case study extremely big problem. HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE....

somehow ive ended here after battling this injury for al most 6 months. im in my 40's . i had jelqed off and on and pumped for a month or 2. nothing serious. felt better, and hung better it seemed. no real serious gains expected. just wanted better bloodflow and quality.

one day, i jelqed a bit harder than i had been, but no pain, and jsut for a minute. next day i pumped and accidentally went more than i wanted. no pain. immediately released and red along the base of the shaft. within the day it was gone. several days later i woke up with a shrunken unit and slight numbess on the shaft. had all hard flaccid symptoms.

was scared, so continued making my self have sex,. after a month or so, it seemed it was subsiding. i still woke up in the morning with a chub. but everything shrank to nothing during the day.then it started seeming like if we had sex more than once a week, it would traumatize everything and destroy my libido and size again.

very sensitive glans with burning /cooling feeling. shrunk all day. no erections. no night erections. then it would come back a week later with her, and we'd have sex again. eventually i figured out we had to quit for awhile. 6 months later, here i am. we just went a month of nothing. i still walk around all day shrunk to nothing. we had sex 2 days ago and it was great, but now it seems to be overly sensitive again. only time i hang normally , is if i lay down in bed awhile. but soon after i get up, its all gone again.

sensitivity/nerve damage, seems likely, but not sure. nothing feels like me down there unless im hard. it doesnt seem like i did anything too hard/painful to cause this, but i obviously did. not sure if this will heal ever, but i cant take any more panic attacks and anxiety. its hard to make it to bedtime every day. its the only relief i get.

it feels like i have half what i did on a normal day now, with no arousal. ive also noticed a constant pressure moreso while shrunken, in my rectum /perenium area,that tightens when i flex my penis. i get decent morning/night erections sometimes, and sometimes not as much. but im sure my anxiety day to day is effecting that . i cannot masturbate to get hard since the 2nd month of this, due to it irritating the nerves it seems on the head. actual sex doesnt irritate it as much, but it still does.

i always have the numbness/sensitivity issue to some degree, but its super bad when its shriveled up and burns. im just not sure the nerves will heal, and i dont know what to do now. im mentally exhausted and depressed. i can barely force myself to work or do anything that involves moving. it lets me know every step of every day what ive lost.
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well ,as ive mentioned. i dont want any PE nor any gains. i just want my original ,non stupid life back , and my fantastic wife. but funny you mentioned internal, cause i was just about to buy one of those today cause this is getting rediculous really. i never thought standing up or walking would be so life destroying till this.
You are correct. Your DNAs are programmed to do the stupidest things when we are under stresses. It's designed for ancient flight and fight adaptation when our environments do not provided the resources to survive. In the modern days, we have abundant of resources, but our bodies have not changed from their original survival programming. Unfortunately, we can't program our cells like a computer program. Well, not yet anyway.

PE requires a strong mindset, positive outlook, and constantly be uplifted in looking forward for the new gains. This is why this brotherhood uplifts one another and support each other with our experiences, wisdom, and knowledge. Stresses and negativity will kill your PE and your life.
So true
well, by thursday night, my pelvic stretching must be starting to show some kind of results. i got a LOT of those opening up feelings during my daily stretching that morning and night. and then later, my wife got in bed, and i instantly got hard and it feltand appeared normal again. we had sex for a little bit , (didnt finish). but it was amazing what difference it was from before. since then , all day friday and sat, i still felt those rushing feelings in my pelvis. and my flaccid size improved for the most part. feeling was better too. but of course, it kinda started going back the other way last night, and i didnt get as much response from stretching. night times are still the best feeling i get, and size. today wasnt bad, but not great. while im on my feet, i just lose all that happy in the pants feeling i ever had. i just feel almost nothing it seems. and constricted. its making progress, but its a rough road. its so baffling the feeling difference/or lack of i can feel jsut by sitting down, stretching, vs walking around and doing things. hard road, but im going on and trying more and more.
Good continue on this amd do more stretches each day and different kind of stretches
Looks like the activities and blood flow is truly what needed. Keep at it brother.
the blood flow is crap most days. i literally woke up the first day to this constriction. its just got worse and worse. its all starting to tighten back up on me today ,and im starting to get a little pain and burning again . its so unreal how this makes your junk feel like its totally gone. so unreal. but what i felt thursday and the erection i got gives me some hope some day. i didnt even touch my dick at all. it just worked. and strong. today,i wouldnt take my clothes off around anybody if they paid me. its night and day.

but now back like i was, i have hardly any feeling or anything. i just hope i can get out one day. whenever that is.
So happy things are getting better
at this point ive logged a lot of data and tried to compare and figure out whats going on. keeping a good head and jsut trying to stay positive. i know its in there somewhere(penis) cause it comes out sometimes, and ive managed to get a normal feeling(enough anyway) every now and again.

So, im not convinced theres nerve "damage" at this point. but not exactly sure. It seems so pelvic floor involved, and hard flaccid like from what im experiencing. ive continually lost flaccid size and girth more and more since this started. i used to get it back at night, but now it seems like its gone all the time mostly when my rectum is really tight, and i get tightness when i kegel. right now im tight as a rock again. i havent been able to recreate that relief i got last week from stretching like i did. but it happened. and when it did, my flaccid hung like it used to , and i got feeling back, and no pain, and full erections.

as opposed to when im tight, i get zero hang. very thin, lifeless. i cant flex it at all. I just feel tightness inside. And the tighter and smaller i get, the less feeling i have but the more sensitive the tip is. which is ungodly annoying and belittling. and when im like this, i can manually get an erection, but it fights me for a minute, and only gets partially there, but when im tight, i get premature ejac really bad. and when i have a partial erection, ill start to climax. if i ride that out and dont cum, ill get fully hard over the next 10 seconds, but its kinda painful from the pelvic floor up through the penis. at that point, it will stay hard as long as i like, but i want to cum the whole time , bad. and my erection has a tender spongy feel to it , and looks very flushed and seems like my length is restricted a tad. and just feels overall tight everywhere . something about the tightness does weird things here. and when i let it go soft, im back to restricted thin nothing again with no feeling.

when i was able to get relief stretching and i have a normal girthy flaccid, my erection was effortless. and i never touched it. that never happens anymore when im shrunk. never. and there was no flushing, or shortness, or tender sponginess . And i dont have premature ejaculation NEARLY as bad,... this explains a whole lot of early on when id wake up with raging erections at night, and have sex and everything felt normal as could be. Then within a few days, id be a complete basketcase and a numb shrunken nutcase. i didnt notice the internal involuntary clenching. and afterward, my flaccid stayed a lot better, and even had decent chub during sleep, and the next morning.

today was pretty tight and feelingless, but i had a couple moments out of the blue where i was in a certain position , and everythign seemed to flow for a bit. and i felt response when i kegeled, and things felt more relaxed. so i know its in there. but man, it doesnt happen often, and the rest of the time, its downright depressing, and painful . i cant consistently release this crap yet, but im gonna keep trying till i can find out how.
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Interesting. So, do keep observation on the following:
  • Normal kegel vs reversed kegel. Normal kegel tightens the pelvic floor and anal sphincter. This is the opposite of what you want. But do observe on what you've done to get the relief.
  • The mount of kegel tensions in seconds and reps. Keep logs on what you've done in intensity and reps to obtain that normalized feeling. This is definitely crucial to find the trend.
  • Positions laid or standing that you discovered to assist in reliefs. That may be something that could trigger the tightness from the pelvic to do the tugging against the penile body, causing shrinkage. This is both muscles and nerves from the perennial and pubococcygeous that effects this bizarre phenomena.
If we can get more info along the way using the approaches and observations, you might hit the nails on the head to find the methods to incite the ultimate solution. You may be nearly at the end of the tunnel.
i donnnt do normal kegels at all. not repetivively anyway. i constantly try reverse kegels, but it most times feels like it just wont relax to there. even if i force it. as i woke up this morning, i rubbed it a bit, and it responds pretty decent,cause im relaxed. better erection and firmer , not as spongy as when forced in daytime. feels amazing, but i gotta figure out a way to tone this glans sensitivity down now. all i wann do is get off the whole time. after awhile i can hardly touch it more than one stroke or 2. but its been out of service awhile
Constant kegels will benefit you in erection size and hardness. Reverse kegels don't always "feel it" but know they are working
Constant kegels will benefit you in erection size and hardness. Reverse kegels don't always "feel it" but know they are working
not with what i have going on. all i get is a sore butthole feeling. its literally like im blocked off from any blood flow unless i already have an erection from sleeping. or manually getting one. thenn and only then can the kegel make anything happen. i used to feel reverse kegels just fine. not so much now, unless its a rare day when i can get whatever this is to release the shrinkage and i have bloodflow
Your going to feel it through your anus
well. im not sure where to go from here. but ive been trying some edging every morning just to keep erections going and see if theyre painful ,etc. the last several days, theve worked fine and werent painful ,and look good. my flaccid size is still not my penis and thin and short. i cannot seem to get that back ever now. not even at night or morning as it was a few months ago. i cant seem to replicate the stretching relief and opening up feeling i had last week which resulted in an erection i didnt provoke. havent had one since. i have to manually get them. rest of the day is shrunk and no kegel response, etc. nighttime erections are still there, but dont seem to be near as strong as months ago, nor does it make me want to use them. pretty numb glans through the entire day. but a senstive tip that tingles some. but i can feel everything good masturbating. so good that its oversensitive and i cant last more than 20 seconds without having urge to cum. so, thats my day every now. it blows. i have to have some degree of nerve damage on glans to be like this i think. and i still have kinda a ghost burning.

the day this happened, i woke up smaller,felt smaller. had no sexual arousal. and from then on, it was a roller coaster of up and down libido which wasnt mental. no semen leaking before sex. still isnt to this day. and i had that all the time. i was a mental erection all the time. pretty much all that is gone now. what gets me, is that even though a month or so into it, even though i had numbness. maybe more than i do now, i remember getting aroused in the morning, and id carry that with me some of the day. and had spontaneous arousals. id even wake up rock hard at night sometimes. all that just faded, and faded, and left. i dont know what i did exactly, but i sure wish id never have read what i read and stayed where i was at. stuck in this waiting game with no direction or hope is not a very good time.

its all come down to my feeling being most of the problem i think. unless theres something really pelvic causing it to be numb. its just weird how nonexistant and tingly the tip can feel in my pants. but if i get it out, i can rub it and it feels really decent sometimes. and will get hard and ejaculate. other times i rub it (usually in evening after day is done) and it feels downright wrong and not good at all . those are usually days it hurts when i finally do get hard. i just have a hard time understanding hardly any feeling walking around, but great feeling when manually stimulating. im not sure theres a lot of improvement to healing being 10 months along, but im not real sure either
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well. im not sure where to go from here. but ive been trying some edging every morning just to keep erections going and see if theyre painful ,etc. the last several days, theve worked fine and werent painful ,and look good. my flaccid size is still not my penis and thin and short. i cannot seem to get that back ever now. not even at night or morning as it was a few months ago. i cant seem to replicate the stretching relief and opening up feeling i had last week which resulted in an erection i didnt provoke. havent had one since. i have to manually get them. rest of the day is shrunk and no kegel response, etc. nighttime erections are still there, but dont seem to be near as strong as months ago, nor does it make me want to use them. pretty numb glans through the entire day. but a senstive tip that tingles some. but i can feel everything good masturbating. so good that its oversensitive and i cant last more than 20 seconds without having urge to cum. so, thats my day every now. it blows. i have to have some degree of nerve damage on glans to be like this i think. and i still have kinda a ghost burning.

the day this happened, i woke up smaller,felt smaller. had no sexual arousal. and from then on, it was a roller coaster of up and down libido which wasnt mental. no semen leaking before sex. still isnt to this day. and i had that all the time. i was a mental erection all the time. pretty much all that is gone now. what gets me, is that even though a month or so into it, even though i had numbness. maybe more than i do now, i remember getting aroused in the morning, and id carry that with me some of the day. and had spontaneous arousals. id even wake up rock hard at night sometimes. all that just faded, and faded, and left. i dont know what i did exactly, but i sure wish id never have read what i read and stayed where i was at. stuck in this waiting game with no direction or hope is not a very good time.

its all come down to my feeling being most of the problem i think. unless theres something really pelvic causing it to be numb. its just weird how nonexistant and tingly the tip can feel in my pants. but if i get it out, i can rub it and it feels really decent sometimes. and will get hard and ejaculate. other times i rub it (usually in evening after day is done) and it feels downright wrong and not good at all . those are usually days it hurts when i finally do get hard. i just have a hard time understanding hardly any feeling walking around, but great feeling when manually stimulating. im not sure theres a lot of improvement to healing being 10 months along, but im not real sure either
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Sorry to hear that @Truth in Ruin

Sitting for the long drive, bearing down on the pelvic floor and perineal nerves and blood vessels, including the dorsal nerve bundles.

The hard flaccid seems to be more and more prominent case regardless of PE or not. It appears anykind of injuries on the pelvic floor triggers the HFS. Plenty of blog pages and forums are coming forward about this in the past decades now. I suffered similar HFS when I injured myself with my cycling routines in the past. It can indeed be frustrating but we need to be calm and relaxed while facing the injuries.

Out of curiosity, what supplements and exercises have you performed so far?

Kegel is not the way to fix but reverse kegel to relax is. Since my injuries (reoccurring during stupidity of youth riding), I use seat cushions to place my pelvic floor in constant relaxation. Reverse kegels while sitting straight to promote blood flow since I drive quite a bit as well. At times, up to 20 hours straight, then 5 hours downtime before another 20 hours of driving. Hydration is something I always encouraged those around me to do, since good blood flow needs good volume of water. Nutrients rich foods is part of my diets beside supplementing what I lack along the way, without any fad diets.

There are still too many unknown factors at play, and medical journals are not releasing the studies and results fast enough. Share with the brothers what you discovered so we can provide directionality to those who suffer HFS. Information overload everywhere.
Sorry to hear that @Truth in Ruin

Sitting for the long drive, bearing down on the pelvic floor and perineal nerves and blood vessels, including the dorsal nerve bundles.

The hard flaccid seems to be more and more prominent case regardless of PE or not. It appears anykind of injuries on the pelvic floor triggers the HFS. Plenty of blog pages and forums are coming forward about this in the past decades now. I suffered similar HFS when I injured myself with my cycling routines in the past. It can indeed be frustrating but we need to be calm and relaxed while facing the injuries.

Out of curiosity, what supplements and exercises have you performed so far?

Kegel is not the way to fix but reverse kegel to relax is. Since my injuries (reoccurring during stupidity of youth riding), I use seat cushions to place my pelvic floor in constant relaxation. Reverse kegels while sitting straight to promote blood flow since I drive quite a bit as well. At times, up to 20 hours straight, then 5 hours downtime before another 20 hours of driving. Hydration is something I always encouraged those around me to do, since good blood flow needs good volume of water. Nutrients rich foods is part of my diets beside supplementing what I lack along the way, without any fad diets.

There are still too many unknown factors at play, and medical journals are not releasing the studies and results fast enough. Share with the brothers what you discovered so we can provide directionality to those who suffer HFS. Information overload everywhere.
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The reason I sat on my floor like I did for 5 hours was because my anus was sore from the previous 15 hour drive I did… reason for the sore anus was due to how I was sitting… I was sitting in such a way to stay off the pelvic floor. It worked, but it was a pain-in-the-a** so I opted to sit normally during the second drive. I wish I hadn’t.
Yep. That was why I have to get my own type of cushions to keep my pelvic floor and tailbone off the hard surfaces. Ergonomic chairs pretty much. Long drive, I sit up straight, tilt slightly upright, and on the cushion to only engage my glutes.

When I’m on my feet, I’ve been stuck in Hard Flaccid. Almost always. When I have to urinate, the penis will switch to normal, then get hard again upon completion. I think I’ve noticed something, though… if I have to urinate, but get stuck holding it until there’s a proper time to go, I’ve it’s normal at those times. Also, when I lay down, Hard Flaccid symptoms go away completely. In other words, if I just laid around all day, I wouldn’t have Hard Flaacid. Also, Hard Flaccid goes away when fondled while sitting, standing ect., but returns to Hard Flaccid almost immediately when discontinued.
Yep. Blood flow is what you need. I watch Doc Hink, and he got some ideas right, and some wrong. HFS is unique to each individual, and this is why it's not fully understood. In your case, any blood flow and natural blood constriction helps with your HFS, include any minor blood pressure equalization across your lower regions. Standing or sitting all day cause blood pressure fluctuations, pulling the blood away from the penis.

PS- 20 hours is crazy!
20 hours is considered as normal when we have to push across the states on rushed projects. We normally do a 72 hours marathon, and may have do drive up to 36 hours in one go when someone got sick and can't switch. That was brutal.
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