
Feb 14, 2012
I started Penis Enlargementing a little over a week ago and when I first measured my NBPenis EnlargementL was 6" on the dot. I just measured it today and it was 6.25". I don't even know if that's possible or if my eyes or penis is playing tricks on me. Has this ever happened to anyone? All I did was DLD's Newbie routin twice a day, once when I woke up in the morning, and once before I went to sleep at night. Other than that it was just kegels in class or while driving. Should I just chock this up to begginer's gain or something? Someone enlighten me.
Twice a day you do the newbie routine? Do you get any kind of fatigue?

Also I would wait until a few more weeks to see what you have gained but it could very well be possible.
I'd class it as EQ gains, rather than physical enlargement. I don't wanna beat you down or sound like a dick but I wouldn't say your penis ihas actually grown until 0.5 -0.75. Lol I've worded this bad, I hope you get what I mean. Either way results are results! Congrats and keep up the awesome work man!

Yeah, also your diet and fat pad will fluctuate on a continuous basis. Use BPFSL or BPenis EnlargementL to truly be sure but you could be quick gainer. You never know. But, ther's always a but, the first month is priming the penis to grow. You've seen what's happening already so just wait for a month or three to be positive. Examples; health, EQ, diet, fat pad etc. etc., all play. So please give it more time. Thanks.
Did you measure in the same position? Sitting and standing can produce different results.
I measure sitting and I think it may be EQ. I'll just keep going and check again at the end of the month and see if there are any changes.
I'd say hats off to you keep going. It's sort of like yes it's bigger now make sure it stays that way. Congrats.

Wait till you use it. It's different. It goes in deeper and you'll notice the difference. he he
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