
Jun 3, 2003
I started pe a couple of years ago. I had a very small penis all my life which left me with very low self esteem. It was a constant embarrassment.

I joined a paysite (won't mention the name) and saw absolutely no growth. Now I was really upset with myself. So I joined another one several months later. Same thing----NO GROWTH. I received an e-mail about that time late 2002 advertising the premier #1 site in the net. I was gullible and went for it. You guessed it absolutely no growth. During this time of desperation I had also ordered and tried several other enlargement gadgets which left me in the same state --the only change I got was to be more depressed and more ashamed than ever.

I March 2003 I was in a pe chatroom when I met a guy who said that he had started small like me but had made some awesome gains. I was VERY skeptical trying not to be gullible anymore and certainly not wanting to waster any more money! The guy talked me into joining �other PE site� Place and reading all his posts. I didn't believe it would or could work for me but I took his advice and joined �other PE site� anyways.

I fumbled with the exercises but saw no growth again. This guy that I had met was the most patient soul I had ever met. He coached me thru some hard times and finally I saw an 1/8 in length gain. That excited me enough to ask for more. He recommended the DLD Blasters and a couple of other exercises. I tried to do them but was certain that I wasn't doing them correctly so I started to send DLD some private messages asking for help with his exercises.

About this time my boss got in a real stupidity spasm (He still hasn't gotten out yet either). I began working so much that I had no energy left to exercise when I got home from work. Some days I only got in from work at like 2:30 in the morning and needed to be up again by 6:00. In my frustration I decided to substitute my breaks and lunch times at work for pe sessions. I almost ran to the bathroom to get in a 10-15 min stretch session every chance I got. I even stretch in my vehicle to and from work. The vehicle stretching was very discreet (hand inside of loose shorts) as I am not a flasher.

The gains began to come! Just last night I was looking at my cock and couldn't believe it was actually mine. I started very small but have added more than an inch in less than 2 months.
For the first time in my life I feel average instead of like a freak.

I completed one of my jobs this week and am looking forward to some much needed time off. I am planning to start a whole new routine on Monday of next week. I am anticipating growth in this new routine as well.

I didn't mean to "preach" a sermon, thats Rev. DLD's job. I just wanted to say that if you are curious, GO FOR IT!! IT WORKS!!
I know you've heard that before but if I can grow anyone can.
Thanks for listening guys.

Great post C-guy, I hope it helps those that are struggling with motivation. We're all behind you and wish you great gains.
Wonderful story C, what a testament to patients, dexterity and diligence. I think if we want something so much it will materialize...maybe not in our time but always in Gods time. There are many very special individuals in these forums that are willing to help one another, it really is quite amazing when you consider the main topic. In my heart I know if I can help someone just a little bit all my efforts are worth it. Keep on keeping on and always return the awareness and you will continue to be blessed.

Thats right DLD,... You have to give it away if you want to keep it. It's kind of like when you have the most perfect day of your life, but what does it mean if you can't share it with someone? And I really like your philosophy about patience. Whenever we pray for something God has one of three answers, yes, no, wait. Usually its wait. We think we know what we need now, but there are times when we go after it on our own we end up screwing ourselves royally, but that's free will for you. We have to try to remember that He isn't going to give us any more than we can handle for today, it's when we start trying to do more than we are supposed to that things get out of control. Just remember the Lords Prayer-"Thy will be done", not my will be done,I don't know shit! Peace and love Brothers, B1.
Thanks guys all of you. Your kindness is not taken for granted here for sure.

To be quiet honest with you I only wanted to get to a 6 incher so I would not feel like such a freak. I'm not saying my exact size now until xtremegamers monthly challenge is over. However I will say that I have already passed my 6 inch goal. I am so thankful for the dick increase but even more thankful for the WONDERFUL group of friends that I have become to consider as my family. You are all like brothers (and sisters) to me. I sincerly wish all of you the same kind of gains that I am seeing.

Believe me KNOWLEDGE=GROWTH not only in pe but in life as well.

Take Care Bro's

Thanks for the post C-Guy. Being a hard gainer myself, I'm glad to hear that there is still hope (gained .5 inch in the first 2 months of Penis Enlargement and nada ever since, been slighlty over a year now, but it's taken a while to get the unit strong enough to handle some of the stretches and exercises, and I've been inconsistent). Guess I'll be hitting those stretches even more intensely.

Thanks again for the post it's helping me get out of my funk.
You are most welcome Extreme. Sorry I miss quoted your name earlier in this thread. I was thinking of something else and trying to type at the same time.

If it had not been for someone helping to keep me motivated I would have quit long before now. Thank God the dude never gave up on me. I'll never give up on you guys either.
Awesome girth! Love the pics too! niiiiiice!

;) Much love!
LOL JAZ!!!! Yes Jaz I tried the rest before I got to the best! I was probably one of the first to join the pay site. No regrets either. I just wanna ask you one question------ Where were you guys 2 years ago?? cough cough! Just kiddin ya really.
Originally posted by C-Guy
I just wanna ask you one question------ Where were you guys 2 years ago?? cough cough! Just kiddin ya really.

Remember? It Took DLD 2 years to Plan this all out.
Originally posted by Jaz
Remember? It Took DLD 2 years to Plan this all out.

All sizes are available, that's what is so amazing. Once you see the miracles start to happen, you can never go back.

You want bigger and bigger.
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