Big Al

Jun 12, 2003
We men tend to look at things in 2-D, and sometimes we forget to look at the “whole picture.” Here's why this is a mistake.

Article courtesy of Aaron "remek" Kemmer

The world was once believed by man to be flat – a two dimensional object. It is now known, and has been known for sometime that the Earth is in fact round – a three-dimensional object.*

But even to this day, we men still look at some things in 2-D. Our penis is commonly viewed as a two dimensional object. When referring to a man's size, we usually attribute his size (or lack of) to his length OR girth. This view is inadequate. To get the “whole picture,” we have to look at both length and girth – combined together. The best way to do this is in terms of volume. Moreover, measuring in volume allows men to measure with one number (cubic inches), instead of two.

Why is it important to get a look at the whole picture? Consider two guys with exactly 5.5” of Length and 4.5” Girth – approximately 8.86 cubic inches**. Suppose both of these men exercise their penis to make it bigger. One man gains one inch of length, while the other gains one inch of girth. Which man is bigger? They are surely not the same. . .

Starting Stats: 5.5” X 4.5” ≈ 8.86 cubic inches

Length Gainer Post Stats: 6.5 x 4.5 ≈ 10.47 cubic inches

Girth Gainer Post Stats: 5.5 x 5.5 ≈ 13.24 cubic inches

The guy who gained an inch of length is now approximately 18.2 percent bigger, while the guy who gained an inch of girth is now approximately 49.4 percent bigger. The girth man increased his penis size almost three times as much as the length man! Two sizes which seem very similar are in fact very different. Only using volume to calculate the penis size do we see the whole three-dimensional picture.

Now, this does not necessarily mean you should throw away your length routine and focus completely on girth (although many women and men suggest that girth is the true matter of size). It simply means that thinking in terms length and girth combined (volume) is important when exercising the penis.

More On Volume...

For more proof on the importance of volume, take the case of a man who started out with 6" X 5" and gained .75" X .75". The .75" X .75" doesn't sound like a lot, but he actually increased his penis size by nearly 50 percent!

Calculating Volume:

Calculating volume isn't as hard as it looks! You can calculate your penis volume on your own by applying the formula used to find the volume of a cylinder :

(Length X Girth ²)
4 X Pi

Pi is 3.14159265.

Here is an example of how you would plug in your sizes to obtain your volume. For this example the man has a 6 inch penis in length, and a 5 inch penis in girth (aka circumference). This gives us:

(6 X 5 ²)
(4 X 3.14159265)

Simplifying this brings it to:


Simplifying once again allows us to obtain the volume:

11.94 cubic inches.

It's that simple!

Aaron "remek" Kemmer is the author of Exercising The Penis: How to Make Your Most Prized Organ Bigger, Harder & Healthier. He founded THE Penis EnlargementNIS ENLARGEMENT GYM in 2005. Find out more about him here.
I'm going to have to write a review of Remek's book. It's dynamite!!

Measuring volume gives us a whole different perspective so we don't get hung up with length and girth stats.

Yeah that's pretty neat. Another way to look at it. Keeps us from getting so distracted with what we don't have.
For sure!! And as you continue to practice P.E. over the months and years, look at your dick from time to time in the same mirror. This has a lot to do with not only your own perception, but the "real" image projected. If you see your dick as thicker in the mirror, then you may conclude that your volume is growing even though your penile growth does not show up in the length, girth stats.

I use the rear view mirror in my car. From time to time I pull out my flaccid dick and check it out. It's getting thicker and thicker over time. No doubt about it.

I figure if everybody else can be on a hand-held cell phone, I can check out my dick occasionally.




I downloaded a Penis Volume Calculator I think from T's. If anyone can tell me how to post it here you can use it too. I just don't know how to post it. It's a pretty sweet tool.
its pretty easy math, definetly don't need a scientific calculator or anything.
tyandhisrod;305831 said:
its pretty easy math, definetly don't need a scientific calculator or anything.
No kidding but in a matter of seconds you can punch in any gains or size difference in length and/or girth and see in .25 inch increments your volume change.

It's a fun tool but no not necessary.
I don't know if this will work but here it is if it does.


    7.4 KB · Views: 0
hahaha. thats rad. i really would like to try some penis displacement measurements, like in milliliters or cubic inches or something.
using a cylinder formula without calculating for the head of the penis can be misleading, especially if your head measures say, half an inch of length, that will really throw it off. plus most penises are not a perfect round cylinder but are longer on the top and bottom than the sides. also curvature would effect things alot. only accurate way to measure volume would be water displacement measurements for sure.
DratsumNeam;316161 said:
only accurate way to measure volume would be water displacement measurements for sure.

agreed, kind of difficult in its own way, though... i think i might measure mine and start a poll or something, it would be interesting to know.
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