
Jul 11, 2005
Hey everyone, I was just reading Men's Health magazine, and I found this workout (see pic). Just wondering if this is a good workout, or if its just a load of crap. The reason why I'm wondering is because I have commitment issues. I can't seem to stick to a routine to go to the gym, so I think I might try this. Any thoughts?


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its mens health, do u think they would post an article giving you a routine that gave you what u want? Of course bloody not, why would u buy the next issue?

do ur core exercises of bench press, squats etc.
just make sure u work hard and put the time in.
like u said uve got commitment issues.
who is going to spend $150 dollars on an ebook tellng u how to be more flexible or $500 on a bodyweight program dvd? What a fucking ripoff!
fredski49 said:
who is going to spend $150 dollars on an ebook tellng u how to be more flexible or $500 on a bodyweight program dvd? What a fucking ripoff!

Lol sonuvabitch stole my i thought i posted that, was fucking wit my head lol
fredski49 said:
who is going to spend $150 dollars on an ebook tellng u how to be more flexible or $500 on a bodyweight program dvd? What a fucking ripoff!
Someone who cares about their fitness and is tired of worthless material that some armchair theorist or pencil-neck puts out for $29.99

The combat conditioning book is $30 and so is the combat abs. Best combo by far for only $60.
Dude, im2manly i mean...i did not steal your avatar for the last fucking time. you stole mine. look at our join dates...yeah...mine's earlier!:moon:
yea you did you son of a bitch!! lol bro just cuz i joined later then you doesnt mean you couldnt of stole my avatar and changed yours...
You can build some awesome pecs and tris doing dips, bench dips, and all sorts of push-up variations. Pull-ups and chin-ups will nail your lats quite well, and you can rig up a way to do rows as well. You can do good mornings with no weight for your lower back. You don't really need any weight to work your abs, so they are no problem. Legs are a bit more trouble to work intensely, but sissy squats(NOT for sissies), one-leg squats, slow, concentrated calf raises, plie squats, and just doing a qhole shitload of no-weight squats (once I did 500) will get em sore.
The exercises in that article are probably pretty good as well. Oh, and if you have a fear of committment you might want to get over it, because the one thing needed for any workout activity to be effective is consistency.
The best way to work out your body is through a Muscle Control program like Maxalding.

I know, I read these old books and didn't believe any of it but tried it anyway. I am AMAZED and the results! Especially my abs. Best of all it is free. I have done Body for life, Matt furey, etc. Btw, Body weight exercises are not that good for your joints once you have to start doing 300 of them like Fury states. Maxalding is the SHIT!

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