mrchino;700664 said:a man can Dream but can you make it.happen . has anyone did this just curious I a ruler and wonder haha
deadwood187;700691 said:Not happening. Not in a million years or a trillion hours put in. Despite the "claims" made you ain't gaining 5" from PE. You should be happy with 2" in length. Beyond that it's hard or impossible.
You are setting your self up for failure.
kyomoto;700736 said:What's your problem? You're discouraging him. Don't listen to deadwood, it is possible, it's a matter of dedication and technique as well as planning. Honestly any time these skeptics believe in limits is where they limit themselves. Don't allow for limits in your life mrchino because thats when your mentality will drop negatively and you'll not be able to move on with PE. I gained 2 inches, I'm aiming for 1-2 inches more, it's very possible. I'm slowly seeing my progress. It just takes time and dedication.
deadwood187;700737 said:If someone came up to you and said " Hey man I want to gain 30 pounds of muscle by the end of summer". What would you say to him? Would you give him your rehashed tony robbins bullshit or tell him the truth? Would you spot him while he attempts to foolishly dead lift 4 plates per side or tell him to set more realistic expectations?
There is NO ONE online , that includes BIB and DLD , who claims a 5" gain.
It's probably possible. I mean most things are possible including me fucking Halle Berry by the end of summer. Is it probable? Fuck no. Hell, it's not even realistic. So why bother being a cheer leader?
You gain 2" you are lucky. Anything above that , it's rockstar territory.
PS. Have any proof you gained 2"? Every loud mouth on these boards clams 2" gain. Even that is difficult and requires at least a year.
mrchino;700664 said:a man can Dream but can you make it.happen
mrchino;700664 said:has anyone did this
MaxRichards;700748 said:Sure, you can try.
There is no verified record of this being achieved yet.
If you can expect to gain 33% length with serious PE, how big would your dick need to be at the start to gain 5" of new length??
lol well putpogzee;700761 said:its not crazy but the time taken will make u go crazy
mrchino;700767 said:I started at 5.5 n want to get to 11 lol big dreams
habban;700746 said:deadwood187 has a point by being realistic, and you also put up a good point kyomoto.
As no one has managed to get 5 inches before as i know? We can't say it's either possible or impossible. Who knows, maybe you can, maybe you can't. 4+ inches has been achieved, so the glimpse of hope is there.
Lets just saddle it with: We don't know if you can grow 5 inches, go try it yourself, and don't put the blame on us if you can't.
doublelongdaddy;700782 said:I think the biggest gainer measured and verified by multiple news sources is me. Plenty of claims on size but proof is not there. So I would say the biggest verified gain would be 4.25". Correct me if I am wrong. I understand that Bib claims to be bigger than me, along with others, but they have never proved it. Again, correct me if I am wrong.
doublelongdaddy;700782 said:I think the biggest gainer measured and verified by multiple news sources is me. Plenty of claims on size but proof is not there. So I would say the biggest verified gain would be 4.25". Correct me if I am wrong. I understand that Bib claims to be bigger than me, along with others, but they have never proved it. Again, correct me if I am wrong.
deadwood187;700830 said:Depends which version of his story you believe. He's given at least three documented "histories" and all have been contradictory.
If you take his last version of the story he went from 4.5" to over 11". He claims his pre PE penis was "infantile" (his exact words).
If you believe his story contact me. I have some great real estate in Florida I want to sell you. I.e He's full of complete shit.
doublelongdaddy;700865 said:Yeah, not sure but whatever size I ever got to he always seemed to be bigger...whatever!
Phoenix7672;700964 said:I've always said 1" should be attainable by anyone who is dedicated, 2" if you are lucky and stick to it for years. Anything over 2" is more or less luck of the draw/genetics and how your body adapts. For girth, sub in 0.5" for most and 1" for those who are lucky & stick to PE.
That said, no matter the starting point, I think most would be extremely happy with 1"x0.5" and ecstatic with 2"x1". As for if you can gain even more...well there is only one way to find out.
seven_wants_ten;700879 said:I'll just have to settle this once and for all and get bigger than both of you!
deadwood187;701031 said:My first 2" have come very easy and half assed. We are all different. There is no steadfast rules. You sound like BIB when you make broad statements like that.
There is no "facts" in this game. It's still the wild west in a lot of ways.
With PE you listen to Nike "Just do it". I have learned 90% of the stuff you read on PE boards is utter bullshit. You pull your dick- it will grow. If it doesn't you messed up something very simple or bought a BIB. You inflate your dick- it will grow. It has no choice.
EDIT: The BIB stuff is a joke. Even with BIB you'll still grow.
doublelongdaddy;701032 said:I would love to see someone beat my gains, especially from the Brotherhood!
Munto;701167 said:I'm on it too !
Devildog0311;701219 said:Friend of mine sent me a link to an article about a female US Army Soldier who bragged about a seven inch clit. After getting past being sick to my stomach, I ran around for the past few months wondering if she had a female version of a [words=]Bathmate[/words], or something close. Lol! Was going to post the link, but after finally reading the fine print, it said the article was a parody. Whatever I guess. I should email them, and tell them I'm pissed off over learning that I probably won't be able to grow like that freak did, which is a let down. Plus, I was hoping to find out what device a chic would use to obtain a seven inch clit! Lol!
kyomoto;701222 said:lmao [words=]bathmate[/words] for the clit wdf who would do such a thing, my god 7"clit bigger than average penis
Devildog0311;701224 said:I can't believe I believed it! Lol! I was thinking, "this weird chic probably invented some device that if I were to get one, could help me grow to the size of my shoe." What a let down! Lol! I considered that even when she's fully engorged, the hood is spread back, and even with downward pressure, a clit is usually only sticking up a 1/4" or maybe 1/2." If there was a actually a device that took her from that to seven inches... Wow! Lol!
Devildog0311;701224 said:I can't believe I believed it! Lol! I was thinking, "this weird chic probably invented some device that if I were to get one, could help me grow to the size of my shoe." What a let down! Lol! I considered that even when she's fully engorged, the hood is spread back, and even with downward pressure, a clit is usually only sticking up a 1/4" or maybe 1/2." If there was a actually a device that took her from that to seven inches... Wow! Lol!
deadwood187;701250 said:Women use pumps on their clits all the time. It's huge in the lez community
Brandimae Pumps Her Big Clit -
Devildog0311;701270 said:Didn't know they had those! Speaking of big clits... I like a nice engorged clit, but not sure about the pump for chics. A good size clit is ok. A massive clit, and I'm not sure about that one. I made the mistake of dating a female IFBB pro bodybuilder years ago. She injected testosterone, primobolan, nandrolone, plus the hgh, and orals. I'll just leave it as life was interesting with her... Lol
MaxRichards;701274 said:Did she hold you down and try to fuck you with her clit?
Devildog0311;701270 said:Didn't know they had those! Speaking of big clits... I like a nice engorged clit, but not sure about the pump for chics. A good size clit is ok. A massive clit, and I'm not sure about that one. I made the mistake of dating a female IFBB pro bodybuilder years ago. She injected testosterone, primobolan, nandrolone, plus the hgh, and orals. I'll just leave it as life was interesting with her... Lol
MaxRichards;701274 said:Did she hold you down and try to fuck you with her clit?
deadwood187;701277 said:There is this juiced up IFBB pro at my gym who goes nuts for me. She has a pretty face but is jacked so bad and when she cuts she looks like a monster. She gets to the point of sexual harassment. One day I was stretching in the matted gym and she literally jumped on me and said "we are wrestling". I asked her politely to get the fuck off and no we aren't wrestling. She was so horny but so ugly too. That exorcist voice, that square jaw etc. it's crazy that anyone would find this shit attractive. Any ways I was a NCAA Div. 1 wrestler and a BJJ blackbelt. I swept her off and mounted her and explained I will soccer kick her face into mush if she does that again. She complained to management saying I attacked her and my membership was revoked (LMFAO!!) Moral of the story? I don't know.I hate juiced up chicks I guess,
Devildog0311;701326 said:Sounds like she was injecting testosterone. Women can certainly do that at very low doses for simple hrt, but with female body builders, they'll often inject 200mg/week, which is half the replacement dose for men. Lol! And yes, the voice, and square chin. Masculinization from androgen use. Her behavior? Typical for a female who's using that much gear. Their clits are ultra sensitive from the exogenous testosterone (plus other testosterone derivative steroids), and they'll need sex five to six times a day. Last, you should have gotten her to at least show you what lurks in her panties. Lol! If you've never seen a chic with a small strip of hair running up her butt crack, massive labia the size of elephant ears, and a clit that's about half the size of your thumb, I wouldn't suggest starting. Lol! I don't date gym chics anymore. Lol
deadwood187;701358 said:Now why the fuck would I want to see that ? I am male. I like females. Not monsters.
Devildog0311;701326 said:Sounds like she was injecting testosterone. Women can certainly do that at very low doses for simple hrt, but with female body builders, they'll often inject 200mg/week, which is half the replacement dose for men. Lol! And yes, the voice, and square chin. Masculinization from androgen use. Her behavior? Typical for a female who's using that much gear. Their clits are ultra sensitive from the exogenous testosterone (plus other testosterone derivative steroids), and they'll need sex five to six times a day. Last, you should have gotten her to at least show you what lurks in her panties. Lol! If you've never seen a chic with a small strip of hair running up her butt crack, massive labia the size of elephant ears, and a clit that's about half the size of your thumb, I wouldn't suggest starting. Lol! I don't date gym chics anymore. Lol
LONGERDICK7+;701457 said:View attachment 32030 what a terrible thing
LONGERDICK7+;701529 said:sometimes they are real life people dont you think...hahaha not the kind of woman id like to be whit haha:O
kyomoto;701536 said:There are some kinky people