Wouldn't we all, it's best to go for 1/4'' increments at a time, over the years they'll add up and you'll have that much closer to being big.
I'll tell some of you guys hell bent on gettin huge girth to be careful. too much girth can end blowjobs, anal if you like that, and sometimes make sex dificult depending on the girl. but that's only past 6 in girth. I thought I wanted 8X7 cause I'm at 6X6 right now but I think I just wanna aim for 7.5-8X6.5

anyway there lots of threads on sizes and possible obstacles so not discouraging you just saying ya should read some of the threads to make sure you know what size you really want.
No I mean when I have sex I have very little stimulation because I dont fill all the space I guess? I dont know, the girls seem to get off pretty easy to it but it doesn't feel great to me. Getting head always feels good though.
See my stats too. Allthough I'm happy with whatever I gain. I think the fact that I started out without a length or girth goal--just to get my woodies back--has made it easier for me to gain. I just enjoy the process of getting a bigger dick.

I always say, "It's not the gettin' there, but the goin' that's gotta be good!"
I have to agree with goinfor11x7. Ever since I hit my huge goal of 8 x 6 from an original size of (at most) 7 x less than 5, I have been pretty lax on what goals I really want. I think a 10 inch dick would be so cool to have on hand. Also I want at least a 6.5 inch midshaft girth. Something about a really thick penis that is appealing to me. Perhaps when I reach 9 x 6.5 I'll want to go further, to something like 10 x 7 or more. I'll have to reevaulate when I get there, which shouldn't take more than about 6 months I hope! In the mean time, I'm having fun everyday feeling, watching, and getting my penis bigger. It's like with anything else in life, if you're not having fun DOING it, then you're not going to succeed. Once you get past that anxiety of "I have to have a certain size to do x" then Penis Enlargement becomes a WHOLE lot more fun and beautiful. It's almost like a meditation. I treat it like working out. I have such fun just doing the act and feeling my muscles get bigger. I'm not worried about being a certain size, I just do it because it is fun, makes me feel better, and helps improve my overall physical, mental, and spiritual being.
10inchadvantage said:
I have to agree with goinfor11x7. Ever since I hit my huge goal of 8 x 6 from an original size of (at most) 7 x less than 5, I have been pretty lax on what goals I really want. I think a 10 inch dick would be so cool to have on hand. Also I want at least a 6.5 inch midshaft girth. Something about a really thick penis that is appealing to me. Perhaps when I reach 9 x 6.5 I'll want to go further, to something like 10 x 7 or more. I'll have to reevaulate when I get there, which shouldn't take more than about 6 months I hope! In the mean time, I'm having fun everyday feeling, watching, and getting my penis bigger. It's like with anything else in life, if you're not having fun DOING it, then you're not going to succeed. Once you get past that anxiety of "I have to have a certain size to do x" then Penis Enlargement becomes a WHOLE lot more fun and beautiful. It's almost like a meditation. I treat it like working out. I have such fun just doing the act and feeling my muscles get bigger. I'm not worried about being a certain size, I just do it because it is fun, makes me feel better, and helps improve my overall physical, mental, and spiritual being.

You're a man after my own heart!!!!

Well, I've just started out and I'm 7.5" x 5.75" and my first goal is the obvious 8"x6" but I think I'd like to get to 9" in length and probably 6.5" in girth or perhaps 7" if my wife can handle 6.5" well. I just want to be big enough so that (now she's had two children- some of you know what this does) I can make her eyes pop out when I'm all inside her kind of like what first attracted her to me.
When we first got together she would walk like a cowboy the day after sometimes and that's my goal- however big it takes!
Give me 7.25 x 5.5 NBP and im done. I think thats all I'll need to be happy for myself.. I dont know if a girl will think Im small at that size or not, but I would defenitely be happy with that.
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9 x 6.5 which will add up to about 8 x 6.5 nbp. I got about 5/8 left on the length but girth is a different story! I would be content with 6 or even 5.5 but my grith don’t like to grow <:(
I would like to gain maybe half an inch in girth to be at 5 1/2 but I'm already happy with my length just a tad shy of 8" BPenis EnlargementL. I bought a toy for the wife that was 6 in girth and she can't even get her mouth around it so I've decided that 6 in girth is not for me. If I didn't love oral so well I would go for 6 but I like me some head. Honestly I would be happy with the size if I could just get rid of this left hand curve I got goin on.
theimpalerr said:
9 x 6.5 which will add up to about 8 x 6.5 nbp. I got about 5/8 left on the length but girth is a different story! I would be content with 6 or even 5.5 but my grith don’t like to grow <:(

wats your stats. sounds like your sitting around my level im roughly about 8 1/8bp by 5 1/8eg

really wanting to get to at least 5.5 girth but it jst wont budge. so i have decieded to hit length again and going to reach my 9inch goal then maintain tht whilst concentrating on girth.
Personally I want a 'natural' 8x6.

Meaning I don't use anything besides my own hands. I've got a ways to go, but we'll see what happens with time - good luck to everyone with their goals :)
the perfect size for me is 7 inches in length!!but non bone pressed!the bone pressed will be something like 7.5!!7 inches is great i suppose!and 6.25"in girth!!that is what i suppose tha perfect cock!and if i can maintain an erection of steel for 45 minutes!!i would be the best lover she had(combined with oral sex of course)i believe that goals such as 9" in lenght are too much!!i was 6 " erect 3 months ago and i was hiting the cervix!and my ex girlfriend was hurting!!i believe 7"would be great and easy to achieve!!besides!!when you have 7 " cock you can tell than you have 8"cock to your girlfriend!she cant realise the difference!and if you have some girth she would be tottaly under your knees!!so my vote is for 7" *6.25" or bpel7.5*6.25" and 6.5" at the base to stimulate all the nerves and the clitoris!!!thats the way!!!the perfect cock!besides!if you are too long then its probable that you cant maintain an erection!!with a thick base you can supply the penis with blood and to maintain it hard!and i dont know about you guys ,but i would never take viagra!!my father is 57 and she fucks my mother twice a week and they are married 31 years now!and he is not taking viagra!!!so..i will follow his example!i am too young to take viagra!!you can be addicted to a medicine..thats common trouth!!

length non bone pressed and the girth well just for girth.
i am in peace with that cause at my level now i already feel kind of big,but not yet long enough.
7.25-8 x 5.5-6 bpel doesn't seem like much but I know during sex you're prolly pushing in upto .5 extra fatpad hidden inches so if I get to 7.25 that should get me around 6.5" NBPenis EnlargementL and then I'll be pushing in upto 7...which is all I want.
My way of looking at it right now is that I will measure after my first month and hope to achieve similar gains each successive month. I dont really have a long term goal but my big concern is mid shaft girth. I would like to get up to 5.5 or 6 long term to make sex feel a little tighter. I dont care (at least right now) if I ever get past 7 nbp or so in length. Having said that and knowing myself I'll probably keep going till I hit 9 rofl
I'm going for 9 x 6 as a goal. Since I just started we'll see how that goes. If I like what I see when I get there I'll stop, if I like it a lot I may keep going, lol.