Generally speaking, IP addresses are assigned dynamically. The one you get today may not be the one you had assigned to you last week, for example.

It is possible that a person may have been using an IP address and it & the user were tagged as a spammer. Later in time, you may be assigned a tagged IP address.

The site administrator may be the one to work with in determining exactly what is going on.

Some sites use a global service to look up tagged/dirty ip's, and prevent new accounts from being created by that specific ip address. Also globally stored are email addresses and User name(s) that have been associated with that ip. My opinion, is preventing new spammers from creating accounts is more effective than maintaining your own sites 'bad ip list'; given the dynamic assignment of ip addresses.

My experience in forum Administration, is if an account is discovered to being used to create spam posts, spam blog entries, spam PM's, then all of that accounts particulars gets reported, along with the evidence, to a global spam database. We don't allow any account to be created if it has been reported as that of a spammer in the last 3 months. Now, because IP's are dynamic, after 3 months, we'll give that ip a fresh chance.

For an existing account, that is limited in any fashion, or is suddenly rejected, the only path I know to take is to be in communication with the people operating/running/administering/moderating the site, and see if you can get things explained. Easier said than done, but not impossible. Look for the sites Contact us form, and try that.
Everything is better than �other PE site�...that ugly ass forum makes me puke
ChilDsh;650371 said:
Everything is better than �other PE site�...that ugly ass forum makes me puke
well I have not yet explored �other PE site�
master_mind;650377 said:
well I have not yet explored �other PE site�

Good for you,stick with MoS.Another weird thing i don't like about most of the PE forums/sites,you can't post nude the point in having a male enhancement site/forum if you don't allow people to post dick pics...its like on a bodybuilding/fitness forum you can't post a picture of you flexing your biceps..weird shit.
ChilDsh;650383 said:
Good for you,stick with MoS.Another weird thing i don't like about most of the PE forums/sites,you can't post nude the point in having a male enhancement site/forum if you don't allow people to post dick pics...its like on a bodybuilding/fitness forum you can't post a picture of you flexing your biceps..weird shit.
Well I love sticking my mind in here.
huge-girth;650402 said:
MOS is free and fair but know your limit.

Maybe the only good PE forums don't know bout the other forums maybe the PE gym but they aren't good at all...IMHO
acromegaly;650409 said:
12 years later mos still wins ;)

I ignore how do they work but i have obtained tons of support n good help from the bros here PE exercises,advice,true care,honesty,and even amazing of the reasons the brotherhood still works is because they do really care about the bros:)
At tp just make a donation, and they are more supportive than your own parents. You can't blame them since they don't commercialize.
huge-girth;650306 said:
When you visit other forums, you will share tears and realize you know too much about PE

Should I post hammer exercise in other forum lol.
I hope that donation thing will not allow MOS leave an asshole who is suppose to be banned but he is being tolerated because he made a donation.
That's why dld controls that button. It's his site and he has the judgment to do what he needs to.
templnite;650473 said:
That's why dld controls that button. It's his site and he has the judgment to do what he needs to.
he need not hit the button by his hand. Damm his dick is do big that most of the work is done by the dick. Lool.

Now I am going to be banned ( DLD please dont read this just close your eyes when your name comes.)
master_mind;650446 said:
Should I post hammer exercise in other forum lol.

Bro they dont even try any erect exercises and they are scard to do any kind of PE without a 15 minutes warm up..i think you will get crucified for posting that on �other PE site�.
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