
Oct 2, 2007
suicide i havent been talking much on here but ive been a member for a year and couple of months i got and average dick on most guys and well i have a black gf i love her very much but all her black guy friends talk about theier monster dick and how they carry the magnums around and i feel that i dont give here any pleasure at all ive been doing excercises constanly for about a year anyways i just graduated high school last year and took some college classes i had to pay out of my pocket because my parents supposedly make too much but they couldnt help well i failed both classes by two points each and now i cant take the classes again because i dont have alot of money and i cant get a student loan because my parents have bad credit so now i dont know what i want to do with my life i got a small dick in my opinon im somewhat fat and i got no life and i live at home i think id be better not being around anymore.
First off man, "theres always somebody who has it worse then you". Thats what I go by when I find myself feeling down. Idk, when I tell myself that when Im goign through shit it just comforts me...I feel like such a turd feeling so bad for myself when I know theres millions of other people out there suffering from even worse causes. Keep your head up, things will get better, they always do.

As for your girlfriend and her black you ever stop and think about maybe thats the exact reason shes with you? Maybe not so much that you dont have a MONSTER COCK like they do...but that you are humble and more mature than they are. You gotta keep in mind, all guys are dogs. Majority of men will take up any offer on sex from a women no matter if she was REALLY into fucking monster cocks, she would have left you by now to do so. The truth is, shes your girlfriend because shes in love with YOU not any of know? Shit, I have a smaller than average cock, AND my girlfriend has cheated on me before. I've contemplated suicide many a times so jus keep your head up man for reals. As for schooling...and bad credit, maybe its time you get a job and start establishing your own credit. Put school on hold and work full time, or work part times/part time at a community college. Its not over man you're just out of high school you stil got lots of time!!!

stay strong buddy...and dont forget that quote "theres always somebody who has it worse then you" lyrics from keeping it real by shaggy. LMAO
Yo dude, I've been there. I've dealt with extreme suicidal depression in my life. I could tell you all about my wanderings up Shit Creek, but it doesn't matter why or how you or I ever got there. It only matters that you want to get to happiness.

Here's some tools you can use that I find very effective.

Step 1: Appreciate the good in yourself and the good in your life. Count your blessings. Your gf is one! You're smart enough to get into college. You have an AVERAGE dick one that your gf is probably happy with. You can make your dick bigger if you want to! And that's just from what you've said!

Write or type them down.

Step 2: (this one is a bit tricky) Appreciate the SHIT in your life, and how it creates an intense desire in you to be better than you are. When you feel you have a small dick, it creates an intense desire to get a bigger one, one that you CAN AND WILL have. Being a bit fat is fuel that inspires you to a better body. Not having enough money creates desire for more. And by experiencing all this SHIT you're learning and growing a lot.

Trust that these things are coming to you. They are, maybe not this instant, but anything you want can come to you.

You may here DLD talk about visualization and the power of the mind to shape your reality. I know just out of high school was about the most intensely stressful times of my life, but I value it now.

The key for now it to notice what good you have in your life and in your self.

I won't push any of my beliefs on anyone else, but I'll show you what works for me. What ultimately and finally pulled me out of my depression cycle was Abraham-Hicks. Search it on YouTube. If it resonates and you can get into it (I've listened to 100s of hours) it can be a real life changer. I wish someone had showed me this when I was just out of highschool.
gatordong--You should always COUNT WHAT YOU HAVE... not what you don't have. Look at the blessings in your life, accept what and who you are at the present moment. Things you don't like about yourself or situation(s) you are in. Take control and change those things you can do...

Create your own universe for yourself.
When I get down I watch movies. I dip into stories about people who overcome hardship.

Here's a movie about a guy who gets so badly paralyzed that all he can move is his eyelid. It's a true story based on a book he wrote by blinking his eyelid while being shown a letter chart.

It's easy to get into a thought loop about your own problems. The trick is to pick yourself up and dust off your ass and make even the most simple changes in your life. I don't mean become a brain surgeon overnight. I mean things like clean your house and make your girlfriend a nice dinner at home with candles. Maybe lay out a picnic on a blanket on the carpet.

As to your girlfriend. She must like you. Maybe she's tired of guys who only want to show her their massive cocks. Guys who are all that and tell you about it are all that about themselves. Girls learn to stay away from guys who are completely selfish like that.

My girlfriend doesn't brag to her friends about my cock. She brags about the fact that I did the dishes or I made her and her daughter dinner last night. Her girlfriends are all like, "Gee can you have him talk to my boyfriend" he he

Besides, not all black guys have giant cocks. I had a buddy who was black sheepishly admit to me that he wasn't all that. Imagine if you were black and everyone expected you to have a giant �naked people movies� star dick and it was just a normal sized one. Guys who brag about their dicks too much are mostly just bragging. I bet some of those guys don't have huge dicks but they lie about it.
Coming from a guy who within the last year lost a great paying job that I loved, just filed bankruptsy and had a very sudden and bad ending to a nearly decade long marriage to a woman I loved dearly, I can say with authority that it does get better. The thing is, is that you have to make it happen my friend. The thing that I found, was that what I needed the most during the very dark times, (and I know this sounds cliche',) was inspiration. I began to take charge of small things first, goals I could complete easily, such as organizing my house or my finances, and with the confidence I gained from those small victories, I moved on to larger goals. I highly suggest starting a fitness program, especially weight training. When you begin to feel your physical strength grow, the strength inside yourself will grow as well. I also highly recommend following the programs outlined here on MOS, because they work, plain and simple. Nothing valuable comes easily, and it takes time, but it is worth it, it has worked for me. You are better than the braggarts, (who very likely have nothing to brag about,) dont let them win or even ruin one moment of your day. Soldier on! I am now making half as much as I used to make, but I am doing better financially however. I also have a beautifull new girlfriend who can BARELY handle the size of my cock thanks to MOS. I am building a new empire called my life, and despite the dark days I am gratefull and doing pretty damn good. So make it happen man! Hope this helped.
im trying to count my blessings and stay positive. i know im very fourtunate and im lucky compared to other people but i just feel like their nothing good about me. i appreciate everybody for your support
i have a black wife and i can honestly say it has been no issue whatsoever. had a few black gf in the past where it wasn't either. fwiw i would take a few days off, chill, phone friends etc and you'll get it into perspective.
Your life sounds more like fears you are facing rather than suicidal tendencies. Penis size is hard enough to deal with without us adding in stuff like ex-boyfriends, black myths, and other intangibility's. From a confident perspective each of these issues are pride worthy. Remember that penis size is not as important as you may think. You can take these issues you are dealing with and improve each one. You will get a larger penis here, you may make a love-mate for life, you have a place to live and a determination to finish school. These are all available to you if you only take.
gatordong;330158 said:
im trying to count my blessings and stay positive. i know im very fourtunate and im lucky compared to other people but i just feel like their nothing good about me. i appreciate everybody for your support

Where are you?
gatordong;330133 said:
suicide i havent been talking much on here but ive been a member for a year and couple of months i got and average dick on most guys and well i have a black gf i love her very much but all her black guy friends talk about theier monster dick and how they carry the magnums around and i feel that i dont give here any pleasure at all ive been doing excercises constanly for about a year anyways i just graduated high school last year and took some college classes i had to pay out of my pocket because my parents supposedly make too much but they couldnt help well i failed both classes by two points each and now i cant take the classes again because i dont have alot of money and i cant get a student loan because my parents have bad credit so now i dont know what i want to do with my life i got a small dick in my opinon im somewhat fat and i got no life and i live at home i think id be better not being around anymore.

The girl is with you... is she not?
I have been clinically depressed for most of my life. I can’t laugh/smile nor can I cry. I’m just emotionless. On really bad days I remind myself how lucky I actually am. There are people out there who are blind, deaf, paralyzed – who cannot move any part of their bodies, people who are physically sick/ill and suffering in hospitals, people that live in the streets with no food or shelter, people in countries like Iraq, living in fear every minute, people who are addicted to drugs and other substances; they are being controlled by they’re addiction no matter how much they want out. The list goes on and on.

Good luck youn man.
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