
Oct 12, 2005
I am thinking about buying an extender, but I am not sure if it is worth the nearly $250-$300 most sites want for one. Some come with videos and pills and others dont. Can anybody recomend a place to buy one or if there is a good one availible on ebay. I will definatley post pics of my progess to see if these actually work.
Go with a Vac-extender if anything. It's fairly cheap and it has multiple uses. Check it out at autoextender.com. I have one and it is by far the best purchase I've made, including my LAP Dist. pump.
drew21 said:
I am thinking about buying an extender, but I am not sure if it is worth the nearly $250-$300 most sites want for one.

It's very easy to spend half that and get the same thing - or better.

PeniMaster and Autoextender are both half that price.
i an currently trying to develop a homemade extender iv gone thour like 20 prototypes but when i get the final easy bilding extender ill give u the instructions on how to bild or u can jus buy one but if u wanna try my homemade one first when i am finished constructing it i would be glad to help you out i was in ur exact spot u probly surch the web looking for a cheeper alternitev i did and i was pissed all wer like $300 dollers thats fucken bull shit for a pice of plastic and some metal rods and springs when i get the easy to bild desin i will let every one know becoue i know we all want a 9 hour a d strcher to where when wer not streaching i dont beleve in paying for penis enlarment and i dont belev in charging for one but DLD is diferent for charging becouse its like a job and i garente u his stuff is the cheapes on the web but not ony that his is probly the only one that works and u know this becoue he made a fourem for people to discuse and share secreats for free he is truly a good guy DLD if u are reading this u are tuly a great dude wut u do is helping hundreads of men and making them feel and see hope thanks dude ... so yea wen i get the blueprint ill give it to u dude
Thanks a lot I would love to build one. Its hard to know the good ones from the bad ones on the net. Everybody says theirs is the best and the others suck. I was going to go with a less expensive one, but that usually just means cheaper parts and not the quality. I dont mind shelling out $300 if I was 100% certain it would work.
I first bought a SizeGenetics (yes, I'm embarrassed to say so). It was about 300 bucks.

It was painful for me so I looked elsewhere. I bought a PeniMaster for 140 bucks and it was slightly more comfortable.

Quality was no different than the SizeGenetics, if anything, it was easier to screw the rods together since they used a larger threading.

There is very little difference between these devices and in many cases they are selling someone else's product and pretending it's different.

I got into hanging and haven't looked back - I just couldn't wear any of those devices for the recommended amounts of time.
I can tell you without a doubt in my mind that you'll be more than satisfied with a vac-extender. The head is incredibly comfortable, and it's also multifunctional. The other extenders are just that extenders, but the Vac-extender can be used as a manual stretcher, hanger, ADS, as well as an extender. Check it out and you're only spending around $130.
a i was wondering can u get an extender from a store like a sex shop or somthing or is it only sold on line
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