
Oct 16, 2015
Hello! It seems like my girth keeps growing which is really great ofcourse. But it's like my length gains has stalled. I guess i know how to get ligament gains if i would like to, i think i'm a pretty easy ligament gainer.
But what i really desire is tunica length gains. I want the shaft to really add some nice length. What is the best way to achieve this? An extender maybe is the only solution for me here?

I have done different variations of tunica girth work, but it mainly targets girth and not length at all kinda. I have been doing Tunica Tugs, but it doesn't seem like they do the trick. Perhaps i have to put in more
intensity on my Tunica Tugs, more reps etc.

My signature stretches that has worked before is basic stretches each direction & internal stretches. I grow a lot in length during JP90 until gains slow down, then i added Tunica Tugs + Internal Stretches and i grew rapidly with
these stretches for a long time. Now i don't know what to do. I don't want to pull up scrotal skin or make the ligaments so much longer, i want to get length gains by tunica work mostly. Seems like i can't find the hot spot for this.
When i do bathmate hardcore stretches it just gets off my penis so easy when i pull on it. Yes i shave and pump a lot to make it seal.

Thank you for some guidance! 15 days until i hit my 1 year mark. :)
Max Whitewood;685184 said:
Have you heard of Bundled stretches inside an extender before?

Or manual bundled stretches in all directions?

Yep. But they scare me a little bit. I got penile torsion by doing this. My penis kinda twisted. Could have happend because i twisted in one direction more than the other. Maybe i will go back to it again but be more safe.
I'm talking about regular manual bundled stretching here. Have never tryed/heard of doing it inside an extender. Sounds really advanced! You know any success storys with bundled extending?
Please read through SRT completely! This is explained in depth along with many other very important parts of PE. Read the entire first post and if you still have questions please ask.
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