Of course! I fell victim to that in high school while losing all my friends thanks to a girl, destroyed my self esteem and self image, and made the last 2 years of high school horrible. Bad time to go through that.
Spartacus we never actually compared sizes with each other growing up. However once I got through boot camp the guys who knew they were larger than average weren't afraid to show off but there weren't many. Still thanks to them and adult entertainment I always wanted to be bigger. At least I'm getting it now
I think they really need a larger sample size though. According to that many of us are already larger than average and I have a hard time believing it. I think the standard deviation in that study might be smaller than it actually is.
For those of you who don't fully understand statistics let me use IQ as an example.
The mean (average) is 100 with a standard deviation of 15. Anything within 1 standard deviation of the mean covers 66% of the population and 2 standard deviations is supposed to cover 96% of the population. That means 66% of everyone falls between 85-115 and 96% fall between 70-130. If you're in there you're considered "normal" and "average." Above 130 and below 70 are "abnormal."
According to this study 5.1" or 13cm is right in the middle. However the standard deviation is 1.33cm. So 11.7 cm or 4.6" is one standard deviation (still normal) and 10.4cm or 4" is two standard deviations and STILL considered normal.... and that's BPEL! So with how statistics works you can be 4" BPEL and considered at the extreme end of normal and average just like if you had an IQ of 70.
I think they need more data. Now it really doesn't seem right that 4.6" BPEL is average. On some guys that'd look like 4" with the fat pad and on others it would be even less.