yea well i am being litle bit simple here in my last posts.. writing fast while watching tv, let my explain my point.
- If i were president of the whole world tomorrow, would i ban steroids ? NO i would never do that.
- i would problably legalice all drugs and put the coverment to deal thouse and get a real control of this stuff.
- but i would be 100% hard on most sport about this steroid thing, random tests and be more focus on clean up the sports from this.
- I would never ban steroids from Bodybuilding.
But if i would be God tomorrow, what would i do then ?
- i would go back in time and change things a litle bit.
- Steroid would never existed, the drug steroid would come in another form so the patients would get the medicine but there would be no huge Bodybuilders.
- Drugs like alcohol, cigareetes, cocaine and all this stuf would not existed B/c we do not need that shit.
- Cannabis.. now... Cannabis makes this post difficult for me b/c i look at it as a medicine, i do not use it much but i have done it for my neurological disese i do it if a am very sick (that happens like once every month) but i do it 1 of every 10 times for fun, or 3 of every 10 times for fun.. So it's a medicene
we do not ban this.
Thinking about No bear with footbal, that does not sound good but the thing is with alcohol,cicarettes,all bad drugs and steroids we would never know what thouse things are so the world would be different.
I did use bad drugs for many years, i like some of thouse drugs so much i think about them every bloody day.
I do not use this any more b/c i am on my focus/tough/iamtheman era. i can see how things are much better with out this shit.
I will use drugs in future i know that b/c i am just that man like most of us maybe and we live in this drug world so here we are and this is how the world goes.
The thing about steriods.. i used them back in the day, and i know very well how this stuff works. I was very strong and tough, i felt like nobody could touch me and i was just so bad as, but when the years go by i could see how my personality was not goin in that derection that i wanted to. I think most man would be very strong minded and though at first but in the end all of thouse that are not taken this stuff grow bigger as a persone. so my point is in the end it is not worth it.
but i will say that maybe some man thrive better on steroid all there live and if guys here think that then so be it, they could be right.