Disclaimer the following of what is said below may not directly apply perfectly to ever case of internet human connection, some people do connect on a more personal level but that only comes with more intimacy such as steady e-mails, phone conversations and so forth...but as a general idea what is said below is just cold hard truth.
Obvious Tips To Remember When Using The Internet: "Forums"
Below are obvious but not so popular said facts about being part of an random online forum.
Rule 1. No one cares if you leave! You may think that time stops, the earth discontinues its revolution around its prefixed orbit of the sun, and somewhere at some computer a fellow forum member is in tears and an uncontrollable sob, due to the fact that you won't be posting text messages at a forum that doesn't rest on you being there.
Now before any "big hearted" fools try to ride that statement, think about this the structure of the internet itself and man's true hedonistic psychique almost extincts the fact that people truly care for anyone but themselves when cruising online, besides this is the home of random insult attacks and hate, oh and tons of disgusting adult entertainment....
Rule 2. Don't believe the replies of "sadness" you receive, they are empty. Do you know how easy it is as a mid-ranked user to make a quick post saying "Gezz, sorry to hear this, I wish you all the best in life, we will miss you", it's so easy that people freely do it, besides it boosts one's own image in this fake society. Now of all the people that give you these 2 sentence replies, how many would help you in real life, maybe a quick loan, a stay, will you ever see these people, do they call you by your name or your username? Hey IronCock243 is coming over for dinner....no.
Rule 3. Don't get too involved mentally within a forum. I compare this to people who play those online games for 14 hours a day, you have to be a little off mentally to do so. If you take a step back you will realize that you are talking to random people (mostly assholes) over a internet pipeline that reassembles your binary (Hexadecimal whatever) packet information into images that appear as coherent text...it sounds really ridiciulous when you
Rule 4. Don't ever advertise your departure, unless you are actually leaving, and if you actually are, then even then its not always needed. No sane person gives a fuck if they don't see your posts frequently, and don't tell anyone you are leaving just for the aforemented ego-boost, the feeling of importance, the ever so orgasmic feeling of getting those messages of sadness, the filling up of a vacant ego, a feeling of importance, I do matter, and you will belive me damn it! Unless you offer something uncanny and addictive people with their fickle tastes will pass right by. It's pretty redundant to say you are leaving and then change your mind....unless it has a motive.
Rule 5. Once you are gone no one is going to personally contact you unless they need or want something from you. No one cares that you left, don't believe me? Then tell me this master guru or any given forum, how come none of them ever bother to contact you, or check up on you. So you left the place, but you still have an e-mail address, phone number, PM box, or anything else, if your essence was so crucial and so encompassing how have they possibly gone on without you?
I haven't posted here in about 2 months, and at the same time I would never advertise that I wasn't going "be posting as much or at all" to a crowd of "don'tgiveafuckers" in a wrong section of the site, because I know if "AncientChina" isn't around for a month or two it doesn't matter at all, no one would be affected. I also haven't received any PM's and no I did not weep, I didn't even notice until now....you know how gets a lot of PM's though they have been gone for awhile...."AC'sGirl", and we know why, she is amazingly beautiful and typical guys want to talk to a girl, yes a girl with a real Vagina(she is precious!), in simple terms they want something, and don't confuse that with actually "caring".
Rule 6. Don't take it personal, but this isn't personal! No one fucking knows you, why should they care? Remember that even if someone knows your first name, yes even your first name, so they stop calling you IronCock2034 and start calling you Bob, it doesn't mean they know you at all. All they could know is you are the guy who posts a lot of pictures of kittens and makes fart jokes, or worse they know all of your negative traits you display but they don't know anymore than you want them to know, so don't expect anymore of a reaction than if they heard that some random celebrity (people obsessed with celebrites need to masturbate more) is getting married.....If you only tell them how you are a conservative or how you like to jack off dogs...well that's just about all they are going to know.......right? The Answer is Yes, you are right almighty AncientChina.
Rule 7. If you don't care anymore, and you tell us you don't, then you must care. Simple logic people, if you truly lose interest and time in a forum, you wouldn't bother to waste 3-1000 times more time and post numbers to tell everyone how you have moved on and are above and beyond it, and so forth. Remember once you remove your ego-block or psychological needs you will see things clearly.
I hope others find this addition of the guide to obvious internet comprehension applicable in a whole shitload of cases. For those that would like to label this excessively mean or demeaning it is quite the opposite and its about time the PC police with their hypocritical viewpoint, and almost babyish views of the world drink a big cup of "Get the Fucking Real" and realize the world and mentality we live in, both good and bad, shitty and sexy, it's life, best to wear a big fucking helmet and cruise through.
Rule X. No one will care that I wrote this, and nothing or in a rare case very miniscule things will change because I did write this. Very few people will see this on the forum, I myself could read the rules, eh? You see, that is self-awareness, and it keeps the mind strong.