What's the average size?

Hangingainz;737042 said:
So check this out https://www.theguardian.com/news/da...s-size-find-out-with-this-interactive-graphic

Don't know much about this study. Anyway girls exaggerating, guys lying and adult entertainment make u think massive dicks are everywhere. My measurement is a bit above 6.5 inches (16.5cm) NBPEL. According to this study here I am in the 98th percent in terms of size. WTF lol!

Woman are terrible at gauging size, guys generally lie about there size. adult entertainment warps our minds and adult entertainment stars lie about their size. Im 23cm x 16cm at thickest now thanks to PE used to be 20cmx13cm<-------------------- at this sizehooker who couldn't speak English jaw dropped open and she said biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig, a guy in my gym looked at me with a complete look of shock terror when he saw me flaccid, my flacid bigger than average erect. Average size probably 5.5x 4.5. <------- if you are thin at this size you dick will look big if you are fat it will look small. This who situation fucked with my head for years.I think im very very big especially for a white guy I had a size queen throw herself infront of my car to get my attention.
According to that my BPEL of 6 3/8" or 16.19cm 3 months ago is in the 97-98th percentile and my EL of 5 7/8 or 14.9cm is in the 88th percentile. That seems a bit optimistic there but DAMN that makes me feel good lol.
Hangingainz;737042 said:
So check this out https://www.theguardian.com/news/da...s-size-find-out-with-this-interactive-graphic

Don't know much about this study. Anyway girls exaggerating, guys lying and adult entertainment make u think massive dicks are everywhere. My measurement is a bit above 6.5 inches (16.5cm) NBPEL. According to this study here I am in the 98th percent in terms of size. WTF lol!
Man, this interactive calculator is fucking awesome! Thank you for sharing it with us! I wish they had one for girth too.
BTW, I'm pretty sure this study is BP so your BPEL is more relevant.
IAmSpartacus71;737058 said:
Man, this interactive calculator is fucking awesome! Thank you for sharing it with us! I wish they had one for girth too.
BTW, I'm pretty sure this study is BP so your BPEL is more relevant.

Really? So if my goal is 8 x 6 that means 8" BPEL not NBPEL like I've been doing????? sweet lol
IAmSpartacus71;737058 said:
Man, this interactive calculator is fucking awesome! Thank you for sharing it with us! I wish they had one for girth too.
BTW, I'm pretty sure this study is BP so your BPEL is more relevant.

I'm reading the actual study itself and it says -

Flaccid or erect length was measured from the root (pubo-penile junction) of the penis to the tip of the glans (meatus) on the dorsal surface, where the pre-pubic fat pad was pushed to the bone.

so it was BPEL. Not only that but they used the results from 15k measurements AND they had to be done by a "health care professional" not a bunch of guys reporting their size. That's a pretty good indicator of the quality of the results.

The only drawback to measuring penis length in a clinical setting is EQ might not be 100% with everyone. I could get and stay erect for measurements given the right circumstances (relaxing room, watching some adult entertainment) without medication and without a woman playing with me. Some guys would have an issue with it but they know the difference between 100% and 80% EQ. I'm sure as long as they were at least 90% erect (which is good enough for sex) they took measurements.

I'd like to see a larger sample size. Yes 15k men is a great sample size as some studies only use 1000 people. On top of that they excluded guys with ED, had any type of penile surgery, and guys who thought they were really small. That basically means they only used guys who were comfortable with their penis size and perfectly healthy. I think this is one of the best size surveys I've read.
cladre60;737087 said:
so it was BPEL. Not only that but they used the results from 15k measurements AND they had to be done by a "health care professional" not a bunch of guys reporting their size. That's a pretty good indicator of the quality of the results.

The only drawback to measuring penis length in a clinical setting is EQ might not be 100% with everyone. I could get and stay erect for measurements given the right circumstances (relaxing room, watching some adult entertainment) without medication and without a woman playing with me. Some guys would have an issue with it but they know the difference between 100% and 80% EQ. I'm sure as long as they were at least 90% erect (which is good enough for sex) they took measurements.

I'd like to see a larger sample size. Yes 15k men is a great sample size as some studies only use 1000 people. On top of that they excluded guys with ED, had any type of penile surgery, and guys who thought they were really small. That basically means they only used guys who were comfortable with their penis size and perfectly healthy. I think this is one of the best size surveys I've read.
Everything you said is true. I would like to add that if we assume that they measured with 90% erection, in theory their length when 100% erect would be 1 centimeter longer (and I'm relatively generous). So the average length would be 14 cm (5.5") and we are way bigger than this!
But still, I don't think it's true because of the reason you already said, that they measured only guys who were comfortable with their sizes. So theoretically if we take into account the guys with really small sizes, that will bring us back to 13 cm (or even less?). I hope you got my point... Do you agree with me?
Anyway, I think we should be proud because even if the average is 13 cm or 14 cm, we are way wayyy bigger than this and will be even bigger! :)
IAmSpartacus71;737123 said:
Everything you said is true. I would like to add that if we assume that they measured with 90% erection, in theory their length when 100% erect would be 1 centimeter longer (and I'm relatively generous). So the average length would be 14 cm (5.5") and we are way bigger than this!
But still, I don't think it's true because of the reason you already said, that they measured only guys who were comfortable with their sizes. So theoretically if we take into account the guys with really small sizes, that will bring us back to 13 cm (or even less?). I hope you got my point... Do you agree with me?
Anyway, I think we should be proud because even if the average is 13 cm or 14 cm, we are way wayyy bigger than this and will be even bigger! :)

A larger sample size would clear up some of that. It would also help to have guys who think they're small or large just to add to the data. I always thought I was on the small end of average but at least average. Even given if there was only 90% EQ for all those measurements that would still put my starting size right in the middle.... much better than I thought.

I always thought I was small because of a girl in high school who, after we broke up, told people I was small compared to her next bf. I had nothing to compare to except adult entertainment (thanks camera angles) so I never brought up size with women. Of course since everyone lies about size when they don't have to prove it, especially in High School (tell someone to get hard and prove it in a high school locker room and the whole school will think you're gay by lunch time) I always thought I was a bit small. Now I'm bigger and I feel so much better.

But yes I agree, more samples, include anyone and get 50k total and add in the new data. Accurate measurements of 50k erect penises should forever nail down the answers to size.
Still find it hard to believe this one. I'll accept that I'm larger/above average/maybe big...but if I use BPEL at 19.6cm, then I'm in the 100th percentile, or if I use NBPEL at 16.5cm, then I am 98th percentile.

Hell, if I use non-pressed flaccid hang at 13.3-13.9cm I'm still 57-71st percentile. Like I said, I'm above average, but not a monster (yet).
Last edited:
cladre60;737124 said:
A larger sample size would clear up some of that. It would also help to have guys who think they're small or large just to add to the data. I always thought I was on the small end of average but at least average. Even given if there was only 90% EQ for all those measurements that would still put my starting size right in the middle.... much better than I thought.

I always thought I was small because of a girl in high school who, after we broke up, told people I was small compared to her next bf. I had nothing to compare to except adult entertainment (thanks camera angles) so I never brought up size with women. Of course since everyone lies about size when they don't have to prove it, especially in High School (tell someone to get hard and prove it in a high school locker room and the whole school will think you're gay by lunch time) I always thought I was a bit small. Now I'm bigger and I feel so much better.

But yes I agree, more samples, include anyone and get 50k total and add in the new data. Accurate measurements of 50k erect penises should forever nail down the answers to size.
When I was in middle school and high school there were times when I was masturbating and watching adult entertainment with my friends, comparing sizes with each other etc. So I knew I wasn't small at all, of course some guys were bigger than me (one guy who served in the army with me was huge!) but many was smaller. So I was pretty confidence about my size but always wanted to be bigger and was jealous at guys with huge cocks.
Phoenix7672;737136 said:
Still find it hard to believe this one. I'll accept that I'm larger/above average/maybe big...but if I use BPEL at 19.6cm, then I'm in the 100th percentile, or if I use NBPEL at 16.5cm, then I am 98th percentile.

Hell, if I use non-pressed flaccid hang at 13.3-13.9cm I'm still 57-71st percentile. Like I said, I'm above average, but not a monster (yet).
You probably rely too much on pornography. You are not larger nor above average nor big, you are HUGE. Yes, anything above 19 cm (7.5") is huge, that is a fact. adult entertainment has ruined your standards completely, time to get real brother...
Women and penis size have an equation that works in most cases. When you are in love you are 2" longer than you really are, when you hate each other you are 2" shorter than reality. So if you have a 6" dick, it is 8" when she loves you and 4" when she doesn't! :)
doublelongdaddy;737145 said:
Women and penis size have an equation that works in most cases. When you are in love you are 2" longer than you really are, when you hate each other you are 2" shorter than reality. So if you have a 6" dick, it is 8" when she loves you and 4" when she doesn't! :)

Of course! I fell victim to that in high school while losing all my friends thanks to a girl, destroyed my self esteem and self image, and made the last 2 years of high school horrible. Bad time to go through that.

Spartacus we never actually compared sizes with each other growing up. However once I got through boot camp the guys who knew they were larger than average weren't afraid to show off but there weren't many. Still thanks to them and adult entertainment I always wanted to be bigger. At least I'm getting it now :D

I think they really need a larger sample size though. According to that many of us are already larger than average and I have a hard time believing it. I think the standard deviation in that study might be smaller than it actually is.

For those of you who don't fully understand statistics let me use IQ as an example.

The mean (average) is 100 with a standard deviation of 15. Anything within 1 standard deviation of the mean covers 66% of the population and 2 standard deviations is supposed to cover 96% of the population. That means 66% of everyone falls between 85-115 and 96% fall between 70-130. If you're in there you're considered "normal" and "average." Above 130 and below 70 are "abnormal."

According to this study 5.1" or 13cm is right in the middle. However the standard deviation is 1.33cm. So 11.7 cm or 4.6" is one standard deviation (still normal) and 10.4cm or 4" is two standard deviations and STILL considered normal.... and that's BPEL! So with how statistics works you can be 4" BPEL and considered at the extreme end of normal and average just like if you had an IQ of 70.

I think they need more data. Now it really doesn't seem right that 4.6" BPEL is average. On some guys that'd look like 4" with the fat pad and on others it would be even less.
cladre60;737175 said:
Of course! I fell victim to that in high school while losing all my friends thanks to a girl, destroyed my self esteem and self image, and made the last 2 years of high school horrible. Bad time to go through that.

Well thank God for PE! You no longer have to settle with insecurities from the past, you now can become as large as you desire and destroy those lingering demons of the past!
doublelongdaddy;737188 said:
Well thank God for PE! You no longer have to settle with insecurities from the past, you now can become as large as you desire and destroy those lingering demons of the past!

Yeah but all my demons won't stand in a straight line to be taken out one at a time. Those bastards!
cladre60;737175 said:
Of course! I fell victim to that in high school while losing all my friends thanks to a girl, destroyed my self esteem and self image, and made the last 2 years of high school horrible. Bad time to go through that.

Spartacus we never actually compared sizes with each other growing up. However once I got through boot camp the guys who knew they were larger than average weren't afraid to show off but there weren't many. Still thanks to them and adult entertainment I always wanted to be bigger. At least I'm getting it now :D

I think they really need a larger sample size though. According to that many of us are already larger than average and I have a hard time believing it. I think the standard deviation in that study might be smaller than it actually is.

For those of you who don't fully understand statistics let me use IQ as an example.

The mean (average) is 100 with a standard deviation of 15. Anything within 1 standard deviation of the mean covers 66% of the population and 2 standard deviations is supposed to cover 96% of the population. That means 66% of everyone falls between 85-115 and 96% fall between 70-130. If you're in there you're considered "normal" and "average." Above 130 and below 70 are "abnormal."

According to this study 5.1" or 13cm is right in the middle. However the standard deviation is 1.33cm. So 11.7 cm or 4.6" is one standard deviation (still normal) and 10.4cm or 4" is two standard deviations and STILL considered normal.... and that's BPEL! So with how statistics works you can be 4" BPEL and considered at the extreme end of normal and average just like if you had an IQ of 70.

I think they need more data. Now it really doesn't seem right that 4.6" BPEL is average. On some guys that'd look like 4" with the fat pad and on others it would be even less.
I know it's a crazy idea and maybe I'm wrong but what if it is not a normal bell curve but an abnormal bell curve with positive skew?
IAmSpartacus71;737215 said:
I know it's a crazy idea and maybe I'm wrong but what if it is not a normal bell curve but an abnormal bell curve with positive skew?

I was thinking the same thing...the overwhelming majority seems to fall into the 4.5"-6" range and us 'outliers' represent the smallest of percentages. Clad also makes a strong point that those who are not comfortable with their body would never subject themselves to anything like this.
IAmSpartacus71;737215 said:
I know it's a crazy idea and maybe I'm wrong but what if it is not a normal bell curve but an abnormal bell curve with positive skew?

There was no mention of this in the full article and there should have been if that was the result unless the article was not going to be peer reviewed and published in an accepted medical journal. I did not check to see on any of that. I checked what 2 standard deviations below the mean is on their handy slide and it is 4-5% which means the slide is an accurate representation of their results. That doesn't mean it's true though. It's just hard to believe that if you took 100 guys and lined them up that you'd have 46 of them ranging between 4-5.1" BPEL and call them average size. It doesn't make sense.

On the flip side if I'm at 6.375" BPEL it's hard for me to believe I'm bigger than 96% of guys out there now. Even my starting size put me way above the 50% mark.

The more I think about it the more I think this study has some flaws and it's more than just the sample. If it really is accurate I'm going to be showing my erect penis to EVERYONE and saying "just like my ASVAB score, 99th percentile!"
quazimodo_007;737223 said:
adult entertainment has done to men what fashion models have done for woman fucked us up.

Indeed. After staying away from adult entertainment for a good amount of time I have started to renew my mind. It was so hard in the begging as I had fresh memories of the filth I was watching. As time progressed and I stayed further and further away from adult entertainment my mind started to go back to 'normal'. I am in no way cured and I will never master this, I am a man who is fallible, but I am also a man who can see success in the smallest detail. The freedom from adult entertainment is amazing! It used to dominate my mind, all I did was get deeper into the mire of adult entertainment until I was watching some pretty messed up stuff. Today I feel differently, I feel happier, I feel more deserving of the righteousness Jesus gives to all who believe in Him. My life has improved on all fronts, my family, friends, the Brotherhood, my view of women, my view of myself! I actually like myself today instead of the hate I had for myself when I was doing those things.

God be with every one of you who are struggling! You are all in my prayers!
cladre60;737220 said:
On the flip side if I'm at 6.375" BPEL it's hard for me to believe I'm bigger than 96% of guys out there now. Even my starting size put me way above the 50% mark.

The more I think about it the more I think this study has some flaws and it's more than just the sample. If it really is accurate I'm going to be showing my erect penis to EVERYONE and saying "just like my ASVAB score, 99th percentile!"
Fine! Whatever! You know, I'm tired of begging you guys to realize how big you really are, so fuck it, I'll say what you want to hear anyway: This study is bullshit that created just to make you feel better about yourself (Yeah like they care about your feelings... ha ha). The truth is that the real average size is 14"x9", every men in the world have this size except for us (Didn't you know this? It's a fact! Unlike those studies...). We have very small penises and that's why we read studies that make us feel better about our body. Our penises are so small and tiny that we should be ashamed at ourselves for being way below average and not having the "right" size of 14"x9". Every woman should laugh at us when she sees our tiny cocks, because it is ridiculous how small they are and if she doesn't laugh there is probably something very wrong with her. Nothing will help us even if we would do PE for ever and ever because there is no hope for us.
Does it make sense to you? Is it easier to believe? Does it follow your perception of reality or maybe I was not generous enough and the real average is bigger than this?
Come on guys get real...
IAmSpartacus71;737299 said:
Fine! Whatever! You know, I'm tired of begging you guys to realize how big you really are, so fuck it, I'll say what you want to hear anyway: This study is bullshit that created just to make you feel better about yourself (Yeah like they care about your feelings... ha ha). The truth is that the real average size is 14"x9", every men in the world have this size except for us (Didn't you know this? It's a fact! Unlike those studies...). We have very small penises and that's why we read studies that make us feel better about our body. Our penises are so small and tiny that we should be ashamed at ourselves for being way below average and not having the "right" size of 14"x9". Every woman should laugh at us when she sees our tiny cocks, because it is ridiculous how small they are and if she doesn't laugh there is probably something very wrong with her. Nothing will help us even if we would do PE for ever and ever because there is no hope for us.
Does it make sense to you? Is it easier to believe? Does it follow your perception of reality or maybe I was not generous enough and the real average is bigger than this?
Come on guys get real...

What's toys 14x9 shit? You gotta be 12" girth for her to feel it! It's made for babies to come out of, it can handle that much girth! Lol

The thing that doesn't make sense is when you apply how statistics are supposed to work in any study like this. 2 standard deviations in either direction is supposed to be the outlying edges of "normal" in the results of ANY study. Based on my math that means 4" BPEL is the low end of normal. Come on, that's tiny.

I have zero problem believing the result that right around 5.1" is in the middle and you've got a swing in either direction that is considered normal. I simply think their swing of what is normal is wrong or, like you said, there could be a positive skew in the results. If there is they failed to mention it AND they didn't set up their handy slide thing to accommodate it.

Yes I'm getting very technical with all of this and really digging into their results. I had a few semesters of analyzing, interpreting, and writing up results of data. This brings back old memories for me and it was actually kind of fun to pick it apart.

I still think they screwed up something though.
cladre60;737302 said:
What's toys 14x9 shit? You gotta be 12" girth for her to feel it! It's made for babies to come out of, it can handle that much girth! Lol

The thing that doesn't make sense is when you apply how statistics are supposed to work in any study like this. 2 standard deviations in either direction is supposed to be the outlying edges of "normal" in the results of ANY study. Based on my math that means 4" BPEL is the low end of normal. Come on, that's tiny.

I have zero problem believing the result that right around 5.1" is in the middle and you've got a swing in either direction that is considered normal. I simply think their swing of what is normal is wrong or, like you said, there could be a positive skew in the results. If there is they failed to mention it AND they didn't set up their handy slide thing to accommodate it.

Yes I'm getting very technical with all of this and really digging into their results. I had a few semesters of analyzing, interpreting, and writing up results of data. This brings back old memories for me and it was actually kind of fun to pick it apart.

I still think they screwed up something though.

I've read about guys with 4" going to the doctors thinking they have micros and the doctor just saysthat's a normal size. Honestly there's never going to be a perfect study lol. Maybe we just subconsciously assume that bigger dicks are normal because of adult entertainment?? I agree 4" seems smaller than average and I know the study was BPEL but I'm just going to take the measurements as if they were NBPEL just to be safe lol
Hangingainz;737385 said:
I've read about guys with 4" going to the doctors thinking they have micros and the doctor just saysthat's a normal size. Honestly there's never going to be a perfect study lol. Maybe we just subconsciously assume that bigger dicks are normal because of adult entertainment?? I agree 4" seems smaller than average and I know the study was BPEL but I'm just going to take the measurements as if they were NBPEL just to be safe lol

As the prefix ‘micro’ suggests, people with a Micropenis have a relatively small penis. But how small exactly is a Micropenis? The condition refers to any penis which, when stretched, is 2.5 standard deviations below the mean size for the age of the patient. What does 2.5 standard deviations below the mean work out as? In adults, the condition refers to any penis smaller than 2.8 inches in bone-pressed stretched-length. So an erection, bone-pressed that is under 2.8" is considered micro-penis.
Hangingainz;737385 said:
I've read about guys with 4" going to the doctors thinking they have micros and the doctor just saysthat's a normal size. Honestly there's never going to be a perfect study lol. Maybe we just subconsciously assume that bigger dicks are normal because of adult entertainment?? I agree 4" seems smaller than average and I know the study was BPEL but I'm just going to take the measurements as if they were NBPEL just to be safe lol

If I was 4" EL the head would stick out when I wrapped my hand around it. Seems big enough but when measured it still sounds small.

I think I'm going to lean towards the results being closer to EL and not BPEL. Factor in EQ being a little low due to a clinical setting (which was touched on in their results) and it seems a lot more accurate to me. I have unfortunately seen more penis than I'd like (military) and while I know it's a different angle and therefore looks bigger there weren't a lot of guys that ever looked like they'd be below 5".

I'm sure we'd all love to see more results and hopefully someone embarks on that adventure.
It really seems like no one wants to agree on a real average penis size. I loved the results in the study that started this thread because it used set standards. They clearly stated the criteria was BPEL and compiled from 18k results. It put average BPEL as 4.5-5.5" and that seemed very realistic (although I thought 4.5" BPEL was pretty small to be considered average).

I came across this "gem" today


Now they're claiming to have used data of 50 studies containing a total of over 11k measurements. This is claiming 5.5-6.3" average. Then they immediately quote another that used 25 studies and came up an average of 6". They did not state which measurements were used (BPEL or EL) and if it was done by pros or self reported or both.

When the hell are they going to get the real, true, no BS average BPEL EL and Girth measurements?! Lol damn.

Side note - anyone know how I could convince my wife that while I love her I really want to do adult entertainment. Doesn't mean I want her any less, doesn't mean I want an "open relationship" where we can each have sex with others as long as rules are followed, I don't want to be banging co-stars off camera...I simply want to have sex on camera knowing other guys are wishing it was their cock getting the action. Hell I'd consent to occasional MMF 3somes where all focus is on her pleasure to make things "fair."

Damned it, I just want the world to see my cock in action making young, slim bodied, big tittied, tight holed women scream their heads off in pleasure.
cladre60;750335 said:
It really seems like no one wants to agree on a real average penis size. I loved the results in the study that started this thread because it used set standards. They clearly stated the criteria was BPEL and compiled from 18k results. It put average BPEL as 4.5-5.5" and that seemed very realistic (although I thought 4.5" BPEL was pretty small to be considered average).

I came across this "gem" today


Now they're claiming to have used data of 50 studies containing a total of over 11k measurements. This is claiming 5.5-6.3" average. Then they immediately quote another that used 25 studies and came up an average of 6". They did not state which measurements were used (BPEL or EL) and if it was done by pros or self reported or both.

When the hell are they going to get the real, true, no BS average BPEL EL and Girth measurements?! Lol damn.

Side note - anyone know how I could convince my wife that while I love her I really want to do adult entertainment. Doesn't mean I want her any less, doesn't mean I want an "open relationship" where we can each have sex with others as long as rules are followed, I don't want to be banging co-stars off camera...I simply want to have sex on camera knowing other guys are wishing it was their cock getting the action. Hell I'd consent to occasional MMF 3somes where all focus is on her pleasure to make things "fair."

Damned it, I just want the world to see my cock in action making young, slim bodied, big tittied, tight holed women scream their heads off in pleasure.

Not bragging in any way but no one on this planet has studied average penis size than me! I have every reputable study, every [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] study, every possible medical study and after crunching all numbers, time and time again. Anytime something new arrises that has validity I will also crunch but out of every study I have conducted or studied and have constantly come to the measurement of 5.5 x 4.75. There are exceptions one way of the other but for most of the world on average, 5.5 x 4.75. If you took the same study hear it would be higher average size because we are gaining, but in a world that does not include PE, average size is right where I pegged it.
Woman are terrible at gauging size, guys generally lie about there size. adult entertainment warps our minds and adult entertainment stars lie about their size. Im 23cm x 16cm at thickest now thanks to PE used to be 20cmx13cm<-------------------- at this sizehooker who couldn't speak English jaw dropped open and she said biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig, a guy in my gym looked at me with a complete look of shock terror when he saw me flaccid, my flacid bigger than average erect. Average size probably 5.5x 4.5. <------- if you are thin at this size you dick will look big if you are fat it will look small. This who situation fucked with my head for years.I think im very very big especially for a white guy I had a size queen throw herself infront of my car to get my attention.

When I was at 8 inches bone press, my fat pad was very small and I was told by a few women that I have a big penis. The feeling is out of this world.
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