Hi everyone,
I decided to give it a try for a few months. I started DLD's [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] on 9/19 with the tunica twist added . I plan on 7 days on with no rest days. because with work I will end up with a few rest days due to overtime anyway.
So far I have done 5 days with two off (due to work)and now I'm back on schedule. I do need to take starting pics though but I'm not quite sure about posting them sorry.
starting stats:

7.5" bpel - 7.25 if I measure 7.5 with the wife measuring lets go with her's
5.4" eg - I will just have to have her measure all the time :)

6.5" nbpel
4.3" [words=http://fleshlight.sjv.io/c/348327/302851/4702]fl[/words]
4.4" fg
Wow man, those are great starting stats. You will have no problem getting to that 8x6 FAST. Good luck, don't get that 8x6 and leave us in a few months!
Thanks Alloy for the vote of confidence.I hope to get up the nerve to post some pics someday.I need to first get over the mental hangup from my youth of thinking i was average to below average.
I had those thoughts too, but they were true =). Yeah, definitely whenever you get that nerve up to post do it, I can't wait to see.
wreck said:
Thanks Alloy for the vote of confidence.I hope to get up the nerve to post some pics someday.I need to first get over the mental hangup from my youth of thinking i was average to below average.

You are very far from average! How does the wife get an extra .25":)
LOL It seems to be when I measure I get ruler fright or lose my train of thought and soften up some, I must be thinking with my big head. But when she measures I ain't thinking with the big head the little guy's in charge and he wants to be noticed !!!

Damn I took the three day off I need to get back with it else wise I won't reach my goal 8x6 by december --- Its going to be my wifes' christmas present shhhh don't tell her .:secrets:

edit cuz I can't spel evan wit the spel ceker
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I took another 3 days straight off Damn it .Things just seem to keep getting in the way.I was hoping to get a good two weeks in with the newbie program,but I want more GIRTH so I 'm just going to move up to the newbie with 600 jelgs per session anyway.I'm gonna have wifey take some starting pics tonight and start a log book to keep track of my progress.Anyone got a idea how long I should keep up with the DLD [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] and when I can add in some extra girth exercises.
Welcome. Your starting stats are where I am, but I've been doing this crap forever it seems. You'll be at 8x6 before you know it.

As for adding exercises, there might be a standard answer, but in general don't start really killing your unit until you are able to really listen to your body. You'll know what I mean when you can.

1/4" more when the wife measures you? Can she measure me? :)
Wanttobethick you have achieved some great gains there.You are a inspiration ! Have you joined the Girth Attack Soldiers? I will take your advice and work slowly and listen to my unit thanks.I have lots of time and do enjoy Penis Enlargementing.

almost forgot to answer your question.
I don't think I'll ask the wife though, you may hit 8x6 before me that way. lol You'll just have to find another way to get that extra 1/4" sorry :)
I took off a few weeks do to vacation, weddings, visiting, to drunk, hungover and excessive work to name a few reasons and only got to Penis Enlargement off and on for a few days.
I never did get to take any starting pics damn it or keep a record either .
But I did gain a .25 inch in length both in my measurement and the wife's !!! She also thinks I gained in girth but the tape measure doesn't agree with her so I need to get some good girth work in to hit 6 inch (any ideas ??) I only have 45 days left till Christmas to hit 8x6 and nothing to show in girth I might get to 8 inch BPenis EnlargementL just not 6 inch EG and I just know Ole' Kris Kringle ain't plannin on bringin me no 1/2 inch of girth for Christmas imagine unwrapping that present in the morning ---BOING---

7.75 bpel -- 5.4 eg
wreck said:
I just know Ole' Kris Kringle ain't plannin on bringin me no 1/2 inch of girth for Christmas imagine unwrapping that present in the morning

Are you on the naughty list? :P

Christmas is a long way off, you got more than 4 weeks to make it to your goals. Fuck the negativity and reach those goals or bust, you can do it. There are a ton of girth exercises out there, for me the most exceptional is the DLD SLOW SQUASH JELG.

Santa may not have time to bring you the gains as he is dumb busy this time of year:D
Thanks DLD for the encouragement and the tip to the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words] adding it in to my routine today .I really haven't had much time to read,post or exercise lately I could only check in for a few minutes a day.I've been extremely busy and totally exhausted at the end of the day but things are quieting down now and screw santa if he won't bring me any gains for christmas I'll do it myself because I'm back in today with a vow to "Penis Enlargement EVERYDAY TILL CHRISTMAS"

Are you on the naughty list? Hell ya but only when the wife measures
wreck said:
I'm back in today with a vow to "Penis Enlargement EVERYDAY TILL CHRISTMAS"

Have you stuck with the plan? Santa knows!:) If you want that big cock under the Christmas tree you have to stick with the plan ;)
Nah ,

I had a minor setback that needs to be resolved with a doctor and a few tests first. I won't be able to start back up till after my second visit on Jan 7th. I hope !?!?!!
Nothing directly related to Penis Enlargement but I did tell him about it and he seemed intrigued
wreck said:
Nah ,

I had a minor setback that needs to be resolved with a doctor and a few tests first. I won't be able to start back up till after my second visit on Jan 7th. I hope !?!?!!
Nothing directly related to Penis Enlargement but I did tell him about it and he seemed intrigued

I hope it all goes well. Telling your doc about Penis Enlargement can be real fun, my doctor is always blown away by changes I have.
I'm back to Penis Enlargement !!! I wasn't given a complete clean bill of health ,other things were found but no cancer YEAH !! The doc didn't seem to have a opinion to my exercising being harmful so I'm going to start with the beginner routine again.It help with my original problem before all this happened I hope it continues to do so. I'll take pics and measure to get my starting measurements and chart my progress It's been like 30 days I wonder If I kept any of my gains!
wreck said:
I'm back to Penis Enlargement !!! I wasn't given a complete clean bill of health ,other things were found but no cancer YEAH !! The doc didn't seem to have a opinion to my exercising being harmful so I'm going to start with the beginner routine again.It help with my original problem before all this happened I hope it continues to do so. I'll take pics and measure to get my starting measurements and chart my progress It's been like 30 days I wonder If I kept any of my gains!

Great News! That must be a load off your mind:) How is the routine coming along?
It seems like yesterday I wrote the above thread but working 70 hrs a week, vacation, house guests staying for a total of 6 weeks of which I truly enjoyed and wish they all could have stayed longer.

This has all put quite a hinderance on my quest still streching lightly on occasion but summers here work has slowed and the guest sadly have lives they must get back to and I now have the time? to renew my commitment to be 8X6 by Christmas LOL a year later but still a worthy goal onward and up no thats not right outward yes thats it outward lol, I will post new stats soon and we will see if I lost any gains.