
Oct 14, 2010
alright I cant seem to find a good way to get all the hair off the shaft of my penis. I shave it but theres always a couple of longs hairs that I miss. Does anyone have any good methods of removing shaft hair?
Try HairNoMore

I used to use it when I kept everything bald down there. Never had any troubles with burning or anything that I got from using Veet or other hair removal creams.

Looks like different packaging from the one I bought a few years back, might have changed labels or something. Anyway there's a thread about some other hair removal stuff here.
Try clippers. I've been using them on my shaft, because it's hairy too. Does the job better than shaving.
Magic shave powder is better than nair actually. Its made for very course hair, mainly marketed toward "ethnic" men. Cheap too.
stillwantmore2;406583 said:
Magic shave powder is better than nair actually. Its made for very course hair, mainly marketed toward "ethnic" men. Cheap too.

I tried that stuff, because I shave my head a lot. Man, does that crap burn like fire. Haven't touched it since. The old shick 3 gets the job done right.
I tried that shit once and it burned the fuck out of me.
Yeh magic shave powder is good, but it does burn if you let it dry. You have to keep the mixture moist which is annoying as hell.
Maybe this is slightly off topic, so if anyone can redirect me thanks:

Does anyone know of an exercise to stretch solely the shaft-skin? I feel like everything stretches mostly from the skin around the base and the scrotum.
My penis shaft looks like Santas Beard
1. Trim hairs
2. Apply shave gel
3. Use a new razor
4. Shave in the direction the hair grows! Careful!
If you have a free afternoon and a tweezer you could manually pull out each hair and they will grow back softer and lighter each time.
clippers. I don't want razors or anything sharp around my precious naughty regions.
Every time this subject comes up (once or twice a year or so) I always give the same advice: Propane Torch.
Don't belive me!?!
Practice on yer knuckles and you'll see.
Ive been using my electric razor for a while now but it never seems to get it smooth as silk. I always have just a tiny bit of stubble my wife notices when I get deep.
One bit of advice for the electric razor users... never try to shave when the skin is damp or moist. Ill usually prep the area with some baby powder. Rub it in and do some light stretches and the electric razor seems to glide over the pubes much easier.
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