and any extra stuff you drink thats bad for you ( like a cup of tea or coffee or a beer ) you should also replace with extra water as well. So just to clarify, you'd have your basic 4 ish litres, then a beer maybe, and another pint of water on top. It is absolutely essential to weight loss that you stay over hydrated, as this is what flushes out the bad stuff (like excess fat ) in your body as you sweat it off.

In terms of what exercise to do, try and stick to cardio. 25 minutes on an eliptical isnt bad for your weight, but to make any changes to your body you really have to make it uncomfortable. I'm sure I'm preaching to the converted here, but if you find that after 25 minutes you just can't go on, then have a break and do 2 sessions. Also try and vary the effort you put in over time, like 3 minutes full bore, 3 minutes medium effort. That keeps your body guessing, and allows the body to try and burn as much fat as possible to meet your possible energy need.

Try and avoid high energy foods while you are dieting too, like energy drinks or sugary foods - your diet already sounds great, but if you never have anything like this as long as you diet, your body will always be dipping into your fat reserves to supplement its energy supply.

Another great thing to look out for is noticing when you are full. I was brought up not to waste food, which is actually quite bad for the body. I've since learned to eat quite slowly - now I eat while I do something else, like read or be on my laptop - and allow myself to feel the weight in my stomach. Stopping when you feel satisfied is important, because being overfull - even by just a bit - sends the wrong signals to the metabolism. The body thinks (especially at a larger weight) that you are stocking up to face the harsh winters, and increases the fat storage percentage of the nutrients going through you.

Before you get to that under 300lb target and you want to train your muscle groups, if you do exercises with lighter weight and larger groups, you will maximise the energy usage as you are doing the exercise. You'll find it so much easier to build muscle at 290 than you will at 350.

I hope this helps :)
Thanks for the detailed message really helpful! To clarify a few things im not trying to be a body builder nor get a chiseled body the reason i am lifting weights is just to have some muscle mass and definition. I recently just started again after 2 months off the gym and gave a few pounds back ( was 357lbs). i was developing my deltoids,traps, biceps and chest . i wouldnt mind how long getting under 300lbs would take i would say half a year if im strict like i was 2 months ago on having junk food on the weekends( sherbet ice cream, and going out to eat) on what i was doing i was loosing 10lbs a month then slowed down from 10lbs in one month to 7to8lbs in 1 3/4 months... SO could i do this be more focused on my cardio and keep increasing the intensity of that while lifting ? Because it seemed you said drop doing weight in a whole and i dont want to do that... I dont want to be the big guy just trying to lose weight i want to be the big guy thats trying to improve his body.
Try this site: His advice should get you started. Don't be put off by the word bodybuilding, whether you want to build a little or a lot it's all build the same way---through nutrition and exercise.

Good luck.
I'm not for one second suggesting you give up weight training forever, I'm just saying for your stature, the quickest way to get there is to lose the weight first, THEN start weight training.

Please bear in mind that collectively, everything you do sends a signal to the body's metabolism... some people's routines are structured around keeping it guessing (to paraphrase) but yes, you can just do cardio alongside muscle building weight training.

To make sure that the cardio is still more prominent, try not going for more intense, but for longer. doing the 3min intense/3min moderate approach for an hour or 75 minutes will make you shed the lbs much quicker than doing a consistently high routine for an hour. You'll sweat more, releasing more of those toxins, you'll need more energy to keep at a higher energy usage over time, and critically, dip into your fat reserves more often.

I'm just an amateur who's done a lot of reading, so I also agree with pjisor - there are qualified people out there who can give you good advice. I just think my advice is pertinent to you because I have been in your situation before and my routine gave good results, better than could be expected.
Good for you BigBlak! I am happy to see you are taking steps to improve yourself.
I would like to point out here that I made my suggestion earlier having been at the weight BigBlak is at now, and telling what worked for me. Sure, weight training is good anytime you can do it, but when your a really large guy, exercising hard and overstressing yourself with weight - when you already have so much of it - can really take it out of you, to the point of nearly working against you - having to take rest days, losing a routine and recouperate etc.

BigBlak, your going to need to decide who's advice to take. Like I said, I'm no professional but I've been in your position and have formulated my suggestion based on what I found effective.
Wonder if he lost the weight?
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