I'm kinda tired of taking crap about my bp vs nbp measurements. In case you don't know, I have a great BP (8) and a not so great NBP (6-7 ish) because of my fat pad. No big whoop. I just get tired of hearing about it when I post pics. Anyhoo, I was thinking about it tonight and I got to wondering, what does BP and NBP really matter? BP, yeah, because it is the only way to reliably gauge gains, but NBP? Only 1 person ever sees my penis, which is my wife, so what does NBP even matter to me? So I came up with a new measurement called UP. UP stands for Usable Penis. This is the amount of penis that you can stuff inside a woman's pussy. This is what she actually feels going in her, and for me, that counts a whole hell of a lot more than what some theoretical viewer might think if he or she saw my erect penis with fat pad.
Now, how do you measure UP?
I took two books and stood them on their spines on the edge of a countertop, leaving a gap in them wide enough to lay my penis in between. I took a ruler and set it under one of them, up to the edge of the counter. Getting erect, I pressed my penis in between the books as far as possible, simulating a sex thrust. I did not allow my abdomen to press beyond the books and my legs were pushed up against the cabinet, thus showing me how much of my penis actually went inside my wife's vagina during sex.
My UP came to 6.25"
During sex, I can thrust my penis 6.25" inside a vagina. I think this is a lot more important than how big my penis "looks" and I am going to continue to monitor what my UP is as I continue to do Penis Enlargement and lose weight, and see just how sensitive my wife is to changes in my UP.
Considering the fact that I am not a adult entertainment star or exhibitionist, this is a logical thing for me to start doing.
What is your UP?
Now, how do you measure UP?
I took two books and stood them on their spines on the edge of a countertop, leaving a gap in them wide enough to lay my penis in between. I took a ruler and set it under one of them, up to the edge of the counter. Getting erect, I pressed my penis in between the books as far as possible, simulating a sex thrust. I did not allow my abdomen to press beyond the books and my legs were pushed up against the cabinet, thus showing me how much of my penis actually went inside my wife's vagina during sex.
My UP came to 6.25"
During sex, I can thrust my penis 6.25" inside a vagina. I think this is a lot more important than how big my penis "looks" and I am going to continue to monitor what my UP is as I continue to do Penis Enlargement and lose weight, and see just how sensitive my wife is to changes in my UP.
Considering the fact that I am not a adult entertainment star or exhibitionist, this is a logical thing for me to start doing.
What is your UP?