as far as i know its when you kegel as much blood into the penis and get the hardest possible erection. then with one hand grip the base of the penis with a palm up or palm down "ok" grip and hold the blood thats in there (may also be extra kegels at this point)
Palm down, okay grip near the base.

With a semi-erect cock, squeeze near the base of your cock (and pull towards the head at the same time) and then squeeze your cock with your ring finger and pinkie, which will be near the head of your cock. Do the squeezing with the ring finger and pinkie using a pumping motion and hold each squeeze for approximately one second.

You can do these immediately after a jelq session while you still are lubed up or you can do them separately by themself. Either way, go by feel and once you've gotten sufficient blood moving in your cock, make each rep count. Squeeze hard and you will feel the head of your cock expand to its max.

Uli said he would do 5 reps with one hand then switch to the other hand and do 5 more, back and forth until he had done a total of 50. I was doing that but now I go by feel and once my cock no longer feels like it's swelling I call it quits but its way more than 50 reps, usually 5 to 10 minutes worth...after the session is over my cock looks like it belongs to someone else. I prefer to do them with baby powder just because of getting a better grip but I would advise you to put a little lotion on the head of your cock if you do it dry before your workout because your head is gonna massively expand.

(I've been sick for a week now so I look forward to my next Uli workout)