
Jan 19, 2010

I am somewhat new to Penis Enlargement and have a few questions. I have read that some in medical communities consider jelqing dangerous and some believe it has no effect whatsoever. Why is there no substantial evidence out there(in the form of studies) that shows that Penis Enlargement does work? Is there any legitimacy to the damage claim whatsoever? Is Penis Enlargement safe? I see there was a FDA seizure recently on a device similiar to the fastsize extender? Do you have any thoughts on this?

there is a risk to any form of exercise you do...pe is no different...pe does work...plenty of guys to attest to that...it doesn't work the same for all and at the same pace either...not sure why manual pe hasn't been made mainstream...but it's most likely do to doctors and companies that make products that attempt to convince guys to buy there products or surgeries to achieve something than can do with there hands and some hard work and dedication...as for one of those sites that got shut down...i think it was due to them posting fake referrals and stats from "doctors" and such...but extenders can be used as a tool in pe to grow..give it try if you don't see any use in it..then you didn't waste anything but a little time that you wouldn't have been doing anything otherwise with...good luck.
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